How much of the literature we we were forced to read was (((written))) by them?
I know for a fact (((Harper Lee))) was.
How much of the literature we we were forced to read was (((written))) by them?
I know for a fact (((Harper Lee))) was.
Other urls found in this thread:
Pretty much all of it desu
Gif relates
It was mainly communist trash. Some of it was good, but really what was missing was what I'd call literature.
Wasn't Atticus in the KKK or something?
Everybody is forced to read the same shit in public high schools as dictated by the (((federal government)))
>false rape case
>written about a time when America was actually racist
To kill a mocking bird was pretty gud desu
Yeah we should make 7th graders read Mein Kampf baka desu senpai
I feel like to kill a mockingbird was more of a "coming of age" book. Communist trash but ok tier literature would be something like "in dubious battle" by Steinbeck
also >>/lit/
Jk, or something that doesn't white bash them for two years
Kys this is Sup Forums theme related Jamal
I had to read this shit in grade 10 in Canada. My ancestors accepted and gave citizenship to slaves who escaped, but my skin is white so i must be shamed.
Can't remember what it was called but in highschool we were forced to read a book about a fictional refugee family and how terrible they had it trying to get through the detention centers before being so grateful that they could make their new home in Australia.
>mfw the propaganda didn't work
Considering the fact that its triggering SJWs and niggers now, we should encourage reading this as much as possible.
>highschool reading
You're a fucking sucker if you ever actually read any of those books they required you to read.
yep banned
they for a time were really forcing this idea that blacks contributed a lot to litterature
>when your school makes you read about how hard it is to be black
>trip faggots tho
That is from Harper Lee's sequel "Go Tell a Watchman".
My dubles say you're a faggot.
They're not doubles fucking CIA nigger
To Kill a Mockingbird changed my views on a few things.
Mostly it made me realise how important the role of fatherhood is. It showed me that a strong man must be upstanding and live by his values, and that it's his responsibility to impart those values to his children.
That's what I got out of it at least
I never read them since I was interested in other books.
Generally in my experience in school and working in them it goes like this:
Diary of Anne Frank
Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes
White Jade Tiger
>Secondary/High School
Romeo and Juliet
In the Heat of the Night
To Kill a Mocking Bird
The Pearl
Of Mice and Men
The Crucible
The Poisonwood Bible
The Kite Runner
Catcher in the Rye
Beyond that students often have a monthly book report thing. Favourites tend to be "The Fault in Our Stars" and the Hunger Games series. I've only seen Orwell assigned in any matter once - for the Animal Farm - after which the teacher lamented that his students failed to understand the allegory.
To kill a mocking bird is pretty real though. Let us remember that Atticus in his final speech says something along the lines of "all races and people are different and can be evil but in a court of law we are all the same". And he's right, we should be viewed the same in a court of law, but he alnowledges the obvious differences between races and cultures.
Sounds canon to me.
This too. Good point
Post you responded to did tho
double NIGGER
>The kite runner
Book about afghan refugee in America, always complaining about how he hated the U.S., even though in the flashback scenes (as a kid!) he remembers seeing his friend raped and some other gruesome shit.
I didn't respond to any post with doubles, MIT NIGGER
>force government sanctioned literature on children
>they see it as a chore because it is
>to top it off, mandatory summer reading of (((these))) 3 books
>wonder why America grows up to become illiterate
Lord of the Flies was the only book I was forced to read as a kid that I actually enjoyed. It took me until my mid 20s to pick up reading as a hobby. I'm pretty sure summer reading was a Jew plan to make kids fucking HATE to read. Yes, I'm sure most kids in America would rather sit down in a chair and read The Great Gatsby during the summer than play run the bases with their friends.
I didn't really mind to kill a mockingbird, although when we did popcorn reading I ended up having to read the parts with nigger in it and my classmates of a darker persuasion took it personally for some reason, which wasn't fun because my school was darker than the other side of the moon. I did however mind having to watch pic related every year to remind us how racist and evil white people are.
Bridge to Terebithia
Scripted version of Anne Frank
Tex (8th grade, but high school starts in 8th grade and goes for five years where I'm from so eh)
Romeo and Juliet
Other bullshit nobody's ever heard of
>High School
To Kill a Mockingbird (first thing in 9th grade)
Midsummer Night's Dream
Oedipus Rex
A Streetcar Named Desire
Death of a Salesman
The World According to Garp
Canterbury Tales
The Aeneid
Cicero's Orations
Various other shit
r8 me
In the sequel Atticus was based as fuck
Isn't it about a woman making false rape accusations? Sounds pretty reasonable to me.
>Be you
>Be a fucking pleb
>Didn't read the entirety of the LoTR trilogy, and Hairy Potterstein in 5th grade
>Didn't read 1984, some War&Peace, Animal ZOG, some chink dragon dogshit, and Nippon Internment simulator in 6th grade
>Didn't read (((Catch-22))), (((Hungry Games trilogy))), (((To jew a Mockingoy))),(((Anne Frank), and Mark Twain in 7th grade.
>Didn't go to the big goys club in 8th grade with The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, World War I:A History, Mcburger (Macbeth), and ancient Jewish Talmuds.
