Give me reasons to have kids because there are none
Give me reasons to have kids because there are none
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Because that would mean you finally had sex.
because being broke and tired, and stuck for the rest of your life being associated with another person is fulfilling user it's a part of our duty !
Viable offspring are the only measurment of success that isn't a social construct you weak minded failure
Not for you, you have no history. You ameri-tards are all mixed christ-fags. Ceep thinking that a sandnigger religion will save you.
Also, I can trace my bloodline (all Swede's) 400 years before you even where a country. Faggots.
So don't have any douche nozzle. If you change your mind down the road then you can adopt a child that needs a home whenever you get ready.
Waking up to things like this?
If you clearly don't want any, it's best that you don't have them
It's literally the only thing that is both difficult to achieve, and intrinsically satisfying.
>thinking that a sandnigger religion will save you
That's the best way to sum up your country's immigration policy.
Because your parents want you to
She's got fat tits.
Simple, if you are white and so is your partner have kids
If not vasectomy
And you have no future. Just think, in 20 years, people will have to pay admission to the Smithsonian to look at wax sculptures if they want to see a native Swede.
This is a Jewish ploy to keep whites from breeding.
Sage and hide.
Any man who gets married without first having at minimum a STEM degree, 3.5 GPA, and 5 years work experience with a nest egg building up, is a complete and utter fool.
There is reasons to have kids and there is reasons not to have kids, can you now stop with that shitty thread?
Honstly are they even trying to had their fucking agenda.
>how to show everyone you're a low test faggot: the thread
>you will never have a beautiful wife and son like this because all white girls are either hoes or taken
>implying I would ever have a wife that beautiful
I'm not reproducing with something I don't want to fuck.
Without kids, you can afford a brand new 2017 Camaro SS, equipped with a 6.2L V8 putting out 455hp.and 455lbs of torque
>not buying an AWD hellcat
Mein nigrar.
>difficult to achieve
Are you serious? Have you seen the human garbage that has procreated?
Just because you can't find a girl to fuck doesn't mean having a kid is an achievement.
I want kids but only with a mate who I believe is truly viable, and I 100% refuse to settle for anyone that doesn't fit the bill. This goes for marriage as well but ESPECIALLY having kids with them. I'm 31 and have only met one woman in my entire life who I actually felt a real connection with and truly loved. Of course she's gone now. It took me forever to fall out of love with her (thank God it happened; it was a miserable 7 years of pining over "the one") and I've had plenty of flings and girlfriends both before and after her but absolutely none of which were wife material and I'd rather die before having kids with any of them.
I don't think very highly of myself, either, so it's not like I feel like I deserve ONLY THE BEST - I just have a standard that if I can't form any sort of bond with my partner then I refuse to commit. I don't think it's unreasonable to not want to have kids with someone who you don't have any meaningful emotional connection with.
Also, at this age (early 30s) the "baby crazy" women are so much of a fucking turn off...I've found that 21-25 is essentially the only age range that I'm even semi-compatible with. Younger than that is now too creepy not to mention they just tend to be flat out obnoxious more often than not. Older than that and they are almost all used goods with a few kids and ex husbands already under their belt or are alone without kids and horribly desperate for kids and marriage and commitment ASAP since they know their biological clock is running out and will say just about anything to make you want them so it's hard to tell if you're dealing with a real person or someone putting on an act, and fuck falling into that trap.
Anyway, my personal experience. Not MGTOW. Not "childfree." I want a wife and kids but realistically, for me at least, outlook does not look good.
Please don't have any. You sound like materialist anyways.
>You sound like a materialist anyways.
Because you're literally contributing to the death of the white race if you don't.
We need as many white men putting white buns in white ovens as possible. Civilization depends on it.
beating kids sure beats beating off when bored
There's a difference between having a kid and raising a kid. I was referring to raising your own children. It's very fulfilling and it is one of the few things we're biologically programmed to do despite perceptions of difficulty, irritation, etc.
>spending way too much money on a car
>Ceep thinking that a sandnigger religion will save you.
