/TG/ - Tuvalu General- Dirt on the PM Edition


Name's Poll:
strawpoll.me/11878028 (embed)

Previous Threads:

>Find dirt on the Prime Minister of Tuvalu
> Info: Recently there was a citizen protest in Tuvalu, we can use this to our advantage
>use wikileaks to find dirt from leaks on diplomatic cables to get him out of power.

Other urls found in this thread:


Worth watching:
Basically destabilize the society by destroying the trust in the government.
also hi cia

Put Kek on the new Crest of Kekland

Who of you fuckers did this?




Reminder that an invasion would only end up in the UK sending in the SAS






also, is plastic tuvaluans jargon for fake?

This is how to make Tuvalu do anything we want.

Background info:

Tuvalu negotiated a contract leasing its Internet domain name ".tv" for $50 million in royalties over a 12-year period.

Tuvalu has a GDP of $37 million (2015 est.).

All of this is from the CIA:


The plan:

We tell the goverment of Tuvalu that they need to make a statement at the U.N. saying "Praise Kek" or we will DDOS all .tv domains and have them lose their single biggest source of income.

The preparation:

Any anons good with LOIC or have DDOS knowledge in general - Can we do this ?

may kek will the war

Christ, these people are scum. They must be brought to heel.


CIA option is too labour intensive, we need an option that utilises our strengths. Which are memeing on the internet and manipulating the media.

As I'm sure many of you know by now Tuvalu is most widely known because the left thinks it will sink due to global warming, thus they are MAKING SIGNS like pic related.

Thus is the plan I have devised:

SIDE NOTE: We know that the left thinks anyone who does not believe in global warming is an idiot

>1. We start an online campaign saying that Tuvalu will not sink and its just a stupid leftist conspiracy

>2. We have to make it big so that the media picks up on it and runs stories saying "HURR DURR DUMB CLIMATE DENIERS"

>3. We start a few "clever" false flag comebacks on leftist reddit boards and tumblr along the lines of "yeah thats easy for these people who live inland to say, they would be singing a different tune if they were on the island"


>4. We get a movement going which has the goal of going to the island and proving that the sea isn't rising.

>5. This is the hard part, we have to petition the government of another country to let the native population of Tuvalu into that country. We can give the reason being: if they think it will sink then give it to us.

>6. We have to really infuriate the left so that they think they are being really clever by evacuating the natives and giving up the island to these "dumb" climate deniers. They will be thinking about how much they will laugh when we are underwater.

Then it is ours with no real effort by the few people that go and a lot of effort from the millions of online shitposters that would be involved.

This is also the only way without being stomped by the commonwealth armed forces.

Yeah, plastic anything. Plastic is just used as a synonym for fake now, it's used in the US too



thread theme: youtu.be/LtP5lSQgll8

I wonder if that standard windows screensaver is a picture of tuvalu.

Looks mighty similar

We need to find where the tuvaluains shitpost to make this effective

We need an insider.

kek will find a way for us

facebook thingies, convert a Tuvaluan to praise kek

war invasion: GO

>tfw an Aussie's shitpost can change the world

this can work kind of

iceland has a good cover/context
see>DDOS but claim it's an environmental protest to bring focus to global warming and demand a carbon tax.


Could make an attempt at redpilling someone on the confessions page, but that whole thing looks like it's just degenerates

I see them talking shit on faceb*ok, and one forgets they are across half of the globe

What a time to be alive. This is the first war that officially started over the internet. And over an internet country domain, nonetheless

Yeah, but I think if it gets big enough Trudeu or someone would want to virtue signal and let them in and thus leave us the island so we can "drown"

from it seems like the natives are already keen enough to leave, given the chance

You mean the Russians right?


The only hope of taking tuvalu is having some rich user who can fund an expedition from usa, with guns and competent personnel enough to hold the island and maintain stabillity. A bunch of 18yo sperg memesters will not do.

Then there is the problem of seizing control, it must happen relatively peacefully or else you will give a reason to declare war to any nation that wants to expand their sphere. most likely the chinks will interfere given the smallest opportunity. Align with the us fast as fuck to prevent this and allow them military access, no way around this one.

