help me
My English cass assignment
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>Use words to describe you that aren't personality traits
Wew lad, the irony is real
Stay objective throughout the assignment, otherwise you're going to get raked by your Professor. Seems to me like your Professor is doing their best to try and catch out the ebul racists in your class.
I am in grade 12
Holy shit I'm glad I got out when i did. Tell them your an anarchist and you cant distinguish between equity and equality because they're both made up constructs.
>equity lenses
What the fuck is this shit?
Rose colored shades
Just lie your ass off dummy, use adjectives and pin yourself to below average (current year standards) to reduce thinking required
>somewhat ugly, uncertain gender, 3/4 white, average grades, etc
Just scribble "Kill Whitey" and you should get an A*.
"They pretend to pay us, we pretend to work"
Equity is a joke. A great way to immediately destroy productivity, effort, quality of work, and just about every other measurable good thing. Why should I work as hard as Ivan when I'll just get paid the same? Equity is literally communism my friend and deconstructing communism is as easy.
>Paying for getting brainwashed
wew lad
Describe the affirmative action as a manifestation of power obtained through an apparent victim status. Mention upper and upper-middle classes
as the ones granting those powers and privileges for moral self-affirmation.
Generally focus on the reality of these people being successful, the fact that minorities can grow complacent and unmotivated, that they're subjected to the discrimination
of low expectations - they aren't successful on their own, because not even the rich white class that helps them thinks of them as capable of that.
Basically, get real, and get deep into the matter.
This isn't an education.
Find a book on the Trivium, and one on the Quadrivium and educate yourself.
Your school is failing in their duty to you, but you must not let them cripple you for life.
>high school
Just troll the assignment, dummy. Pick the polar opposites of you and throughout the year drop subtle hints that you suffer from severe body dysmorphia and split personalities.
Two questions:
1. What is 'cass', is it an acronym?
2. What the hell kind of English assignment is this.
Can you recommend any of those books?
Is this an elective or are you being forced to take this class? What is your major? If it ends in "studies", stop right there, walk to the deans office and unenroll because you are wasting your time and money.
Spend the entire assignment defining equity in terms of finance.
Question 1 Answer: "A stock or any other security representing an ownership interest."
Question 4 Answer: "Equity and the voting rights associated with it gives the owner the power to appoint directors who in turn appoint officers. Some classes of equity, such as preferred equity, privilege the owner to liquidity preferences not available to holders of common equity."
Its English class...
meant to say class not cass
"The Trivium" by Sister Miriam comes to mind. I'll have to research to find an appropriate text on the Quadrivium.
This should help
Pic related for part 1
1 Equity is a legal term. it is a body of law that addresses concerns that fall outside the jurisdiction of Common Law. Equity is also used to describe the money value of property in excess of claims, liens, or mortgages on the property.
2 Equality is a social construct that identifies and amplifies disparity to make people think they're heard, as opposed to a body of law that ensures all parties are made whole if they experience loss.
3. If you're settling a debt, you're not interested in equality. Lawsuits don't require equality, but are based in equity.
4. The role of power and privilege in equity is allowed, so long as you don't deprive the other party of their property or rights.
5. Your knowledge of the legal system has given you privilege in your life. You are not surprised, because you are a competent individual.
6. If your property has been deprived due to sex/gender/diversity, then you have a claim in equity. otherwise, this is a nonsense question.
7. Your teacher is a libcuck.
He's already said it's grade 12 English. No professors or Majors.
This, OP
wow i knew canada was cucked but this is a new low
my advice to you is to move to a better country
You wanna read books? Read these
Oh wew lad, my bad. In that case, walk right down to Ottowa and renounce your citizenship then move to a country that isn't full cuck.
1. Equity is the abolition of nature's hierarchy.
2. Equality is the God's given freedom. Equity is the inferior's attempt to enslave the superior.
3. Be creative faggot
4. Power is the right of those who are higher. Privilege is the passive aggressive illusion given to those who are lower.
5. (personal answer)
6. The natural hierarchical orders of sex and race are undermined by jealous attempts at equity.
7. (personal answer)
You forgot to add
>get expelled 5 seconds after handing in the paper
Not to say he shouldn't do it, mind you, cebulak bro.
your answer to 2. is better than mine, though both are correct.
your 4. and 6. might be a little to high a power-level for the high-school leaf to get away with without getting expelled.
do this
>"They pretend to pay us, we pretend to work"
A Soviet worker is done for the day. He walks out of the gates of his place of work pushing a wheelbarrow with a blanket over it.
The guard at the gate stops him and says, "Comrade, I'm going to need to see what it's in that wheelbarrow." He lifts the blanket, and it's empty. "Carry on, comrade."
Next day, same thing. Guard inspects the blanket, and finds nothing. Worker goes on his way.
Next day, same thing. The guard says, "Comrade, something is really fishy here. I know you're stealing something. Tell me what it is!"