/diy/ - Right Wing Safety Squads

caltrop proof boots edition
Thread #48

The Oakland warehouse fire occurred in a radical leftist commune rife with HIV, drugs, and alternative lifestyle degeneracy. These communes are known as "DIY spaces" to the bums, anarchists, and drug addicts who populate them. You might even have one of these rent-free flop houses in your neighborhood or city and not even know it.

The purpose of this thread is to save the lives of those who populate such places. As the incident in Oakland has shown, these dens of ill repute are often decrepit, hazardous, and in violation of city ordinances. As members of this board of peace, we are obligated to report building code infractions and get these death traps shut down.

>Flop House Directories

>Reportable Violations

>Who Needs to Know
City Councils/Public Works
Fire Marshals
Alcoholic Beverage Control Boards

>Flop Houses Already Shut Down
Bell Foundry (Baltimore)
Rhinoceropolis (Denver)
Glass Menage (Nashville)
Kitty Castle (San Jose)
Purple 33 (Los Angeles)
Drkmattr (Nashville)
Werk (Los Angeles)
Big Art Factory (Los Angeles)

QuoLab (Savannah)
Queer Agenda (Charleston)
Anarchist Collective (Salt Lake City)
Seventh Circle Collective (Denver)

Our communities need people like us to report violations and keep unwitting leftists from getting themselves killed. Do not visit these places, do not harass squatters, and do not make false reports. City officials are depending on us for correct information so that they can prevent this type of tragedy: [YouTube] The Station Night Club Fire

Click directory links.
Find a leftist cult near you.
Research it to see if the building is up to code.
Report violations to the authorities.

>Thread theme

Other urls found in this thread:


Remember: Fire safety is no joke!

Second for Safety!

from the bottom of wbrc.com/story/33967664/fire-marshal-shuts-down-nashville-music-collective-operating-out-of-barbershop

>Bill Herbert said if anyone has information about potentially-dangerous venues, they should contact Metro Codes or the Fire Marshal’s Office immediately.

so don't worry about false report bullshit or leftyanons saying why bother, the authorities want to know

>thread theme for the redditors and lefty saboteurs that are constantly shitposting here


You fucking fascists won't get away with this. We won't be shut down. Donations are pouring in as we speak.

69 E. Belmont Ave.
Fresno, CA, US


are there any other ones we have reported that you think should be on the list, i know some are secret because of opsec, but a few more have been in the threads

did anyone end up reporting that one in i think toronto?


that posting is from 2012, but do investigate

I guess Sup Forums doesn't care about safety at all


Reminder that this is the real thread theme!
Stay /safe/!





haha All you are doing is helping us get more money.

$679,718 and counting.
>Gray Area Foundation for the Arts is a non-profit organization tax-id 26-3383316.

werk article

>Donations are pouring in as we speak.
Fantastic! You'll have the money to bring your residence up to code before the fire marshal has to condemn it.

I love it

>"Every single one I know of across the country has been in the process of either renovating up to code or getting funds to do so, these faggot ass suburban retards are just doing this to fuck with people. It's disgusting and they are all horrible people for having any part of it."
I guess preventing people burning to death make us horrible people.

>that syringe next to the keyboard

That Sup Forums mod didn't outright delete the thread indicates they don't consider it bannable to talk about improving the fire safety of others places.

My friends died in that fire. They weren't a cult. They didn't have aids. They weren't endangering anyone.

Fuck outta here with your hate speech


Mod moved the Sup Forumsthread to trash kek
That was one salty thread.

Now, to think of new memes. What ideas does anons have?

>caltrop proof boots edition
Top kek
The caltrop meme is fantastic

very safe, good work

Looked through it but it seems like there's only some pictures of the empty room inside that warehouse. All the other pictures are for some other textile factory that shares the same building.

So is this basically the 2016 version of the SA disrupting Communist rallies?

Mailed today. "The House" is certified /unsafe/.

Don't even bother trying to teach these fascists of the value of human life.

Reposting 7th circle collective info that myself and another user reported on in the last thread, they are still very much an active venue.

Website: 7thcirclemusiccollective.org/

Photos from inside: stubbornsounds.wordpress.com/tag/seventh-circle-music-collective/

What do these people think is going to happen, leaving exposed wiring intertwined with flammable materials?

Also remember to report g0fundme [dot] c0m [slash] rebuild-rhinoceropolis as a scam

MICHIGAN ANONS, still no anons saying they've actually reported church of 3 cats although one said they would do it tomorrow, we have the evidence of them promoting concerts and charging for it in an unsafe residential basement

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Did you cc: the fire marshal?



>my friends died
>fuck you for trying to prevent further tragedies
decidedly unsafe post

other guy who reported it here, you from the 303?

dont spend them on drugs that would be unsafe

Whooah, thats a lotta money!

[leans on fire extinguisher]

You are going to spend it on fire suppression systems and lighted exit signs, right?

great work Mr. F. Chan!

>Implying it disappoints us to see that law-breaking firebugs are taking steps to promote fire safety.
If you learn fire safety, we win.

>Maui pepe

Like i said in the last thread, if you keep fucking around Im going to mention Wayne's little collective in Oklahoma. Do you really want to chance that?

what city is it in, so i can add to the list

I might send another letter to the locals. I'm just a little leery of using a pseudonym in correspondence with public officials.

Top fucking kek 10/10 oc user

Sorry to hear that m8 but they endangered themselves by not having up to code safety conditions. It's all fun and games and you think nah nothing bad could possibly happen! but it does dude and many lives could of been spared. Sad!

>the list of unsafe buildings gets bigger every time I check in

You guys are true heroes, keep our world safe anons

>a dying breed
Sadly, its the rule breakers who will be if they don't change their ways.

