Trump Advisor(Elon Musk): Robots will take your jobs, government will have to pay your wage

Computers, intelligent machines, and robots seem like the workforce of the future. And as more and more jobs are replaced by technology, people will have less work to do and ultimately will be sustained by payments from the government, predicts Elon Musk, the iconic Silicon Valley futurist who is the founder and CEO of SolarCity, Tesla, and SpaceX.

According to Musk, there really won't be any other options.

"There is a pretty good chance we end up with a universal basic income, or something like that, due to automation," says Musk to CNBC. "Yeah, I am not sure what else one would do. I think that is what would happen."

Full welfare state but keep those borders open!

Universal Income works great with closed borders and illegals will leave as they would not get a basic income payment.

Fuck this faggot.

Jobs don't disappear they shift, before the industrial revolution 90% of the people we're farmers. They though there would be no jobs once the machines took over farming, but they just shifted.

he isn't in charge of that tho so it doesn't really matter got to work with people who are competent no matter their ideology

Robots cannot do my job. I am a mother and a wife.

Who are you quoting?

Horse populations were reduced massively when they were replaced by tractors. Humans are being replaced by robots in jobs now and unless a basic income is instituted human workers will go the way of the horse.

I'm still waiting for my flying car anf hover board.

That shit was supposed to happen 60 years ago.

This shit won't happen until like 4000 ad

Fucking retarded faggots

bad equivalence you are so wrong. As physical aspects were shifted to automation (ie cotton gin, engine, etc) jobs moved to r&d into developing and implementing new technologies. It was a shift in the workforce from physical power to brain power (from the farm to the desk).
But as AI becomes more robust and is capable of doing most brain based tasks we will have lost both physical and mental based jobs. There will be no new area for jobs to shift to.

I see you watched that cp gray guy

The left wants more immigrants and more welfare. They do not see how the two are in conflict.

Elon Musk is spouting a fucking pipe dream. When people fall for it, he'll laugh all the way to the bank, while the duped masses riot and starve to death.

trump happily listens to his advisor

>Musk has his finger on the pulse of A.I and its broadening impact on the economy
>Trump went on and on about outsourcing, never touched A.I

pretty good pickup by Trump desu, now he gets full picture

I think this one's maple syrup has turned a bit salty.

Our robot overlords will be taking more than just your jobs goyim

Glad to see that that one sensible Reddit post was up voted while the others weren't, I would have thought on Reddit it would be reversed. What a novel concept, elected leaders putting the citizens who elected them first?

and do you get paid to be either of those?

No. So it's not a job then. Stupid bint.


Thats the point.

It's why WW3 will happen, to depopulate the planet of useless people and than you get the NWO of 500 million people. The tech to do this is already emerging.

Annudah shoah.

He has no credibility on the matter.
>both funded primarily by the government

anti-immigration sentiment is rising. The economy is shit and (((they))) say the solution is ramping up immigration instead of cutting it.

No Jesus fuck that's stupid just become engineers and scientists. Computers and robots will only take your job if your job is unskilled labor.

tesla is not primarily funded by the government. your statement is false.

This happened as a result of an increase in extraneous labor as a percentage of total work done per annum, not because there were other jobs waiting to come out of nowhere and employ people.

All jobs exist to support the ultimate job: being a mother. You fucking croissant nigger


>What a novel concept, elected leaders putting the citizens who elected them first?

Fuck you you filthy racist/Nativist cunt bag, open boarders for everyone.

Does he just mean manufacturing jobs?
There really isnt any robots for a multitude of jobs, and Boeing did a test where the lastest line of robots were not as fast as machinists and if there was errors they just shoved it through anyway.

>There really isnt any robots for a multitude of jobs

For now.

Yeah, unlikely. Resources are limited and giving endless gibsmedat to billions of browns will create trillions of browns within decades.

As someone who's actually had to program learning algorithms I can say Musk is full of shit about this. Even our most advances sytems are nowhere near the level of processing power needed. We don't even know how our own brians learn or are wired for fuck's sake.

Musk is ahead of the curve as he is totally dependent on payments from the government.

Skynet will come online soon
How can meatbags even compete?


You're right. And they're in the red and might be bankrupt soon

says the increasingly nervous tesla short seller for the 1000th time

Not only. Service and logistics are just as affected.

Who is this 500 million going to be?

holy SHIT my cock is hard as a fucking rock after that clip
thanks joooz

Look at the world. This is what's been happening. If things don't change the left and the right would gladly import third worlders to sit on welfare.

Tesla is less reliant on subsidies then the other domestic car manufacturers.


And do what? Like I said, resources aren't infinite. Canada is one of the very few countries that has a lot. Even if robots build everything you need, you need shit to build it from.

the brown masses
children of kalergi

not too african, not too aryan

good thing I'm studying computer science then eh?

>implying programming won't be automated
>implying in 20 years you won't be the equivalent of a FORTRAN programmer today, while the few remaining human programmers are essentially AI-wranglers who rarely if ever deal with any actual implementation

>"There is a pretty good chance we end up with a universal basic income, or something like that, due to automation,"

The lefties here openly spoke of this about a year ago and said "We need a universal income"

Only problem is its like 300$ a week which you cant even pay rent with.

I don't know how their economy is going to work when no one has money to fucking buy anything.

Automation should be seen as a good thing. Where humans wont have to work as much and have more time to be with family etc.

ITs just how these elite bastards plan to look after us is the thing I worry about because they are such greedy pieces of shit.

Sound great


How can humans even compete?

>muh AI robots
so far away as to be irrelevant