Why don't you live in New England?
>whitest part of the country
>highest IQ
>high paying jobs
>highest HDI
>beaches, ocean, lakes, mountains, forests
>4 seasons
Why don't you live in New England?
>whitest part of the country
>highest IQ
>high paying jobs
>highest HDI
>beaches, ocean, lakes, mountains, forests
>4 seasons
I'll consider New Hampshire, but as for the rest of it the answer is jews
Maine fag here. It sure is white, but heating costs are out of control, we have Somali immigration problems, living costs are out of control, oldest population in the country, and no high tech or high paying jobs.
IM MAINE TOO! Portland my white friend
Maine is the whitest state in USA. Our biggest problems are Somali shitheads in three major urban areas and then some French Canadians
Too close to Canada.
CT is turning into an impossible place to live. Crime, taxes, traffic and not enough high paying jobs. Been here my whole life.... looking to move to more tax friendly and warmer climbs.
Move to Portland Maine amigo. Big underground conservative movement here if you're into that. If not its just a good place to live. Cheap as hell, great food, lots to do.
>not living in new england
>blacks stay in the cities
>beautiful leaves
>all 4 seasons
>not eating Lobster for every meal
Outside of Massachusetts, there's just nothing there.
There is nothing like eating a good lobster roll after a day of skiing.
What is HDI?
new england is master race
Mainefag reporting in. Bangor area.
No jobs in this area at all, and definitely nothing high paying. Worst problems are living costs being high but everyone I know is poor as dirt and there's no jobs. The Somali problem isn't really that bad around here because they're only seasonal workers and they leave in the fall.
Glad we have constitutional carry though.
Connecticut here. Great Place to live, I agree. Unfortunately we have some spill over of non-whites in my area from New York, but still beats the South or anywhere else like that.
I thought Portland was expensive as hell go live in and has loads of drugs and crime.
Bangor sucks. It's not close to anything interesting.
I live in New Hampshire and its expensive as hell to live here.
I'll admit the taxes and traffic are a pain, but crime? I'm not sure where you live, CT is pretty low on crime outside of the shit cities that are only inhabited by negroes and hispanics. Also don't worry, Republican governor and state house majorities coming in 2018.
Australian meme
Shit, I have family there, is it any worse than it was about 5 years ago.
i live in mobile alabama, mild winters, you can get drugs whenever you want, theres beaches everywhere, good food, CHEAP AS FUCK rent, food, taxes, guns, fuck the north east
No not at all. Unless you're down in the pebble street area it's beyond safe. You can walk around a 3AM and nobody will even look at you. As far as expense its not as cheap as rural Maine, but for a city it's really cheap. People get nice studio apartments and only work as waiters.
Full of liberals.
It is significantly better amigo. Portland cleaned itself up. Some of the best food on the east coast
I was born and raised in Boston. The education is top-notch, but the cost of living is outrageous! I recommend going to school in New England and moving to a better climate once you start working. Also, people tend to be less friendly in New England - not sure why; maybe the weather, maybe the Puritan influence?
pretty sure white flight is happening here though, i dont really care much though cause blacks dont scare me, they treat me normal, just dont dress like a cuck and dont say stupid shit to obvious niggers
This is the biggest thing holding me back on Maine. No prospect for local employment.
Liberals infest your areas with high paying jobs and waterfront, so no, I'll stay in the Midwest, thank you.
North of Portland and especially north of Bangor is white as fuck. It's whiter than most European countries, though I don't know if that's saying much anymore.
>filled with cucks
Because I would rather die than live in that shit-stained rock known as the North, let alone with you parasites.
Yeah it is a problem. If you're in computer science it's good though. people work remotely too.
puritan influence, this is why i live down south, cant fucking stand cold rude ass cucks, i hold doors for everyone and everyone says please and thank you, black or white male or female
That's nice, not that it was shit five years ago, but I was simply afraid it was shit now due to Somalis and other rapey peoples
NYC fucked Connecticut and Massachusetts is ruining or has ruined mostly everything else
NH is in a dangerous spot. Massholes are flooding the state in droves to avoid the lifestyle they imposed upon themselves.
Hey, I live in Portland too! Crime has been rising around here recently. Nobody ever gives any explanation for it, it's just "thefts have increased." They especially don't mention that the rise in crime correlates almost exactly with the rise in Somalians.
Even Portland is white as you get out of the downtown. The best place is the Swedish communities that have gorgeous women
Rhode Island Fag.
The Colleges are filled with SJWs and the inner city is full of Hispanics but hey, at least the weather is nice and there seem to be a good number of Black People and not Niggers. Also no Arabs, I bet its the weather that keeps them away.
Nice to see so many New Englanders.
Also am I the only one who misses the mafia keeping away the gangs? I remember there werent so many random acts of violence before. Or at least not reported.
Somalis aren't a huge problem as of recently. It's mostly rich retired people and young families who pump money in. Being poor here I image sucks though.
nah its just fuckin heroin, if people are stealing shit, but also probably somalians on heroin too now lmao
West in fag here! It's civil up here.
Fuck off, go back to prank calling Ghost like a nigger and shitposting in the TCR thread
Portland, Lewiston and what other city?
>still vote democrats like huge cucks.
Mainer here. Glad I live in a really white part. My liberal teacher was saying "I wish there was more diversity"
>Big underground conservative movement
We cant help it. Too many cities where leeches ask for gibs.