Are you a cuck? Cuckboi?
>you will never go on a backwoods adventure with your neighbor's house nigger
Huck Finn was a pretty good book desu
I had to read a poem about a 16 year old who went to a party, got drunk, and had unprotected sex. She then complains about the way people treat her after becoming pregnant, and considers an abortion.
Almost everything we read had a political agenda. And reading Shakespeare aloud in a classroom environment isn't particularly fun for anyone.
>a sequel 50 years later
The worst part about this book is that MOCKINGBRIDS ARE CUNTS
they fucking divebomb me and try to peck my shit whenever I go to the nearby park
fuck em
Actually, i read a complete encyclopedia of WW2 in 12 books during breaks and lunch breaks. 10 years later i sadly forgot most of it. I especially liked the maps or when they described specific feats of heroism, like Leo Major's
You think you have it bad?
There was a poetry element in our highschool English.
You would think we would study some of the great British or American poets to teach us about the beauty of the art?
Here is what we had to study.
I am not making this shit up.
fucking 8th grade with this shit.
I graduated HS in 2013. After about 6th grade books like TKAMB were replaced by books written by minorities. I just picked the books that were war related, but most others were based around urban living and immigration.
released =/= written
>LoTR trilogy
Read the Hobbit, liked it quite a lot but never got into LoTR. Would probably be entertaining enough if I got around to it.
>Harry Potter
Read the first four in one year of second grade, and was forced to stop because the 5th either wasn't out or our library didn't have it. By the time they got a copy I had forgotten half of the characters and just lost interest, never thought it was anything phenomenal anyway.
>Hunger games
First one was interesting, second one was really contrived and more of the same, third was forgettable dogshit. No seriously, I don't remember how it ends other than her sister dies and she marries the baker.
>Anne Frank
Our school made us read so much fucking Holocaust shit, I was not a fan.
Preferred Hamlet
Also had to read some stuff already mentioned in the thread, like The Pearl, Poisonwood Bible, East of Eden, The Five People You Meet In Heaven, Alas Babylon, Lord of the Flies, etc.
>implying that your 6th grade ass *got* any of it
fucking this and the devil's arithmetic in the same year
This, Anne Frank, and fucking Night all in the same year. Basically just a big semester of Holocaust, God damn.
The Koran
The Communist Manifesto
The SCUM Manifesto
Germany Must Perish
One Hundred Years of Homosexuality
The God Delusion
>Secondary/High School
The Hadiths
Compulsory Heterosexuality and Lesbian Existence
Epistemology of the Closet
On Being a Pagan
Das Kapital
The Autobiography of Malcolm X
Angels in America: A Gay Fantasia on National Themes
Psychopathia Sexualis
The Talmud
The 120 Days of Sodom
The Satanic Bible
Message to the Blackman in America
i remember this movie, its weird how they try and instill certain political values in kids so early on
I guess it's because I'm from the south but they laid the white guilt on us pretty hard. Especially with shit like our friend Martin, to kill a mockingbird, roll of Thunder hear my cry, cry the beloved country, I'm definitely forgetting a few. Wasn't all bad though, I did enjoy Fahrenheit 451, animal farm, anthem, and I am legend. Also I had to read sabbaths theater and I got a letter from some jews about the Holocaust and Jewish literature, sabbaths theater was weird as fuck by the way.
Here's the letter I got.
>mfw had to read Night by (((Elie Wiesel))) about how he survived Auschwitz
>mfw they made us watch the Oprah special with him too
This is education in California
Here's the free book he sent me.
really tugs at the heartstrings (as they have mastered), I wonder if the majority of Jews actually believe the hall of cost happened
what the hell is it even about
any professional circumcision tips?
Tbh I haven't fucking read it so I wouldn't know, might sit down and read it in the near future I guess. Kinda funny cause it and sabbaths theater share the shelf with mein kampf.
kek, would be funny if you put a little anxious face on the books sitting next to a smiling Mein Kampf
>>>>>could be a meme
>skipped the entire book as a kid and aced all the forced tests for literally every fucking chapter
Sid Roth is some phony miracle crazy Christcuck with /x/ the TV show. He and his followers are typical Israel worshiping Christcucks.
My mom followed this retarded kike and believed all the miracle healing shit on his supernatural TV show. I can't stand this guy.
had to read this shit twice and write papers on it
literally just a story of nigger love
it's pretty easy. Everything that happens in the book is like 100% stereotypical holocaust stories - just pick the answer that works out worst for the Jews, and you're right. In fact, it's so boo-hoo that it's hard to believe that any of it happened. The Germans are efficient, not evil. They wouldn't waste time by torturing people when they could have just shoved them into a huge swimming pool full of acid. No ash that way, either.
Only good shit I remember reading in middlle and high school was 1984 and Crime and Punishment. 1984 pilled me hard.
they made us 1984 in Junior year of Highschool
lets see
>(((Seven Pebbles or Stones I forget)))
>(((To Kill a Mockingbird))))
>(((Dialogues of Plato)))
The best part was that mine were not multiple choice, that's how fucking easy it was
most of the shit I read was about niggers or arabs along with a chinese book called the good earth which was pretty good actually. also read elie wiesel's fiction book and anne frank of course.
