'member when Sup Forums was mostly left leaning and against any social injustice?
Oh, I 'member
'member when Sup Forums was mostly left leaning and against any social injustice?
Oh, I 'member
'member when liberals promoted free speech? I remember
Remember when OP wasn't a faggot?
Nah, he always been a faggot for life.
this, liberals nowadays aren't real liberals, they're "progressives" and they're cunts.
'member when this gay meme wasn't a thing and South Park was actually funny?
'member when adults wouldn't watch cartoons made for edgy 15 year olds?
I member when
Were left leaning, but Sup Forums has always done it for the lulz. Left leaning meant something totally different 10 years ago.
Liberalism from the outset has been for pussies and faggots who lack self control. When you spend enough time on the internet and get a taste for all the bullshit life has to offer, you realise being stoic and holding fast to principles that transcend the material world is truly the only way to live even though it's the hardest. We're a bunch of hypocritical fucks but we see life for what it is. Liberalism, socialism and any other ism based on post-enlightenment metaphysics is a fucking pipe dream for people who refuse to see reality in it's all its brutality and splendor.
Remember when teenagers didn't use shitty South Park jokes to bait on Sup Forums.
I don't either.
ooh I member!
>against social injustice
Only if by "left leaning and against any social injustice" you exclusively mean wanting NEETbux.
Funny how the liberal opinions and massive CP always co relate
>and against any social injustice?
You mean when it got taken over by faggots?
I remember before that, before sacks of dicks like you showed up.
member when edgy kids in grade school thought it made them cool to say everything is gay?
i member
If you're not a liberal when you're young, you don't have a heart. If you're not conservative when you're old, you don't have a brain. See you in twenty years, kiddo.
Oh I memb... Wait what the fuck is up with these member berries?
Sup Forums has always had an edgy anti-establishment attitude. The left has been the establishment for eight years. Once the right becomes the establishment in the western world again, this place will flip back to being full of pinkos.
Yeah like the times it raided childrens websites, and posted scat and gore all over Sup Forums
Progressive content!
Butthurt libcuck detected. SJWs are the logical conclusion of your shit tier cult.
The only social injustice Sup Forums ever cared about was child sexploitation
>'member when Sup Forums was mostly left leaning
I still is, this republican shit is just a meme.
>against any social injustice?
That has never been true.
>against any social injustice?
you mean like invading myspace memorial pages for kids who committed suicide?
Sup Forums has always been a multicultural site free of hate
member when everyone in canada is gay because i do faggot
Well he shouldn't have lost is ipod
I say this everytime
We are against social injustice you fuckwit, social injustice is brought about by idiots thinking only 1 step ahead and not thinking what happens after that. i.e. socialists and communists fit that pretty well and are left leaning, conservatives don't fit that, you're not very bright are you?
wew lad this made me laugh harder than it should have
what's this member shit where did it come from?
>Against any social injustice
Yeah I remember 2008, it was super fucking gay.
I don't know why you're talking shit when your country doesn't even have indoor plumbing.
and cats
when was this? because i've been here since the beginning and it was never like that...
The only thing that changed is that we used to be all like 14 years old
>Sup Forums
>left leaning
You mean back when it was all edgy atheist kids and trap lovers?
Sup Forums has always been socially liberal you retard.
The man with MEMRY in his ID doesn't member berry well
>'member when Sup Forums was mostly left leaning and against any social injustice?
And South Park fucking sucks.
Yes we used to parody the alt-right until we started delving into the information we were parodying itself. When curiosity grabs hold of the mind, it plunges it into the deep end of the other viewpoint. Curiosity is not binded by ideology, but only towards the seeking of truth and gain of knowledge and social contexts. We were so endowed in the liberal institutions mostly twisted(but not necessarily false) skews of information that many of us refused to accept another alternate viewpoint. But once curiosity overcame ideology, a new understanding of the world came to us Sup Forumsacks. You see OP, we already had an understanding of the liberal world, and it was once a paradise that held no flaws. But once we saw the ugly side of the world, we had to realize the world needed fixing due to its natural degenerate nature. Oh the world is better than it used to be, but the world is still far from being completely acceptable. That drive for knowledge turned us into the great memetic force that breached the deepest psyches of the internet, and thus a large part of the politically interested world. Knowledge brought from us anger. And Anger birthed memes to mock the harsh world that we lived in. Memes turned into reality and eventually into power, a new rising ideology. Knowledge brings Power, user.
Day of the rake can't come soon enough.
As long as you start with liberals. Especially weed man.
