Tumblr time!
Tumblr Thread
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Anyone have that video of the vocaroo rant of that picture?
> self-esteem
horrible if you're not delusional
> making choices that are good for you
fuck no
Does that cartoon femefat have a moustache?
Because she's a he.
Fart Rape...
I love how they can't call him a fart rapist because even they know it's stupid. they have to go straight to rapist.
Cancer ensues
Never ends
Not political, stop wasting space.
Go back to
if you want to shitpost so badly.
>Diets don't work
>People who don't eat pizza/cake/burgers/fatty shit aren't fat
What did it mean by this?
what do the posts actually say? too small to read
both of them were saying that they're both an okay couple/
both got responses from tumblrinas saying the stuff that the pic is paraphrasing
I regularly eat pizza and at mcdonalds and I don't even have this kind of issue. it's a bad habit, but I can't imagine myself ever getting *that* bad
well, it probably does help that it's usually a small pizza or just one set of nuggets and fries, and that's pretty much all I eat for the day.
but still.
it's still not good for you.
just saying.
>go to nearsightedowl.com expecting more funny parody images
>it's up for sale
>google the name
>it was a genuine fat acceptance blogger
Wuh da fug?
I dont have a problem with fat people who realize they are fat. Can take a joke about it etc.
However this mental delusion of fat tubs of shit piss me off.
There's this whale at work where if you ride the elevator with her you pray the wire won't snap.
these fucking "people."
fun fact: Hillary got 77% of the EC that Donald got.
Check your cishet dental privilege
>Social justice isn't about politics.