>Harper Lee
stfu trash. If a book doesn't tackle racism it's not literature
It takes place in it
If a book doesn't tackle racial prejudice it's trash and not literature
you're TOTALLY not trolling
blacks ONLY contribute to literature whites don't
Honestly man in highschool we read Lord of the Flies which was racist and sexist as fuck, as an Indian kid I hated it. They literally say the N word.
>Midsummer Night's Dream
what? We had to read this in 5th grade then make a play out of it
>Nick Bottom Masterace
I read it in highschool too
how is dialogues of plato, does it mention how sexist and racist he was?
This was the most horribly written book ever assigned. The dumb nigger author made the dialogue impossible to understand by writing it misspelled according to their dumbass dialect and colloquialisms.
I rememeber not liking it and getting extremely luckily bullshiting about a chapter I didn't read because I accidentally read the next one instead
I don't know, I loved 1984 and Brave New World.
"How to Make Love to a Negro Without Getting Tired"
those were probably my two favorite school books as well
Great Gatsby is such a fucking amazing book, but it's absolutely retarded to make a teenager read it. They don't have any real life experience, so they can't relate to any of the themes. Really a tragedy that it's been ruined for so many people.
I hated it in high school, but it blew my mind when I read it again at 25. Still one of my favourite novels.
Gatsby mocks jews and black people, and is against the decay of human morals and the american dream.
Tom Buchannan is a white nationalist and seen as a bad guy though.
Honestly, I never really paid attention to the readings. For written assignments, I literally just skimmed the chapters and then bullshitted most of it.
Seriously, those books were boring af. Give me some real literature. Give me some Hugo and Dostoevsky, not (((Harper Lee))) and "Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry
What happened again? All I remember was some nigger named Teacake chimped out for some stupid reason and the sheboon shot him.
>>tfw they make you read Agamemnon and The Libation Bearers your senior year
Shit was hard as fuck to understand. I don't even think I even made it past the first two pages. And to think people say reading Shakespeare is hard
Oh God yes, fucking this. I also remember bringing up to my teacher that Stalin actually killed the most people of all and was confused why Hitler was considered the worst person to have ever graced this earth. This was before I even knew about Sup Forums, much less Sup Forums.
Fuck Elie Weasel, that lying motherfucker kike.
If you don't believe this took 6 million hours to make then you're an anti semite.
That's really weird, about as weird as him sending me a letter and a book after I buy some book about a degenerate jew.
That's crazy that you remember the titles so well. All I can remember is the books from high school; Night, Beowulf, and Fahrenheit 451.
had to read the same thing, but for mexican illegal immigrants:
>Tortilla Curtain
spoiler alert: one of the illegals dies in the end
as a kid I just thought their extreme ebonics was funny, but now it pisses me off that the teachers chose that book over any one of thousands of books containing actual wisdom and thought-provoking concepts. But no. A story about a nigress being courted by negroes is what the kids need to read
Gatsby was the best book we were ever assigned
the black woman protagonist's first husband died so she got a job at some store and some nigger walked in and started flirting with her in extreme ebonics and they hooked up and then a hurricane hit or something and Teacake died and then it ended
Gatsby was fucking great. All he wanted was to be a part of the cool kid's club but they wouldn't let him in no matter how much money he had. I'd give my last testicle to go to one of his parties.
>be me
>HS junior year
>need to give book report
>choose American classic
>Huckleberry Finn
>deliver analytical report
>feminazi teacher gives F for insensitive material
>petition administration to change grade
>no go
>mother threatens legal action discrimination since teacher said "choose any novel" in assignment review sheet
>get public apology in class from feminazi
>feels good man
>rest of year was hell
Rowling basically stole a large portion of her source material from Medieval writers, Chaucer and some continental Renaissance writers. Not even sure wizarding school was an original concept.
>10th grade
>basic bitch ez-pz class, no AP
>did a book report on Lolita
>get an A
>teacher wrote "Good Job" on paper
well son of a bitch
Making us read Night in 10th grade backfired in my case. I was so dumbfounded by the book that I went home and researched more about the holocaust. Stumbled on Zundel, David Cole's doc, David Irving etc... within a few weeks I was talking about all my findings to friends, many were into it, and one kid I didn't know was a Jew started having a crisis of doubt.
I love how all the main characters were from the west and were just incompatible with New York life style.
Nick got off easy. He just went back home.
>People think Huck Finn is racist trash because they say nigger in it
>This is a book about how Huck learns a slave is human and not lesser and he becomes his friend
>These people think Tom Sawyer is fine reading for the childuns
>Literally a villain called "injun joe"
They actually finally got around to editing that out apparently
I did book reports on Julius Evola - Metaphysics of War and Pentti Linkola - Can Life Prevail? senior year. Before I figured out that power levels matter.
mfw not over 6 million sold
How do you edit out an important character?
Also fun fact: unlike blacks, Mark Twain actually thought Native Americans were subhuman.