'member when Australia was a bigger shtiposter than Canada?
I remember when "anonymous" went full SJW. They were mercilessly (and justly) persecuted here and eventually left. You just haven't been here long enough, OP. I hope you contract ass cancer and die on your way to meet the one person you needed to make peace with before you check out.
at the same time it was board of sharing gore pictures just to troll each other...
its actually pretty boring these days
No you don't you lying cunt. This place has always been a shitstorm of differing opinions. Sup Forums was more like Sup Forums some 8 years ago. Not it's all shota, trap, and "pic you swore you wouldn't share" bullshit.
. . . .
member sucking on your mom's teat and then opening your eyes to discover it was my dick. It's awww rite.
'member when the majority of the left weren't obnoxious faggots?
I remember when Sup Forums ruined some lives and saved others. This site was pretty much a bowl of keks from the beginning
Lying cunt, I've only been here like 9 years now and it definitely was way, way more left in the last of the bush years.
I don't member because it was never like that
member when south park was funny and didn't have shitty jokes like a bunch of annoying grapes? I member
member when bill cosby was just a cool dad who ate jello puddin?
This tbqh famalam
Ive been on Sup Forums since 2007 there was daily nigger hate threads on Sup Forums since forever. Pic related is an ancient image macro that used to get posted a lot back then
>is fascist, racist
typical liberals trying to gaslight everybody into thinking we're just contrarian
kys you commie faggot
>tfw all these years later I still love traps
I should be gassed
It was better desu senpai
>old Sup Forums were fedora tippers
oh my god.
It was a simpler time
You know everytime this claim is made said op never has any evidence you know we have archives right? go peer into the mists of antiquity and find me this liberal chapter of Sup Forums you swear existed, please i would love to see it.
>Sup Forums
>against any social injustice
Name one example. Yeah I thought so, nice try revisionist lefty pozcuckold.
Moron progressives are for free speech liberals arent
I member but then we realised it was Jews and became centrist!
This. I lurked Sup Forums back in 2006-ish. I remember the occasional CP thread.
I wonder what he'll say about Sup Forums going right.
I don't
Hmm yeah I wonder if they all left for some reason only for Sup Forums to become completely repopulated by more right leaning people or everyone just became assholes for no reason or maybe it's just that the Globalist Jew is destroying the world and that society's values and standards have literally vanished from underneath it.
been here since /new/
It actually was more or less like that. Someone gets fucked in an unfun and unfair way and Sup Forums would fuck with the people who fucked with that person. But conversely, if someone was being a faggot, that person was going to be fucked hard.
Sounds about right. Damn, now you're making me look through my old Sup Forums folder.
Fuck I'm old.
Post more old shit leaf.
Now we're right-leaning and against social injustice, since the left started doing more social injustice than the right.
Funny how that works.
remember when moot deleted the previous versions of Sup Forums twice for being too racist?
why do they call him weed man?
He's got a point , Sup Forums is going to troll the side who gets most butt blasted about their fewlings.
good lord that picture is funny
member when times and people change
i member
Here, have the birth of Sup Forums.
'member when Sup Forums wasn't contrarian ?
Me neither
nice post
Severely underrated
Member when you're from mud hut 3rd world Brazil
Sup Forums has always been edgy as fuck.
Today being a good christian and NOT supporting the destruction of your own civilization is edgy
I found Sup Forums in 2005 but I only now realized the original 2chan = nii-chan. Fuck me
remember when right wing meant christians who believed the bible was actual history?
these days the right are the new left
blame the jews, people here and tens of millions more will be far right so long as the jq isn't solved
Yup 2011 everyone was libertarian. Then plebbit started pouring in and said "the left is too mainstream let's be cuckservatives"
this shithole will always be contrarian for the sake of being contrarian
i bet if people actually start to like trump then you faggots will flip to the left
>member when Russia made a fool of American democracy by convincing slightly less than half of the nation to vote for a literal nigger whom had never held elected office
'Memba that when this site was mostly left leaning it was also mostly just pedophiles lurking for pizza?
kek confirms russian nigger meddling
>this, liberals nowadays aren't real liberals, they're "progressives" and they're cunts.
No. They're racists. They're self-righteous, holier-than-thou racists. And cry-babies. Often with a suicide complex.
Don't conflate progressives with that shit. I want better schools and better physical and mental fitness programs and better opportunities for everyone. I want America to lead humanity into space and to take a leading role in keeping the planet healthy and beautiful.
>'member when Sup Forums was mostly left leaning and against any social injustice?