Hi, Sup Forums. Been emailing a professor in the U.K. about fatherhood and anthropology and his works/papers on it. He seems to be a nice enough guy, but obviously there's some inherit bias in this last email I've got. Is he wrong, though?
Hi, Sup Forums. Been emailing a professor in the U.K. about fatherhood and anthropology and his works/papers on it...
He sounds like a fucking cuck
>except for our muscles
Are they faster except for their running speed too?
Kinda. Personally if he thinks there's no biological/psychological evidence that holds men to a higher degree than women then he's a bit slow. Or he's just dogmatic.
I think he means in terms of shit like life expectancy.
Because life expectancy is a way of proving someone is better than someone else, I guess.
Tell him natural selection does not care about feelings or equality.
bias cuck opinion, if you believe in evolution you must believe men are better than women. Men have done everything EVERYTHING!
we have ascended well past women
>he hasn't heard of various phrases such as mentally weak, or spiritually weak, a weak sense of smell, etc.
m8 fuck off ur australian
The same could be said about his paragraph about how men are weaker.
Tortoises are the true master-species tbqhpham.
>men die earlier meme
Because men have more responsibilities and stressors. Because men are the ones tasked with building the civilization that modern women are now so desperate to tear down.
Men have a lower life expectancy because they do more physical work and it has been this way for thousands of years.
For this guy to be a professor in anthropology and not know this is quite disturbing. Which means he is just lying to you to further the liberal agenda.
Isn't it mainly due to heart problems and testosterone making the heart more vulnerable to attacks?
meant for OP! sir calm down honest mistake
I responded that it's due a lot to social issues.
>fatherless children are the same as motherless children
>there is no psychological evidence for it
Dig up studies on emotional reasoning in women, and those 2 articles about men and women having different brain wiring, and women having several billion less neuron connections.
Also link studies regarding single mothers with decaying society and principals, and pose the link to a biblical reference of the importance of Fathers being above Mothers.
He sounds bluepilled.
He is right (anyone here can figure out that women have an stronger immune system for example) but I disagree with saying that men are the weaker sex, this seems subjective and really broad, unless he provides a bunch of different data to quantify how some gender is stronger than the other. If anything a better way to tackle it, is saying that men and women have different strengths and weaknesses
You got any links, my man?
kek, this
>Literally wut?
I think this is the most autistic reply i've gotten all day, congrats.
More neurons doesn't mean you are smarter.
Being superior is essentially just being of higher quality, and depending on who you ask that could kinda mean anything. I could say that women are inferior because they're more vulnerable to auto-immune disorders. I'm not comfortable with concretely labeling either sex as inherently better.
He's right you faggot misogynists. There are a hundred reason to hate women but "males are superior" isn't one of them.
He said neuron connections.
Regardless, it's a reflection of intelligence. More connections means higher thinking capabilities, much like more muscle tissue means increased strength.
Depends on what you mean by superior.
>faggot misogynists
Why is dying younger bad?
Doesn't that mean we need to accomplish more in sooner?
He is right in the sense that "superiority" is entirely subjective.
His reasoning on the other hand is total horse shit.
Women live longer than men because men undertake more physically stressful activities to keep society running.
If he had argued that men cannot have babies while women can, and hence to make a blanket statement of superiority is stupid, then I would back him.
But he is basically trying to claim that men are only physically stronger, which is total feminist horse-shit.
What about his argument that more male babies die during childbirth
Nope. If that were actually true then all humans before adolescence are geniuses. Learn about synaptic pruning. It isn't the amount of connections it's how the brain has optimized these pathways as far science currently understands. Also measuring intelligence with the amount of connections is just... a lackluster, the brain is more than that and science can't truly measure intelligence to this day with just biological data. The connections as science understand are more about day to day learning.
You're retarded. More neurons means nothing. Is the sperm whale super intelligent because it has a bigger brain and more neurons? No. Idiot.
I'm kinda wondering what he even means by "psychological superiority". Aren't most people's psyche's constructed from personal life experiences?
A sperm whale is 2000x our size. It's also not a human, just to be clear. Humans are intelligent partially because we have massive brains for our size.
So sobbing on the floor in the fetal position after Hillary was BTFO is a sign of female mental strength? MMMMMMK
>no biological or psychological evidence for it
>we have more muscles, our needs as children differ, but are "equal" somehow
hes just a slave to the orthodoxy like everyone else
That specifically irked me. There's a good amount of info online that disagree with that statement.
He means that women live longer, are more resistant to disease and infections, have healthier bones, are less prone to depression, etc...
Are you 12 years old to think that the word strength refers only to muscular strength?
The real question is would mother be able to hunt,shelter, and fight to feed their children. Women are Emotionally weak, Physically weak and lack creative thinking. Men are no weaker. Your professor is a cuck.
>women live longer, are more resistant to disease and infections, have healthier bones, are less prone to depression, etc...
You act like most of that shit isn't due to social/environmental impacts and issues. Also, women are more vulnerable to some specific infections and diseases. And where did you even get the healthier bones thing from?
>Black people die more than white people do. Therefore, white people are superior to black people.
He's right about men being more vulnerable, that's a biological fact. Women are more resilient and tenacious, they have better stress resistance, better immunity, better everything in fact. Men are essentially disposable, and are at the forefront of evolution, meaning when nature wants to test some new possibly damaging shit, it tests it on men.
BUT it's also a biological fact that women are weaker, smaller, slower AND dumber.
It would be prudent to admit all the facts, and not distort them to fit some man-hating narrative.
In a word, men are actually superior to women where it counts, but as the guys says, both father and mother are equally important when raising a kid. The (arguable) notion that a father is somehow more important I think comes from the fact that, being superior, a man has better chance to somehow compensate for the lack of a mother in the family than a woman has to compensate for the lack of a father.
Point to take home is make sure your kids are gonna have a healthy loving heterosexual family before you actually start making kids.