>Paul F. Chan



If questioned, just say it's your pen name. Your overriding concern is safety after all.

Sup Forums probably has even more r*edditors per posters than fucking /qa/
Also Sup Forums is underage edgelords general

Alright Gents, last time I will be shilling this in the thread. After that it will be up to you to go through the archives or place the link in future OP stickies.


Discord I made for the Right Wing Safety Squad. Useful tool to coordinate, talk, post images and text.

Already got 39 of you in there, grew pretty quick.

I expect the lefties to raid this, and I await with smiling anticipation.

Have some OC

Here's some more OC, stay safe lads!

potential leads mostly courtesy a german user






>News and Wiki:






















Night of the Long Fence is coming

Obviously my anger is directed at the slander of my friends names for the sake of your anti leftist narrative.

Get this: You can prevent tragedy without inciting hatred

This, someone please report the Church of 3 Cats in Lansing, MI

kek well done

>caltrop proof boots edition
Topkek. I posted that piggy here a few threads back. It was originally a meme about Muslims getting kicked out of Europe if you replied to the post, but I thought it was better in this context.
>Boot me up, piggu.

Jacksonville, FL. It's the one with all the graffiti.


something something Aryan Supermaaaaaaan

This fucking song is going to be stuck in my head forever

good work lad

would let him inspect my place

>They don't know that learning fire safety and abiding by laws will be the seed crystal in which their conservatism grows around.

if anyone has any pictures of the Kitty Castle or Purple 33 they can share I'd appreciate it.

Fort Collins right now, I highly recommend it.



Absolutely unsafe. We will rescue those citizens at once.

i've only seen photos from inside those places

Ok, ok, I see what's happening yeah
You're face to face with safety and it's strange
You look on the verge of tears
It's adorable!
Well, it's nice to see that commies never change
See the fire rise, let's begin!
Smell the toxic fumes, it's burning!: breathe it in!
I know that you're sad; your shack, it's gone!
But trust me, you're much safer now!
What can I say except you're welcome
For getting your rat-hole condemned
Hey, it's okay, it's okay
You're welcome
You're gonna be much safer in the end
What has two hands that called FBI
When your fire safety went awry?
This guy!
When you broke fire codes
Who sent the Feds to your abode?
You're lookin' at him, yo
Oh, also I called I.C.E
You're welcome!
Since I see you harbor rapefugees
Now that your hang-out's shut down
You're welcome!
The kids will be much safer now
So what can I say except you're welcome
For cleaning up degeneracy
There's no need to cry; it's alright
You're welcome!
Ha, I guess it's just my way of being me
You're welcome!
You're welcome!
Well, come to think of it
Kid, honestly I can go on and on
Naming all the ways that you broke the law
The exits, the lighting, the oven,
wow! you managed to break every safety precaution

>needs finishing
I killed an eel
I buried its guts
Sprouted a tree, now you got coconuts
Flushed out these
What's the lesson
What is the take-away
Don't mess with Maui when he's on the break-away
And all the screenshots of liberal tears
Is proof that you're no longer living in fear
Look where I've been
I make everything happen
Look at that mini-Maui just tippity-tappin'
Well, anyway let me say you're welcome
For the wonderful world you know
Hey, it's okay, it's okay
You're welcome!
Well, come to think of it, I gotta go
Hey, it's your day to say you're welcome
'Cause I'm gonna need that boat
I'm sailing away, away
You're welcome!
'Cause Maui can do anything but float
You're welcome!
You're welcome!
And thank you!

do it faggot

personally hate foco but I understand the appeal. ever actually been to 7th cir? it's complete trash

I've been looking for a while mate, no dice

are there any safe guys here who can report this one in michigan

>"Hegel remarks somewhere that all great world-historic facts and personages appear, so to speak, twice. He forgot to add: the first time as tragedy, the second time as farce." -Karl Marx

Is it safe?

holy shit that kill count

I called in Rhino in Denver and stopped coming into these threads thinking nothing much would happen

you guys are disturbingly effective



Station Nightclub Fire Dispatch

they say
>There’s two ways to access the warehouse space — through a fenced in loading dock or through a street-front taqueria that provides meals for the hundreds of textile employees who work in the warehouse during normal business hours.

so really your only choices are one of those entrances or the actual door to it which is also there, although this blueprint they posted could also do

you're welcome

also does anyone remember the one in toronto's name, i think it was toronto, was a couple of days ago and i'm pretty sure someone reported it but can't recall the naem

We should also try to protect lives near the border. There was an user a few threads ago giving advice for finding citizens and undocumented foreign nationals in need. If you speak Spanish remember to help those along the border as you speak their social media language.

that's a really cute porker

Nope, just found it while looking at one of the archived lists. I can smell it through the monitor though.

Pepe Piggy says stay safe eh


Whenever Friendly Neighborhood Fireman shows up again, ask him to shill some Firefighter Christmas Funds or charities that care for the children of fallen firefighters.

>yrw safety senpai finally notices you

Someone screencap this. I can't do it atm.

We prevent warehouse fires without borders in /diy/

>tfw no qt safety conscious gf


I've seen some seriously insane, degenerative shit there. One thing that stands out was some chubby ginger rapper who only rapped about killing other white people

I'm not sure where Maui poster went, but heres another Safety Squad Safety Song.

This shit is gonna blow up, the SJWs will of course side with the safety violators/rapists/communists/junkies/hipsters/edgelords, and the news will try to garner sympathy, too. But when they say "in light of the Oakland warehouse fire", it will bring most of the normies to our side, and the news and the SJWs will both become more alienated.

Genius, Sup Forums. Sup Forums has fallen but you guys have picked up the torch to surpass what they used to be.