You're in the club and this guy slaps your girlfriend's ass and calls her a traitor to her country

You're in the club and this guy slaps your girlfriend's ass and calls her a traitor to her country.

What do you do?

Other urls found in this thread:

Laugh at his Impotenant Rage

I would not follow him home and kill him.

Don't read my twitter.

not take him seriously until he goes away

call him a faggot and tell him how stupid his glasses look

Why did liberals spend years shouting about how nationalism and patriotism are awful and shameful, and now theyre going around calling people traitors to their country and wrapping themselves in american flags?


Proceed to fuck my girlfriend and his wife while he watches from the corner.

wait till he goes to shitter
beat him to death
stroll out

Tell him she is Russian.

lol pathetic democrat still saying drump!!
TRUMP WON fukstick!

Grab it by the pussy

Tell it that it will be going over the Trump Wall very soon

basically this

ywn get called "SCUM" by Keith Olbermann while he fucks you in the ass.

>Olbermann literally wrapping himself in yhe American Flag.
This timeline in amazing.

Why the fuck are libtards trying to claim back the American flag and patriotism after a presidential campaign of

>America was never great!
>This country sucks!
>I wanna move to Canada!

Shouldn't they be more ashamed or something? Or are they trying to claim they're the REAL patriots now?

Call the police and then place him under citizens arrest for sexual assault, inform him that if he tries to flee before the cops arrive I will restrain him.

Give my girlfriend free reign to beat his ass into the ground because he has less testosterone than an all natural female.

He is such a faggot that he has to be in his mothers basement for 9pm bed check.

Call him a misogynist and watch him self destruct