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Fuck off, statist
Also, what website?
pshaw as a leaf ive transcended race, political ideologies, religion, and gender.
Best Govt.
Tbqh this is actually pretty good
Fuck off reddit
It's in the picture...
Am I good?
It is perfect.
r8 me2
bernie cuck
more autistic version of gary johnson
fucking hillary shill
fucking hillary shill
Dude you literally want a military dictatorship.
... Do you know where you are kid?
rate me please.
I don't think anyone actually wants people to be executed for their race, religion, and sexuality here. I mean I believe were conservative at times but most are just for the memes when they say shit like that.
Well, i wouldn't let them in in the first place
if a bunch of sandniggs came hopping over the border illegally then yes, they would be executed, guess they'd have to go else where
and yes, anyone who does practice certain religions, such as islam (the religion that oppresses women and offers honor killings) then yes, i would kill them, guess they'd have to practice it else where
sexuality, yes, if no gays are in sight, and it's completely abolished, homosexuality will become a very, very, very, rare occurrence, believe me.
fucking Hillary shill
>fucking Hillary shill
what makes me a shill for hill ?
hmm, maybe im wrong
what would go here at the top left?
R8 the worker's paradise.
Bernie you stupid fuck. Bernie's not a minarchist or a modernist.
Jesus fuck, take your shit-tier understanding of political philosophy and get out.
please give me your favorite political person
>Made mothers stay home and have babies
>Made mothers take care of kids
>= Tradition
Hitler was a traditionalist you stupid aussie kangaroo
and bernie belongs down there due to DUDE WEED LMAO
shut up aussie cunt you don't know shit.
>Hitler was a traditionalist you stupid aussie kangaroo
Hitler was a fascist you fucking moron. Fascism extols traditional values, sure, but it's anything but a traditional political philosophy. It was invented in the fucking 1920s for God's sake. It's more modern than fucking communism.
Ancap is literally the polar opposite of most of the points that put me in that direction ()
Should be natsoc or something similar.
It's socialism.
Jesus, I don't understand why this is so confusing. It's straight up old school nationalise the industries socialism.
you sir are wrong and autistic
no shit hitler was a fascist
but he installed traditional values
>having a family
are you retarded?
>no shit hitler was a fascist
Exactly. Hitler was a fascist, ergo he did not subscribe to traditional political philosophy. Case closed, I'm glad we're in agreement.
Traditionalism does not equal nostalgia for old things, it refers to conservatism on steroids. Fascism is NOT conservative. Fascism is a post-modern revolutionary ideology. Fascism is in fact a rejection of ideology - "Under the species of Syndicalism and Fascism there appears for the first time in Europe a type of man who does not want to give reasons or to be right, but simply shows himself resolved to impose his opinions."
t. julius
>Not ticking the box for Monarchy
>running a budget defecit
Back to the Jews for another loan then, goy?
Mine is far superior
didn't have some of my preferred options but it seems to be american-derived so im not too surprised
Ein Volk
Ein Reich
Ein Führer
Where is the link?
Behold! The perfect society.
United States of Soros