Give me scientific evidence and biological research that shows niggers have biologically lower iq.
Give me scientific evidence and biological research that shows niggers have biologically lower iq
>google: H. J. Eysenck
Bigger cranial capacity doesn't mean higher intelligence retard.
>biological evidence please
>ok here's a journal containing the difference in musculoskeletal traits from blacks, whites and asians which show the difference in iq.
i gave you evidence and you throw it out because you think you know more than a scientist conducting experiments.
then why did the neanderthals have bigger cranial capacity then? hmm? Just because their brains were bigger didn't mean they were intelligent.
Compare Liberia with Australia. There's your evidence, SJW fuccboi.
>pizza captcha
sic meme faggot.
If you don't like to read, you may well listen to the abridged version of J. P. Rushton's book, "Race, Evolution and Behavior" here:
I remember where I was when a polle gave forth to a toaster
>J. P. Rushton
that guy was a fraud. give me reputable sources.
Not an argument. You all should read a sociology book
"Everyone I don't like is a fraud"
>You all should read a sociology book
Science today mostly works with statistical inference, all the way from physics to sociology. Every measure of performance for blacks is worse than whites and Asians, regardless of socioeconomical situation. That being said, this isn't even the main argument for white rights. What they believe in is that white people should have a homeland for themselves, regardless of whether other races are smarter or dumber. They have history on their sides because both the United States and Canada were founded by white men.
Aww you don't know what sociology is? Here's a better idea for you intelligence. Watch the movie Trading Places.
>post literal evolution of men chart
>not an argument
Give me scientific evidence and biological research that shows niggers have biologically equal iq.
ok i keep seeing this picture. Are her legs photoshopped? what the fuck is going on
I'll read your sociology book. In fact, I'll make a special place for it on my shelf between "Voodoo Magick for Dummies" and "Ermahgerd Astrology is Real, Guise"
we are talking about biological differences not social differences.
We were talking about the differences in iq in humans were we not? Neanderthals are not the same as homo sapian. To an extent they were intelligent enough to use tools
>hurhuruhurr le sociology is a jewish trick
Do you even know what sociology is?
All humans came out of one species is Africa. Some inter-species shit happened with neanderthals and homoerectus, but homo sapiens all came from eastern Africa.
>Do you even know what sociology is?
A system of divining answers from chicken bones for people larping as scientists.
>we iz real sciencists, ya'll. I swearz it.
Sociology isn't science. It doesn't follow the scientific method.
I have studied it. It is totally trash they need to all be purged.
Oh snap.
I read some serious sociological work from the 50's/60's. But it was about music, and it was honest social science.
Its so fucking pozzed in anything else I've ever read. That's what happens when you unconditionally destroy social science, by turning it into an agenda driven soft science. That's what (((they))) did.
>biologically must be a nigger if you don't know your own inferior species.
The smarter races have Neanderthal genes dipshit
> Scientific evidence
"Throughout the history of psychology, no question has been so persistent or so resistant to achieving consensus as that of the relative roles of nature and nurture in causing individual and group differences in cognitive ability [1, 2].
The scientific debate goes back to the mid-19th century [3, 4]. Starting with the widespread use of standardized mental tests in the U.S. during World War I (1917), average ethnic and racial group differences have been found. Especially vexing has been the cause(s) of the 15 to 18 point IQ difference (1.0 to 1.1 standard deviations, SDs) between Blacks and Whites. This remains a source of contention in the latest contribution to the debate, Nisbett’s Intelligence and How to Get It[5].
The first major analysis of Black-White test scores began after World War I. The 23,596 Black draftees had an IQ of 83 (vs. 100 for Whites), with 13% of Blacks overlapping the White mean. Shuey [6] reported these and related data and reviewed 380 additional studies published over a 50-year period. She found the 15 point difference was consistent in Student groups from preschool to college, as well as in members of the armed forces and specific groups such as delinquents, criminals, the gifted, and the developmentally challenged.
In The Bell Curve, Herrnstein and Murray [7] described an original analysis of 11,878 youths (including 3,022 Blacks) from the 12-year National Longitudinal Survey of
Youth. It found that most 17-year-olds with high scores on the Armed Forces Qualification Test, regardless of ethnic background, went on to occupational success by their late 20s and early 30s, while those with low scores were more inclined to welfare dependency. The study also showed that the average IQ for Jewish-Americans was higher than for East Asian-, White-, Latino-, and African-Americans (113, 106, 103, 89, and 85, respectively, pp. 273-278). "
> Biological Evidence
No "IQ gene" has ever been found. But research shows there is a fairly strong correlation between IQ and cranial volume. So genetic factors affecting cranial volume (which vary between races) could influence IQ.
There could be other factors as well. If I remember correctly, Einstein's brain had an above average amount of white matter, so genetic factors affecting that could lead to IQ differences.
Personally, I think IQ is determined roughly 60% by nature, 40% by nurture. Our upbringing definitely affects how well we develop our cognitive abilities, but each of us have a limit to our the rate of learning, and to how much we can actually learn.