>he says as a sandnigger religion destroys his country
>not partaking in the most challenging and rewarding human experience there is because of muh money and muh free time
Know whats even better?
Waking up to a hot woman in your bed without a single child in sight.
>Sinking hundreds of thousands of dollars and 2 decades of your life into a being that is increasingly likely to end up a racemixer, faggot, feminist, or tranny
If you'd throw that cockblocking kid the fuck out of that video, I'd accept my fate.
No way do I want kids, it's an unnecessery expense and a commitment beyond my valued time. I'd rather travel, work and live uninterrupted with my SO than have to deal with something that I'll have to look at for over 20 years because it can't survive by itself.
Fuck no. Then there's half a chance that the kid actually makes it, if it doesn't end up getting creamed by some nigger who decided to invade the country, if it even succeeds in the schools that are now filled with noisy niggers causing havoc. Then when it actually gets old enough we're looking at all the extra kiked out expenses, need to buy the fucktard a car or a motorbike so it doesn't neet itself at home or have to take the cuckbus with all the niggers and LGBT lizard wizard trannies, so that insurance will likely cost over 9000 diversity-dollaroos because the nigger kids his age have crashed every car in existence and so the youth are now a risk-group. Then if you have enough luck and get the kid through all that shit in life, it finally makes it and gets cucked the fuck out by the kikes and shit economy caused by all this diversity shit and fucking multidimensional-diversity provocates who've managed to collapse everything my generation held dear and pure.
That isn't to say the fucker doesn't end up being born like pic related because this healthcare system has been reformed to have niggers and ruskies as doctors serving whatever the fuck drugs up the cavities of preggers mommies.
No thanks, I'll rather enjoy this ride out before the niggers take over the world.
We'll see about investing into something like that when I believe there is an actual future in the world. So if you want my god tier finno-ugric mongoloid bloodline to continue, start gassing some fuckers instead of letting this fucking degeneracy continue. Otherwise you faggots can let your kids deal with the niggers.
Stop spending money on faggots and niggers you stupid frozen frenchfry mongoloid shit, cars are a smarter investment than what you retards are spending your tax money on.
I'd still get the 'maro and throw in 10k on mods tbph
(((Time))) doesn't want you to have them and that's enough in my book
Lol yeah but if you want to use it in any manner that seperates it from say a Dodge Dart you are spending the night in jail
What are your guys' opinions on the Voluntary Human Extinction Movement? It seems pretty legit to me
>poor as fuck
30 and I've been dating late teens year/lower 20s for the last 15 yrs lol.
The average available 30 yo woman is just a no-go zone for me. IMO one of the secondary problems with dating, marriage, etc is the same age meme. Men date younger on average, but not by much in relation to the difference in maturation levels.
Early 30 dude and early 20 woman are both at their primes for what they offer. Most 20yos are immature brokefag dipshits. Most 30 something women are already shadows of their former selves attraction wise and due to the dynamic of how dating works, something is probably very wrong with them.
Don't conceive your own kids, adopt if you absolutely must have children.
You can teach your ideas to the next generation without creating another victim of global warming.
How do you even meet younger girls?
Bars and clubs? I'm assuming you're very attractive.
Not if you're a decent parent. If you are aware of the state of the world BEFORE you have kids, you will know what to look out for and how to protect them from Jewish influences and marxist brainwashing.
Because its what literally every single member of your species has done for the last couple million years
You are right also is no future for my country.
Sure if the hard right somehow takes over, purges all leftists and sends all the shitskins back we can talk but otherwise fuck off I'd rather spend the few shekels I have on my gayman PC and indulge myself in escapism so I don't have to realize how shitty the current state of the western world is.
We've been fucked since years with all the sandnegers anyway.
>Not if you're a decent parent.
Great parents are coming out with complete fucktard far-left kids.
Shitty parents are producing redpilled, successful kids.
Yeah, there's a better chance that your kid succeeds if you're wealthy and attentive as a parent, but the chance of them being leftist if you're wealthy is pretty high.
If youre white its your duty.
reincarnation is real
don't increase your chances of coming back non white