Is Sup Forums ready for the next president after Trump?
Are all American presidents from here on out going to be celebrities?
Is Sup Forums ready for the next president after Trump?
Are all American presidents from here on out going to be celebrities?
If we don't meme Kanye into the presidency, then what have we really done?
He's got the vision
Kek wills it! Kanye will be the true black president!
I don't know why they weren't all celebrities sooner.
is he implying trump will be 2 terms
inb4 kanye brings up the JQ
The next president will be pepe. We have to meme an actual meme into presidency next time.
He's implying that he will run as a Rep
just wait until the next president is some imaginary figure or even worse, some companies smart AI bot that takes the debates by storm
The funniest thing about this is that I definitely saw a bunch of liberal, tumblr-type memes that said "KANYE 2020" and stuff like that. It's fucking hilarious that their pathetic liberal minds actually meme'd Kanye FOR US.
>>Are all American presidents from here on out going to be celebrities?
No because "Celebrities" are a dying breed left over from the "before internet" era.
We aren't getting new celebrities because media isn't nearly as centralized anymore.
So now entertainment is made up of a bunch of "literal whos" that are beloved by an extremely niche audience.
Ivanka 2024
kanye is a ploy
check deez numericals
>implying it's not gonna be Kanye/Ivanka 2024
his autist son for president 2032
this will be our true test, kek will rest for the next 8 years to gather his energy, waiting to be awoken again in 2024
>A retard and a jew 2024
Good job Sup Forums
just to elaborate further,
Think about how they are putting Deniro, Arnold, Al Pacino, Christopher Walken, Samuel L Jackson, etc. All these old as fuck celebrities in movies from the 80s and 90s era.
Because we aren't getting any new "big name" celebrities because entertainment just isn't like how it was a couple of decades ago.
Fucking EVERYONE saw Titanic or the Matrix or whatever.
But people watch so much Youtube, foreign, amateur, stuff nowadays that there aren't any "big names"
Only stuff like Walking Dead and Game of Thrones has that level of popularity and even then it isn't close compared to M.A.S.H. or Seinfeld.
If Kanye runs Republican, he will win both the white vote and the nigger vote. This is what the map will look like.
Them Mexicans hate nigs though. With them illegal alien drivers licenses they got here, they ain't gonna let a nig take em.
The BLACKED ticket I love it
>using meme magic again in 2024
what have you sacrificed to kek for him to bless us again?
>Are all American presidents from here on out going to be celebrities?
Probably. We've reduced campaigning to memes, nothing else matters.
2016: Donald Trump
2020: Donald Trump
2014: Kanye West
2020: Kanye West
2024: ??????
2028: Barron Trump
2032: Barron Trump
2036: Profit
learn to count retarded burger
2024: Ivanka
Imagine the asshurt if the first female POTUS was a Trump.
we're getting a new president in 2020, more than likely sooner
That's really nice of him to let Trump have his 2 terms before this nigger steps in.
Kanye and Based Elsa would work better.