So I think I came up with an abortion plan that both the left and right can agree on...

So I think I came up with an abortion plan that both the left and right can agree on. Give women access to three free abortions, because it's cheaper to pay for an abortion, than it is to pay out for 18 years of food stamps and welfare. Then on the third government paid abortion have mandatory sterilization because if you haven't learned the first three times then you never are, and it also prevents abuse of the program. Thoughts?

>maybe but just maybe you should educate children in the subject of sexual intercourse
>maybe than there would be no need for abortions or at least less
>maybe you would also get rid of sexual transmitted diseases
>just saying burger just a plebs from good old Germany

Next we can do eugenics right!?! yAY

You sick fuck.

I'm all for legalized abortion but it shouldn't be covered by health insurance or the government. It should be paid out of pocket.

How about we just get right to the point and start sterilizing people. Pay people lets say 3k to get sterilized. The people dumb enough to take it are the people we don't need to be having children anyways.

>give women three free murders
>this "appeases" the right

soft eugenics is god tier.
we have dis-eugenics (disgenics) now, it's call welfare.

>heil genius

we should turn this into a brainwash action

No, three free murders appease the left. The cost savings and punishment for use appeases the right.

No fuck you. No free shit. No abortions

you know what appeases me?

not legalizing the murder of your own offspring to avoid responsibility for your own actions

hmm this seems genius

No it's completely unworkable. The pro-life position is that it is morally unacceptable to kill innocent human beings and that the unborn, from the moment of conception is a human being. Giving women free abortion isn't going to magically change either of these facts.

>He actually wants a larger nigger population

Yeah, I don't like murder, even if its niggers. Sorry.

How about this:

All abortions are illegal for actual humans, but mandatory for niggers?

I have a better idea, make whites pay for blacks abortions and have whites pay their own abortions. While calling it
>Reparations assistance for african americans
Whites get pissed, blm and many blacks get pissed at some whites refusing such plan.
Race war commences, blacks get eliminated and the rest of blacks who survive. Some will get abortions. Population of blacks is decreased to 5%.


>Doesn't like murder
>Prefers to let ISIS members who engaged in terrorism to live a full life by the expense of tax payers

I don't think I've ever seen a bigger strawman in my life.

my system
abortion is legal and free courtesy of the government
all private providers outlawed government only
general anesthesia is mandatory during the procedure
sterilize the women while they are unconscious and don't tell them
problem solved

I'm down for this

one abortion should be mandatory sterilization desu


Some things to think about:

1. How can any nation arrive at any consensus of common good when the most fundamental questions of human life can be decided solely by the will of self interested individuals without regard to the common good?

2. How is it right or good for any nation to allow the private and changeable will of an individual decide the value of a human life (and if it is to be protected or terminated)?

3. Are the citizens and tax payers of countries that sanction abortion not also morally implicated in such practices?