Has anyone gotten in yet? All I see is this thing called the microwave but apparently there's a whole other forum we cant see until we get "vetted".
Has anyone gotten in yet? All I see is this thing called the microwave but apparently there's a whole other forum we cant see until we get "vetted".
What's your username
You just joined
Get online
Who's sven?
prove your worthiness in that forum to get formally invited into the extrmely vetted.
Wouldn't mind an invite. I'm an oldfag that listens to TDS and FTN, among others. No issue with vetting here.
I just wanna gas the jews
Post your email and I'll send you an invite. I also happen to be one of the 504um's mods so I can answer questions that people have, but obviously not anything pertaining to opsec.
>there's a whole secret forum
It's like an onion, there's layers to their stupid
are there any girls on the forum? (is Bella a qt?)
>doesn't know who sven is
>wants to gas jews
nice try
bet you don't even know what temperature to turn the oven up to
bet you don't even know what the skin is gonna get like
i'm new to TRS so i dont get what happened. joined about a month ago. i logged in today and got 45 notifications that are all "extremely vetted." i can see all the other boards so im not sure what OP is talking about
for 88 mins
than let cool for 14
Why you would willingly join a domestic terrorist organization is beyond me.
You dont want on there anyways, they are a bunch of cunts fucking up our board, arguing about what alt-right means.
There are several girls on the forum, but they don't post much (as is proper).
Based on the headshot I've seen, I wouldn't describe her as qt. A little too much of the "problem glasses" strain in her facial structure if you catch my drift.
I assume it will take about a month or so to get in
pls no bully i'm just interested in learning more but the site keeps giving me bad gateway errors
yeah what they said!
I left out the skin texture part
also if you geta chance, tell d'marcus to stop doing that fucking voice/shtick .. it's annoying af Reeeee
do you guys have much crossover with nrx groups
>tfw too autistic to join a local pool party
We don't want Civic nationalists on the TRS Forum.
hey don't dis my nigga d'marcus......LIEBOWITZZ
dide he died?
>tfw also too autistic and NEET to join
I wouldn't say "much", but the crossover is there.
In the very beginning, the blog was called monarchynow before the name change to TRS. Guys like Nick B. Steves sometimes appear on podcasts and relationships with the more race/Jew-wise aspects of NRx are generally good. A small, but not insignificant portion of the forum's posters arrived where they are now with NRx and a smaller fraction still identify as such.
For the most part, my opinion is that we've taken the good aspects of NRx and refined/simplified them while dropping the BS. Mike Enoch's philosophy is pragmatism through and through.
trs dating forum when?! lol
I find the problem glasses face to be cute if she's not screaming sjw memes at me
but she (BDw) seems too religious from her twitter profile
I've only heard her once on IAR and she sounds adorable .. but I doubt that would be the case if religion was brought up
that's one of my fav things about trs
they don't get into religious bible thumping
P.S. anybody here who isn't listening to ChapoTrapHouse for oppo research needs to try harder
shout out to the goys over at Atavistic Intelligentsia
still rather nostalgic for those times
>mfw I discovered FTN 2 days after Trump won and the first episode I listened to was 65
Mcfeels could have been keeping me whitepilled the entire time
how come therightstuff doesn't get shilled here more?
the two big problems with communities like TDS forums
1. given enough time they will eventually get doxxed by SJWs
2. if the movement picks up speed they'll get v& by a 3 letter agency
Europeans and non white North Americans don't like them. I wonder why.............
market anarchists were there before the stormfags.
the secret forum you can only get into by committing a hate crime
Screencapping this thread and sending to CNN
Well, they had the forum closed up for a long time. I learned about TRS through pol, and was invited onto the forums through pol, so maybe you're just not looking at the right times.
I fucking love TRS. It's not quite as fun as pol, but it's close. Their podcasts are a fucking treat though.
he makes great points and is clearly intelligent, but fuck .. the memes have to end eventually
I even sense he's tired of doing it (he's not as enthusiastic doing it lol)
>dropping the bs
like what specifically
can't be associated with moldbug because he's half ashkenazi?
There actually used to be a "dating advice" subforum on the second version of the forum before it was shoahed as a result of the troll campaign against the mudshark soccer mom. The thing is that everybody was too scared to look like a beta and ask for genuine advice, so the whole subforum was full of nothing but troll threads. It was actually really funny, but only existed for about a week.
I post as greycatfish. I have two effortpost you can look at if you want to check me out. I have been listening for a while now and tds has gotten me through my first semester at uni.
that's why I've got no intention of joining (I'm *not* trying to discourage others but I'm in a big vibrant city)
I probably would've fallen for Elle's act lmao
yeah you are right.....he may need a rebrand
Sure there's Moldbug's refusal to honestly engage with the JQ (for transparent reasons), but you could cut out Moldbug and still identify as broadly NRx.
