"On December 15th at 6:30PM 15,000 John Podesta emails never before released to the public as well as the passwords to two of the Wikileaks Insurance Files will be published here for download."
Dead Mans Switch Activated!
Other urls found in this thread:
>Sup Forums is falling for another countdown website
Super Bump
post the password or stfu about it being released.
Legit? Looks pretty weird. If the info is so damning the site will be dead before the countdown ends.
ill get excited tomorrow when it matters, till then...
>suppose to
If this was real the person who made this would be smart enough to spell.
I've already solved it
>be sure to drink your Ovaltine
If you don't get this reference you are a broke nigger faggot
If this was real a countdown is a stupid way to do it.
No real release has been done this way, if it was real it would of gone on wikileaks.
>this nigga
You'll shoot your eye out
Fake and gay. The feds could easily shut down the website, especially if it WAITS TO RELEASE
Is this a shitposting thread?
Wikileaks is compromised dummy
Fuck off, it's gunna be some anti-abortion shit or some nog trying to promote his mixtape
Fucking badselfeater.
keks will it is
>countdown ends
>Its another anti-abortion video
Digits confirm
Nice try, troll. I'm not downloading your virus!!
Go back to /x/. This board is for politics.
What if the files really are just GB's of dolphin porn?
I have my doubts, but
seeding the two smaller files at 5mb/s btw
>podesta emails
If any of you went to that link in the OP, people that want to make your life difficult now have your IP address
Honeypot for retards. Calling it.
Assange is dead though.
i dont get it? someone explain it to me.. is it chocolate milk>pizza>pizzagate?
Son of a bitch!
Who fucking cares. Google the phrase an put yourself on a watch list if you want.
This is one of those "Circadia" things. No wonder things like the "white helmet" propaganda are such fuck ups.
tis the season. ready to watch it 20 times in a row
I triple dog dare ya!
We're all already on a list for coming here my dude
must be italian
you're on a list for coming here, your family's on the list for being related to you, their friends, their family
Too late. Joke's on them. I have no life.
i fucking care. a little googling say ovaltine is a russian company, possible ties to putin? maybe its what connects russia to pizzagate?
>Its another video about abortions.
are you trolling right now?
no im trying to solve a fucking mystery. fucking kids and your trolololo. not everyone is like you faggot
Meh. We'll see tomorrow.
delete your account
Be sure = John Podesta (Podesta always seems so sure about stuff)
to drink = to fuck
your ovaltine = young black kids (ovaltine is dark and the precursor to the drink. i.e. its the young version of the drink)
so podesta fucks young black kids
6YMqvn/y is a known shill. do not engage, user.
I hope it's a rickroll can't wait.
Set an alarm 5 minutes prior, just in case it's something.
>inb4 6:30, not 5:30
I'm in Central Time, so I assume they meant 6:30 PM Eastern. Either way, I won't miss it.
would be pretty crazy if i was known for literally anything.
anyways we might be on to something with the black kids. possibly black kids from russia? maybing going to russia? i cant just leave the russian connection out of the picture.
chocolate milk has been a meme forever, what could this mean"?
>they haven't already tried making my life difficult by socially engineering white birth rates to drop, disenfranchising half of America against the other, and flooding white countries with 3'rd-world savages who bomb and decapitate us on the regular, while legislating our freedoms away with increasing boldness
But no, by all means, don't fight back, we have so much to lose, or something.
whatever it is, it may be enough to force proof of life for Assange. could be a trap for the fedz.
Never seen this smdh insane
user... I don't know what to say, I'm embarrassed to share the same flag
If it sounds too good to be true, then it is.
Assange is dead, and the truth died with him.
I suspect YUGE faggotry, but we'll know tomorrow I guess.
It looks like directories are viewable if you want to look around.
BUMP. This is Huge guys, please download and subscribe, thanks everyone!
Did it die with brietbart?
'44' btw
Domain registered in PANAMA. Registrar info private.
Are we going to remove the pederast cancer?
this is obviously bait... holy fuck you're an idiot.
like LOOK at the name of the website and take yourself seriously, you can't.
I-it it was sssssoooaappp..... Poisoning
"A facebook group was created called "Where is Julian Assange?" from said group a number of people involved started investigating very heavily into all of the details surrounding Assange's disappearance as well as the information that was being tampered with on Wikileaks file system. During their investigation, they were able to extract 15,000 John Podesta emails that were never published as well as discovered the passwords to two of the WikiLeaks Insurance files when one member successfully broke into the email system used by the original members of Wikileaks.
The lead person running the investigation decided what they had found was too risky to release, if Assange was still alive and these were the only things keeping him alive, he would surely be killed as well as had concerns for his own safety."
"The lead member of the investigation from the Facebook group has decided to move forward with releasing all of the information uncovered as if Assange was around he would want nothing more than to protect the safety of the people of the United States but also the entire world from these dangerous politically motivated actions these people are about to make on false information and the free spread of information under freedom of the press."
"They immediately stopped investigating any further after only having a chance to review less than 1/5th of the contents and decided it was best to let the professional activists do what they do best to avoid becoming targets themselves by these very dangerous people. As time progressed we reached the point we are at today, The US Government is continuing to engage in pushing this very false information and the truth must be exposed."
Sounds too well-written to be real. Bullshit marketing campaign that will link to some upcoming movie about the NSA. If they had something, they'd release it instantly without any fancy timers.
Report all such threads with this link as viral marketing, we've had fucking enough of them already. Rantic can fuck off
>mfw it's anti-abortion propaganda
This. No fucks given after bad self eater
interesting. the mods are really trying to bury this thread.
Sup Forums gonna get btfo again
all those threads for a fucking abortion video hahahah
>replying to other posts with arbitrary shit to bump your thread
tough luck pal, that no longer works lmao
cucks live in Bulgaria too!
I hope when it hits 0 we get an enlarged meatspin clone website.
>tfw memories of watching Alex Jones live coverage of the Assange press conference at 4:00AM EST when absolutely nothing was announced
Lots of sliding shieeeeet it d rusheens
looks legit yes
>countdown finishes
>full goatse video plays
Is the goatse guy still alive and doing stuff these days?
He eventually turned his asshole inside out and he's now a giant puckered starfish.
Fake and gay