And then comes the then what, i sure as hell don't know. Beg the international community for gibs maybe? tourism?
and how will you go about modernizing and create a competitive economy? will you settle for mud huts and agriculture and fishing?

its 2017
the year of the meme

If you just want an island there are plenty of uninhabited ones. The good thing about this one is it has 10.000 cheap labor units and an established supply network etc.

DDOS them first then send the demands so they're put in a tougher position.

its used for fake football fans in england too


>tfw nothing will happpen
>tfw faggots who actually will try this shit will get arrested by lurking FBI agents before action takes place

You're supposed to organize on the dark net.

This. Kek.

>And then comes the then what, i sure as hell don't know. Beg the international community for gibs maybe? tourism?
>and how will you go about modernizing and create a competitive economy? will you settle for mud huts and agriculture and fishing?

>Beg for donations from polacks
>give legitimate citizenship for a fee on the internet

well in that case just skip 5 and 6, if the media thinks it can get a bunch of climate deniers to go live on a sinking island it should be enough for the Tuvalu government to let us in, therefore we would not have to invade

Well negotiated friend

call Martin Shkreli for fuck sake we can meme him president

Tuvaluan immigrant here.

I have informed the Tuvaluan government of your plans and they now know about these threads. You should have never messed with us little white boys.

This, gentlemen, is how you sound like when you have no pride for your country: weak and debased.

I think it won't be hard to turn Tuvaluans against their leadership.


>"Forced displacement last option, says Tuvalu PM"
>last option
>final solution

Kek wills it.


Can someone just explain real quick why we're fucking with Tuvalu?

What a guy

Scanning them IPs

>This is the hard part, we have to petition the government of another country to let the native population of Tuvalu into that country.
This one is pretty easy, from what i can see, tuvalians actually want off the island.
We could strike a deal with the population that if they allow a hostile takeover, they will by international law get refugee status. Lets send those fuckers off to Australia

Looks like we need to displace some of that water, its a little high

build a dam

that's how i know you read the art of the deal son
second greatest book ever after the Bible


>get canada to let in 10,000 people and leave us to LARP in peace

Truvalu gave in to Russian Militias at the U.N. for cash influx

>Tuvalu followed suit on Monday.

>Gulbis said Tuvaluan officials contacted him toward the end of last year to say that Georgia had offered $250,000, and could Abkhazia beat that? “[Abkhazia] does not even have the money to refurbish the toilets in the foreign affairs office, let alone to give millions of dollars to countries that we want to recognize us,” Gulbis said. (Georgia’s foreign ministry did not respond to a request for comment. Tuvalu officials couldn't be reached.)


They are not serving in the interest of NATO or the United States.

Sup Forums is a new CIA dispatch project.

MK Ultra is now expanded to MEMES

they want to see how far we can take it

>nmap with gui


Also do you plan to try and exploit them?

>Fuck off cunt

Send them to the US it's not like they get can any worse


Have we found and islandfags to do scouting yet? I know there are fijifags on Sup Forums.

> is an IP address owned by Tuvalu and located in Vaiaku Village, Tuvalu (see map)

Guys this must be the 400-pound hacker! That or it's Barron.

its much easier than you think
you really just need a couple of sailboats loaded with guns to leave from California and sail directly there

meanwhile, the invasion force will be on typical civilian airline flights. simply overstay your visas, camp on local people land (with permission, maybe like $5 a day for a camp site). Take a shower in the sea and use the designated shitting street, use the restaurants and grocery stores to buy food until the few sailboats arrive loaded with weapons and everyone can storm the government and military facilities quite easily.




There was a Russian guy who usurped the title of the King of Andorra in the 30's (but he only got to rule for a week)

can we take Pitcairn too?

>less than 50 residents
>government gives away land for free



>I have informed the Tuvaluan government

Yeah, Sup Forums also sent them a declaration of war. It's not like we're hiding

If we DDoS .tv domains won't it piss off the UK, Australia, and New Zealand?

>The Tuvalu Trust Fund (TTF) was established in 1987 by the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand.[4] The TTF, a prudently managed overseas investment fund, has contributed roughly 11% of the annual government budget each year since 1990. With a capital value of about 2.5 times GDP, the TTF provides an important cushion for Tuvalu's volatile income sources from fishing and royalties from the sale of the dot-TV domain. The ".tv" domain name generates around $2.2 million each year from royalties, which is about ten per cent of the government's total revenue.[42] With an initial capital of about A$27 million at independence, the TTF now totals about A$100 million.


these are the unsung heros of humanity

That might actually work, we could take over the island with minimal casualties on both sides if they agree to let us have it.
We should still go with the DDOS plan, attack from as many angles as possible.

we all have parents back on the mainland to send us money m8, it's not like we're a bunch of poor sri lankan boat people refugees here

we simply set up a fuckload more servers, trade bitcoins, act as a tax haven for rich people - how does the Cayman Islands or Bermuda get rich? Banking!


