If you unplug from all jew media, will the resulting new you be better off? No internet, no radio, no TV, no phone
Is neo-luddism the ultimate red pill
it's all of modernity, not media alone.
Are we doomed then? Our ingenuity the divers of our destruction?
It will likely make you happier. Wish I had the resources and skills to live off the grid someday.
You'll certainly be more at peace with yourself.
It's the truth but it is not solution.
You can smash the technology the pieces still remain the to built again.
The future of technology is inevitable.
The depressing fact is the real redpill.
Retreating to a shack and mailing bombs to people isn't going to change this.
our politics are all geared toward achieving Economic Growth at all costs. both democrats and republicans. this wasn't always the case. check out the 18c civic republicans and the 19c producerists and populists.
It already seems as if the great minds of technical infrastructure are a war with Trump. They want their machines to control (((their))) message.
>our politics are all geared toward achieving Economic Growth at all costs.
You're right. Populations reach limit, die, start again, repeat.
But we are moving into uncharted area, bio-chemistry, AI, quantum computing, brain interfacing...
We could all get fucked very soon.
No phone, No TV, no kikebook
I want to quit Sup Forums but can't.
I've never been one for isolation but as every year rolls by a cabin in the woods is looking more and more appealing
well there are already enough nukes to kill humanity several times over. not to mention all the chemical and biological weapons we also have laying around various corners of the world. the democrats and neocons seem intent on restarting the cold war too.
humanity will be wiped out eventually, just a matter of time. who knows maybe we'll go out with a bang though? an ayy lmao invasion would be a pretty schnazzy way to go out
Haha I like you.
Black pill best pill.
Ted "REEEEEEEEEEEE no girlfriend" Kaczynski. What did he mean by not being able to get a girlfriend despite his apparently decent looks?
Entirely too red pilled for reproduction? Weaponized autism?
How do you get news without the internet?
via based raven tech
Is that young david lynch?
the jews killed all the ravens
This is me. The memes are too tasty
I unplugged from all social media 2 years ago. Sup Forums is my last vice. Still have the TV but cable came to an end months ago.
Yes. Now get back to reading letters off the electric jew.
News is pointless.
>hundreds of workers
It's fucking nothing and yet 99% of the will crumble as soon as their superior gives them an order.