The BS that I refer to is the unnecessarily convoluted ideology and language that is completely unintelligible to the normalfag masses. In particular, the doctrine of passivism. The idea that you should focus inward and just "accept power" when it comes to you is about as good of a way to lose as I can think of. There's also the opposition to appealing to populist appeals, which I once again see as tedious and unnecessarily self-defeating.
We're more pragmatic.
Easiest way to get vetted without providing any of your personal info is to get onto twitter (You don't need to use your phone number to sign up - email them when they lock your account) and shitpost with some goys for a few months.
>It's another TRS shill that pretends to not be affiliated with TRS so he can viral it without getting banned
It's getting too obvious you dumb stormweenies, at least one thread which is exactly like this one pops up daily, pure ((((coincidence)))). Can't you just fuck off to your hugbox if you don't like it here so much?
>pls no bully i'm just interested in learning more but the site keeps giving me bad gateway errors
They don't call it the 504um for nothing.
Thanks for using the meme.
I hope no one on our side needs advice per say (I certainly don't)
but my Agnostic + non degenerate beliefs are not exactly common or in much demand this century (Although I think it should be .. unfortunately I've been christcuck by 3 exs (they wanted me to convert before they accepted my marriage proposal
after 1 date with a normi girl she was already asking me what I want for breakfast when I wake up the next day (implying she's sleeping over)
many similar relationships prior with non religious girls (I kept them non degenerate until I just broke up realizing they're not marriage material)
now I'm just hoping there's some village girl in Europe that I can communicate enough with to develop a relationship
I hope you realize that stormfront used to do exactly what you faggots are attempting to do right now, and look how it worked out for them - no one can admit that he unironically browses that site here without getting laughed at by a couple people
But keep shilling your site and your falseflag "civic nationalism" memes. See how that one works out for you.
i have to confess mr. fashy goy, i'm not 100% sold on the jq
i know too many irl to believe it
>they run xyz degenerate industry
because of their high IQs they will be over represented at the top of every industry or intellectual profession
>some israeli rabbi said gotta kill the whiteys
none of them know who he is, none of them are observant. especially the soros types
>muh german revolution of 1917-1918 echoes
yeah, and they probably constitute 30%-40% of most libertarian/conservative think tanks
they probably only skew left because actual faith in their religion dried up first so they embraced secularism harder and earlier
i don't think there's any malice at all
On the plus side, it'll only be a few years until you can get virtually ZUCC'd by next generation waifu technology.
it's not even about rebranding
I actually think that's what the problem is
we can clearly see past "branding"
his message is more than enough (that's all I'm criticizing, that he's purposefully reducing himself to a caricature)
I really like the humor aspect of there shows but some jokes fall flat and repeating them makes it worse. the d'marcus one being one of them (I'm sure people have told him that already)
my favorite parts are when they add the echo effect to words lmao (more of those less nigga voices .. I hear the original versions daily, he can't compete lol)
JQ gets way too much of a conspiracy slant I think. They just do the shit they way they do because they are inclined to. They bring in more minorities because they see themselves as a minority. They have a huge victim complex because of the holocaust so they work for social justice.
how's life in .. Bulgaria?! lmao ..
Have you read your Kevin MacDonald?
I was exactly where you are now (it's just because of higher than average IQs + Dunning Kruger + historical victimization) before discovering MacDonald's work.
is essentially right. It's not really a conspiracy. Jews just gonna Jew.
One of the best drops imo
>Have you read your Kevin MacDonald?
i have not
Is that you Hydro? Do we have any leaf mods?
Also, you niggers should be listening to the Paranormies.
It's quite good actually, thanks for asking. Everything is cheap, economy achieved highest growth in the EU and the females are way more beautiful than your typical "masterrace" nordic manface
How's life in the USA? I heard the fed hiked the rates today which many people say is an indicator that a crash is about to hit soon. A market crash AND an infuriated, divided population at the same time. Damn, that must surely suck.. to go from first world to third world overnight..
who the fuck is this?
Why are you making threads
who the fuck is the leaf cunt in this thread pretending to be a mod and promising free entry into the forum?