Because I like not being surrounded by elitist gay lords, old Jewish and WASP families, and I hate raking.
>PNW master race reporting in.
Bangor has a small population and so does Westbrook. York county has a small number. They are annoying but the government keeps them in contained communities.
CT dude here. If Malloy doesn't leave in 2018 this state will unfortunately die a slow death. I'm willing to defend CT to the teeth, but an apathetic governor and profit-driven Democrats are ruining it. Hopefully they get their shit together.
At least Maine is filled with people who care about guns a lot
you just hate us from the north because of "the war of northern aggression".
Expensive as fuck but crime isn't that bad compared to other cities the same size.
Northern NH is pretty cheap.
they are the biggest cucks in the US.
Winter is not my friend. I must have nog blood under this vampire white skin.
It's worse. Crime has gone up and hipsters have driven the rents way up.
I can't believe it, there's more than 1 of us??
Lake region/naples here.
Maine is great but fuck portland and it's burbs. Masshole and hipster hell.
Fellow West-ender! Surrounded by far-left feminist "patriarchy" type people, it's comforting to know that there's another Sup Forumsack in the same part of town.
most of the Jews live there
Southcoast Masshole (Fall River) here. You don't want to come here. Trust me, I've lived here for all 28 years of my life and I'm desperate to leave.
Definitely pick one of the surrounding suburbs instead. Westport's nice if you want a feeling of Deliverance banjos every road you drive down.
>the higher the concentration of niggers the more white votes he gets
tell me more
It's spelled Preble and you can't get a studio apt there without roomates on a waiter's salary.
I do
Sorry, even if that illiterate bastard is gone after this term CT is already dead. Liberalism has killed my lifelong home.
well, if you include NYC
>great food
>Big underground conservative movement
lolwut? The conservative movement is everything north of here. This place is libfag central.
I own a condo in Bartlett NH. Dirt cheap fees and the place cost me next to nothing. South NH you get more people from Massachusetts (where I live. end me please) which is why its more expensive.
>live around black people
>start loving Trump
It's better than other parts. Just a bunch of Lesbians and Old people
No. It just got more expensive. Still smells like bums and the $50 steak is no better than the $20 steak from five years ago.
and a bunch of cucks
Vermont needs about 3000+ more woke whites to become reliably red. That's not really very many people in the grand scheme of things. In Vermont your vote will have more power than multiple California voters with the electoral college system. If you are considering New England for this reason, consider Vermont. It's the quickest win.
Too cold.
I live on Long Island and it's cold enough over here.
Too close to Canada too.
Definitely can. Look at places like state street.
We need to make it so that every state votes like Mississippi. Imagine what we could accomplish if whites started voting as a bloc.
Any rural Mainefags here? I was originally considering moving to one of the coastal cities until I found out they're full of liberals.
What's it like out in the sticks? Do you guys get lots of Somalis or are they mainly in the cities? Any good jobs?
I am planning to move to Maine and invest heavily in the "Green" market that is now going to emerge. I'll be there soon user, to live in the snow like my ancestors.
Fuck this place.
t. Man living in Connecticut
I've actually never visited the US but am thinking about visiting a red state. Is New England the best place to visit? I don't want to get mugged by black people or shot by a redneck so the south is out.
Ignore my flag, I'm not Japanese.
>computer science
Only place that pays well in the state is is Portsmouth Shipyard if you can get a security clearance.
Lewiston/Auburn and Portland are the worst by far.
Augusta probably has some skinnys
Having lived in Colorado. Mountains make for cute jewbook pictures but are the most boring places to live.
Tyler Technologies
Says the southerner who lives around niggers.
We keep our niggers in tiny ghettos, and when they dare to venture out the police beat the shit out of them.
Surprise, surprise, In New England you can leave your car running while running into a store and not have to worry about it being stolen. Can you do the same?
Pretty much. I don't see that many Somalians unless I go on Congress Street, and since it's winter there's barely any even downtown in the daytime. Peaceful af.
Heroin is a problem though. The parking lot in the back of my apartment building had some kids going there to shoot up. Also packages are being stolen from the front of the building.
There are housing projects off the peninsula that you should avoid being near.
>green market
>now emerge
The whole New England is made up of bunch of small blue states. If you wanna visit the red states go to the south Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas.
> cities are full of liberals
You just realized this?
I used to live there too, Faggots.
What about the tech jobs and shit? I want to get out of Niggerfornia
I do. Cape cod Massachussetts represent
I got family up north, I visit occasionally, though keep in mind I don't live there myself.
Fucking gigantic forests, farms, slow internet, (sort of). The houses are really far apart unless you live in a town, the place where my aunt lives has ever house a quarter of a mile away from each other.
It's really beautiful though. Big lakes and wilderness everywhere. If you're an outdoorsy type I highly recommend it.
>we have Somali immigration problems
Aren't there less than 3,000 there? It's probably noticeable in big cities where they're concentrated but are they really such niggers that even that few of them are a fucking plague?
Only the northern states of New England are concentrated with enough red to warrant a visit, whereas MA, RI, and CT are bleeding heart blue as it gets. As a Masshole, I can tell you there's large concentrations of undesirables on the south coast cities (Narragansett and Buzzard's Bay areas) and Providence. I've also been told by a good friend that Hartford and New Haven are dumps as well.
It's not so boring at all, there are plenty of things to do if you enjoy the nature.