Why do you want to live on such tiny useless islands?

>>last option
>>final solution
>Kek wills it.


We won't have to move a finger, the meme magic will take of it care by itself

yeah, I think it could work but send them to canada

>we are full

Your government will be on us for invading a Commonwealth member.

Can we get them to shake off the Queen? That'd make everything go much more smoothly.

Damn never heard of that story before.

I wish the kikes would stop destroying our education system, shit like this you never hear of.

Fiji confuses me, some of them look like Indians and others look like maori-islanders

Pitcairn should honestly be the staging area for invasion. With citizenship given and a takeover of the government, the UK will likely not interfere with two Commonwealth powers fighting it out.



The self-defeating one letter hyphen strikes again!

Lel. Might actually work.

I'm ready.

Also you need to include -Pn in your scan, they are filtering internet shit for a good reason.

Someone has a screencap that a tuvalu poster threatened us with a picture of their military forces(literally a dinghy)

transgressions against Sup Forums will not be tolreated in the age of kek

>Capturing the Island and eliminating the government
That will be unbelievably easy, if you believe this is the hardest part of the plan and invest most of the planning into this aspect of the plan you will fail

>Managing (supressing) the local populatiooon
This will likely be your very first unplanned stumbling point, you guys do not have the ability to manage the people under occupation, they will be completely hostile to you, espeically once you prove completely unable to provide for them, let alone your own forces. justification for intervention is your only hope solving this conundrum, and i don't think you have any
>logistical management
This is maybe the single biggest challenge facing you, the fact is you have no hope of supplying the island externally. The only way is somehow sustaining yourself with the islands resources, perhaps establishing a pre invasion espionage presence to establish the logistical connection on the island for food and other supplies. Other than what the invaders bring in with themselves, the invaders can count on never seeing a single item come from across the ocean again in their entire life, and that is because of
>International military reaction
To put it simply because i already have gone over this, the world will see you as terrorists, and a international coalition including the USA is absolutely guaranteed. The island is indefensible, the amoutn of coastline compared to landmass makes this so, the ocean, will not serve as a protective moat, but as a all encompassing siege. The oceans are owned for world superpowers, The invaders will be to the whim of naval strike, blockade, and assault. Special Forces, Aerial and naval strikes, and constant reconnaissance will be just a few of the issues you will be dealing with. Asymetrical warfare, human shields, hostage taking, and even espionage/terrorism within the united states and foreign countries will be the last realistic desperate acts that will be turned to before ultimate defeat

for the lulz

>MK Ultra is now expanded to MEMES
>they want to see how far we can take it
gee, wouldnt want to be a CIA tool... unless its fun as fuck, which it is, so OH WELL
just call me Mr. Manchuria my nigga! I'm going snorkeling!

What are you guys going to do with the niggers?


for kek

That's one of the political goals. So it can be sovereign, sovereign towards pol that is


yeah, who cares?
martin shkreli will be proclaimed king of tuvalu
just call him he loves this kind of shit he has a huge ego and a shit ton of money to spend

because it's a small nation and we need to make Sup Forums a sovereign state before the real sovereign states take all our rights to shitpost and say 'kike' away

we need a white homeland

So is this just roleplay or are you fuckers serious about going through with this?

Those emojis are literally pic related

this desu
they can't even get mad at "invading" when they said the land was free

There are a few subnets being used by a hosting company called "exasia"

Not sure if this is linked to Tuvalu or not

Could we use the DDOS plan to force them to renounce the queen?

Invading is retarded. Infiltrating would work wonders. Any user with money and time (Im sure there are richfags here) can offer islanders or leaders income to convert to Kekism and make it a real religion, backed by a state.

Combination of both. Most of us want it to happen but we are mere meme farmers incapable of invading nations in the middle of butt-fuck no where.

It's about to be serious shit

I would rather remove kebab tbhfam