I'm never giving up on white women
and I'd take real woman any day over some simulation that's only created to deceive
if I wanted to be mind fucked daily I would have dated all those thicc big titted jewesses always tempting a good goy
I'm running out of believable excuses as to why I'm turning them down lol
I should stop complaining to them about love lol .. because they're like "hey user you know I'm single and you sound like a great guy "
I've been using the "I'm just not ready " line for months lol
Alright, here's how it works. Right now, if you join, you have access to a limited subforum, until you prove yourself. After that, you get to see more stuff.
back to redshit with you niggers
I like FTN and the War Room, but don't really see the point of the forums.
Being anonymous is better than namefagging. It always turns into a circlejerk.
Just look at what tripfags do here.
>Also, you niggers should be listening to the Paranormies.
This 2bqh famaroony
Also, what happened to Greyfield Stray? Is he on an extended honeymoon or something?
>who the fuck is the leaf cunt in this thread pretending to be a mod and promising free entry into the forum?
Could he be a rabbi? Whatcha doin, rabbi leafenbergstein?
Not Hydro senpai. I'm the only leaf mod and keep a fairly low profile about moderation.
Kevin MacDonald is the world's foremost scholar on Jewish psychology.
His first publication, "A People Who Shall Dwell Alone", was very well received by Jews. I forget the name of his second book, but it was also well received.
His third book, "The Culture of Critique", is the one that really caused a stir. In it, he lays out the entire history of Jewish political activity and how they push for host cultures to abandon their group identity while preserving their own as a form of cultural parasitism that has allowed a nationless people to survive for thousands of years.
As for who's making the threads, I can't say. I've literally never made a shill thread. You might be a little less frustrated if you entertain the possibility that OP is being sincere.
I'm not promising free entry to the inner sanctum, just a trial run in The Microwave for my Sup Forums bros.
>tds elitists can't even format a post correctly
your newness is showing.
Hi! Dis Hazzard.
Greyfield isn't going to be a regular on the show any more. Me, Johnny, and Adam, we're all in the States, and he's over in Bongland. Staying up to record was taking it's toll on him, so he had to take his leave. He'll still be on from time to time when he feels like it, and we're still going to be playing a lot of his music.
Got any other questions?
Can you explain why you are telling people you will send them emails to enter the forum when we have a vetting process?
name yourself
really glad to hear that user (hopefully it stays that way once Turkey opens the doors to the muslim hordes on your border)
a crash (yeah because we bought into the stock market jew)
also why are you on this thread for (shouldn't you be enjoying you life with those beautiful women and such?!)
admit it user .. you know there's some truth in what we say
(and this is not an invitation to discuss jews or multiculturalism)
I genuinely wish you happiness (nobody is making you stay here (thread)
Registration is currently open, you dumb fucking leaf.
lurk more newfag
Wait, is this Anomalous?
I thought you might need an invite in order to create an account for The Microwave. It appears I was wrong. Not exactly an expert on this since I've already got my own account.
If you're a vetted user, you already have enough information to identify me.
How's the Discord going, pal?
I'm on the mobile site version bruh
it formats different for me
besides I've seen a lot of other posts using my unique formatting style lol
get used to it (you're getting left behind old man .. hehe)
who else here /thegators/?
"who the fook is this guy?!"
are you feeling ok there bruh
you're on a Tibetan basket weaving forum .. don't take yourself so seriously
Thanks Hazzard, that makes sense.
The Paranormies is truly the number one spooky Republican podcast!
>tmw captcha: pizza
>mods just handing out invites willy nilly now
what the fuck
Every time we mention it here the same autistic faggots freak out about shilling
>how come therightstuff doesn't get shilled here more?
Because shilling is heavily frowned upon in any *chan board. Fuck, in 8pol shilling is grounds for permaban.
your incredibly faggy posting in this thread has forever turned me off from getting involved in any TDS community
wtf is slug really a mod?
ya this is weird. We want to know who this retard is. Anybody who isnt informed on how the forum works right now doesnt need to be mod
I don't think it's Slug, the content is far too good
The higher ups don't want outsiders seeing the forum. There is a lot of planning and stuff that goes on there. It isn't all shitposting and inside jokes.
Okay this leaf cunt needs to identify himself by name.
If he doesnt he is phishing for emails and none of you should ever give your email out.
The forum is open to registration and you dont need mods permission to create accounts.
His other book was Separation and its Discontents
*in Indian accent*
hey leave my boy slug2_ alone
not to make it sound too serious, it's mostly shitposting
>"A People Who Shall Dwell Alone", was very well received by Jews
"Well received" by which Jews exactly? the ones that tried to get his tenure taken away and made his life a living hell until he retired last year?
you hit on me sweetheart (@)
and your advances were rejected
so you began talking shit
do whatever you want (I'm not on their forums and have no affiliation with trs)
so lets end this (don't @ me)
I'm good, you're good .. it's all good