What is Chad's political ideology

What is Chad's political ideology

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Chad Nationalism #TheRightStuff

Fuck bitches make money.

Politics is for autists.

whatever's convenient to get pussy

t. chad

neo-liberalism, to get bitches

Most of the Chads that I know are all Trump supporters. Their dads were all Reagan supporters so it makes sense.

>t. chad
good try retard

Chad Nationalism speech in NYC


>Politics is boring.

>C-SPAN should be replaced with an all-UFC channel.

apathy on the outside
redpilled on the inside

There is no such thing as Chad

Once you go to the gym you will realise you are just as much of a Chad as anyone else

Lift some weights you cunt

What'ssss politicsss preciousssss?

Chad is apolitical.
Chad will be fine regardless of the outcome.


Chad tends to be white, so he tends to lean pretty right unless it gets him pussy to pretend to be left, then he does that when girls are around.

Jej I was on my way to post this

Are you Alt-Chad?

He has the gay face m8.

That´s the funny part.
He doesn´t talk about it.

You fucktards assimilate with the behaviour of /r9k/ whilst talking about "degeneracy".

Anal Jingoism

They are waiting to be awoken

Is /r/AsianMasculinity doing raids again? Don't you think how pathetic it is that despite months and months of shilling, still nobody cares about you and your retarded plan?


Chad and stacy arent very political, but they will lean to the right

They're every frat boy and sorority gal you see

Dudebroism with a touch of datassianism.

I'm trans chad, I may not lift but I should be treated like I do fucking bigots

This, i have never seen a chad(The meme version). Perhaps is a kind of man who exists between white people.

They don't have one

Politics is a resort for the disenfranchised or the old man

fucking Asians why is it acceptable for them to not use product in their hair and let it flop down boyishly but if a White or Indian guy wants to be chad we have to swoop it up. It's bullshit. I don't want the hair jew fucking with my carotene

Only people who care about politics are virgins or chads who've already had enough puss

>Chad tends to be white
No shit, Sherlock.
A black Chad is called Tyrone.


What's a slav chad?

Video of those two sucking each other off?

an oxymoron



Blockhead Chads are too busy jerking off to sports to care about politics.

>chad thinks politics is boring
>chad would rather jerk off to midget porn then watch news

A bydlo.

Whats a bydlo?

Yeah like western women.

A slav chad.

>tfw people have told me i'm easily 9/10
>tfw have the body of a greek god
>tfw intelligent as fuck

>mfw I'm a complete fucking autist

Either low key Trump supporter or blatant virtue signalling Clintonista, in my experience.

t. suburban maryland

>Not Alt-Chan

His ideology is shitty triceps and forearms + overzised quads and small calves

doesn't give a single shit. Chad focuses on Chad things (himself and sloots). If he were forced to talk politics, he would side with the most surface level shut that sounds right to him in the moment.

Chad doesn't care about politics, too busy looking into the latest supplements. On the upside Chad's are not liberals, nor do then need to pretend to be to get pussy.

Found the /r/smalldickproblems


Overwhelmingly republican.

>small calves
I met a hungry skelly whose calf is smaller than my wrist. we are the same height.

if you were a 9/10 with a god body you would have been laid already.

Including the chaddy benors in that pic

>"who cares dude, I don't vote"

Chad here. We're all redpilled.

Chad is a political chameleon, he adapts to whatever is necessary in order to get laid

the chads who are no longer pacified by pussy and degeneracy are fascist ethnic nationalist socialists

I worked myself up to being at least an 8/10. I get lots of smiles and have no problems starting a conversation, but beyond the initial conversation it takes a nose drive because I still have the personality of a 5/10.
Only uggos are that shallow. Most western woman want an alpha personality as well as body. Changing your body is actually easy, changing your personality is really fucking hard if not impossible later in life.

obama here, chads are def redpilled

that's false dude. sloots who want to fuck don't give a shit about your personality.

Almost every chad I've known has had really basic-bitch republican leanings. Not fashy by any standards. A select few will be in favor of "helping the poor" depending on where they live.


Most dudes who can slay pussy are full fledge Bernie bros

The chads in my area are slightly left leaning virtue signallers.

those aren't chads

b-but white women are picking tall, handsome men of all races over me!!!!

I admit

I lost my shit

tbf ham this guys got confidence out the wazoo

>tfw too intelligent to fall for a /fit/ meme

what the fuck is this guy's problem?

chad is inherently right wing
why would he want equality, i.e. the tearing down of the strong, when that's him?

>tfw so Alt-Chad you go Alt-Chan

Get cucked whitey


i'm more alpha than they are

but women are obsessed with signalling

this. when i was a chad i saw politics as either people who want to feel a part o the club, or people who want to feel important and meaningful but arent in a truly meaningful or fulfilling capacity

wtf is ur problem?

Naturally conservative and nationalistic, but mostly uninterested in politics.

Rare Chad/Dweeb hybrid here.

They can be dragged to Them by manipulation of their patriotism(oy vey, Russia is hacking our elections! Those guys over there are #NotWithHer, get 'em! You'll never *ahem* 'mad pussy' if you support DRUMPF!!) but they will always having a harder time blue pilling them than we do red pilling them.

It is our duty to get out there and ensure that pan-Chaddic army is with us.

The perfecf chick-dicking weapon: The Chad.

who the hell cares what you say

>Rare Chad/Dweeb hybrid here.
unicorn rare

basic bitch republican.

Can we be friends?

check your privilege bruh

Literally this


>Only to be surpassed by

Pat Tilman the ultimate chad. Decided to fight in a war that most of us thought was terrible but he did what he thought was right. Nationalism.

Based Duane.

>most of us thought was terrible but he did what he thought was right.
>...then became horribly disillusioned after realizing that he was just another pawn being used to expand American Empire and got snuffed out by his "brothers in arms" who then tried to make him into a hero to further their cause.

expanding upon this

This subset of Chad is increasingly common, Trey and Matt are on it when it comes to social trends and shit

90% of it is due to a belief that it will get them pussy. It becomes a feedback loop when they get it, and even though they would've probably snatched the skank anyways, it gets cemented in their internal biases that being SJW will get them that blue haired pussy and shit.

why's that Asian dude look so afraid?

He realizes he's in over his head. He can't handle the Saxon female, I almost feel pity.

>im more alpha than chad
No you arent you autist

Doesn't bydlo translate to cattle?

Chad advocates for the most popular political positions and candidate in public, but when he gets to the ballot box votes for whoever benefits him the most.

>Who was killed in a friendly fire accident which the same government he was fighting for tried covering up with bread and circus nonsense so they didn't look like the slimey fucks they are.

Also that fucking alpha shovel jaw, such a waste of incredible stock.


>tfw will never fucking have a honorary aryan asian bf
Just kill me now.

Type in youtube

Korean boyfriend roleplay asmr

I sleep to it everynight

The high-T face of Chad Nationalism is obviously Richard "Come at me, Bro" Spencer.