/k/ has one of these and it's pretty good, so here we have one now.
what's the one thing that if asked, the answer can tell you if someone's redpilled or not?
/k/ has one of these and it's pretty good, so here we have one now.
what's the one thing that if asked, the answer can tell you if someone's redpilled or not?
how do i stop being attracted to trannies and crossdressers?
Do you believe that all people are equal in their capacities to do science, industry and economy things? (to test if they are racial realists)
How many genders are there?
signal out the manly features that they have, focus on that, for me it's really easy to do this, try it
Meet one irl
As soon as the male pheromones hit your nostrils your mind will clearly see the deception at hand, unless you're a fag
Is being bipolar redpilled?
And also, "When do we start focusing on Transgender issues?"
I like this answer, thanks toothpaste I feel like you'd have alot of normies answer this with 2, and yet they still be blue pilled as fuck in many other parts
As a nonbinary, plantkin with otherkin tendencies I find that offensive.
i can spot it out, but desu it's never enough to sway me when im jackin it. i only feel guilty about after it's all over
How do you police the police in this country? Can legal repercussions be had against corrupt law enforcement?
>Anime faggot
>Mentally ill
How fucking typical
again, I feel like alot of blue pilled people who are just religious, but are liberal in many other parts could answer this in a red pilled way
No more porn. Block porn sites so you aren't tempted. No more Sup Forums.
but that leaves me with nothing to do
Ok try this on for size.
Are you aware that we live in a matriarchal society, that values women over men, because society is based almost solely on the church of women worsting?
Read books, exercise, take up up a hobby, etc. Do something to enrich yourself.
also contain yourself puss, use your will, jack off to other shit, trannies are nasty.
Or just accept the fact that you like to jack off to trannies but don't actually engage with them, you swine
In relation to businesses refusing to bake gay marriage cakes
>The businesses use taxpayer's roads, sidewalks, etc so they shouldn't be allowed to discriminate
How do I refute this? I strongly believe that its the business's right to refuse service for any reason.
What is your opinion on the federal reserve?
but what if i wear cute perfumes and lots of girl deoderant? what then, huh?
Hey what does pol think of Czech republic? Wanted to ask for a while now and did not want to spam the board with thread of its own.
By that you mean they'll just realize that "Transgender" is just another bullshit special snowflake name and that sticking with their actual sex is alot more sane.
I really don't know because i confuse your flag alot with the Philippines, i guess it's okay
Btw Check em' boys
Dey good kikes dey din do nuffin. Dey just tryna inflate our economy
That actually fooled me but I might be a fag so not sure.
Get the fuck off this site lad
Do you make it to the cloud district often?
The kkk goes into a black owned bakery and orders a cake. How you you libs feel now?
Oh of course you are ok with that business telling them to fuck off.
Well, they aren't for once. And even if they were, how does it follow that they shouldn't discriminate? The hot blonde woman down the street uses our common road but she doesn't fuck me.
do you hunt?
What did they mean by this?
Yoa can't smoke light fucking druggos
all of those things bore the shit out of me though
When things start getting hot and sweaty their male musk will begin to overpower the feminine deodorants and you'll probably want to vomit. Just don't do it
So a conference center shouldn't be allowed to refuse to hold a Klan or neo-nazi rally?
A Holocaust survivor should be forced to bake a Hitler birthday cake or print Holocaust denial books if he runs a print shop?
Lifting becomes pretty addictive after awhile.
>attaching a jewish label to oneself
not redpilled
Getting high on freedom maybe?
what if I don't sweat, tho? what if I just stay in the position you put me in? Ha. I'm done.
Then kill yourself you worthless piece of shit.
I think you guys have a prostitute/porn industry problem, but I love Czech people, I've been to some towns there for vacation and everyone is pretty based. 8/10 pretty great country and people
Pointing out double standards does nothing for convincing them, most of the time it becomes "well they shouldn't discriminate either" or "gays aren't a hate group."
Unless she's a street worker, that's kind of a moot point.
get a job and a gf like a fucking normie
i cant pass as a normie
How do I realize the full potential of my white ancestry and get my shit together? I know what I need to do (lift hard, read more, learn a skill, start a business) but its like I just don't have the willpower to make it happen. I waste so much time with bullshit instant gratification activities and invest very little time in bettering myself. I don't WANT to be like this but it's like I'm possessed by a demon or something (not actually proposing that as a serious excuse, retards). What can I do?
>tourists gets scammed here
>richest slav country or something
>atheist paradise so degenerate
>lots of castles
overall pretty based country
What if the U.S. stopped fucking the Ruskies over?
>"well they shouldn't discriminate either"
Fine. Let's make it a law. How do we define discrimination? Can a business have a dress code? Doesn't that discriminate against the financially disadvantaged?
I once saw a gov't funded website claim the messiah has been know since 2011,(little over 15 months ago btw) and then permanently delete all comments 4hrs later on youtube.
Then you are guilty of theft of seed for which the punishment is forty lashes and no less than 3 days in the pillory
You are gay, accept it and move on to sucking dick. It's nothing to be ashamed about and you will feel better.
All of the troll/goading threads that are made to get the (You)'s like:
>Say it with me, Madam President
>Trump eternally BTFO
Most of, if not all of these are clearly just Trump supporters bored and needing attention... But also we should just fucking stop responding to them too
yeah well after introduction of capitalism and German cocks with full wallets it seems problematic to regulate it
Hes right though, fakecountrynigger. Anime is escapism with no benefits, and therefore degenerate
Businesses pay taxes. They've earned the right to use the roads. Far more than many.
yes i do, /Arizona/ hunting is pretty good
Shit or get off the pot
Visited last summer and loved it!
Anarcho-Monarchism is the best form of government. Really, it is.
Basically you abolish the government and you give the most liked and trusted person in the nation a sceptre, crown, robe, and a really big gun. Everyone else can pretty much do whatever they want and should probably buy guns too. The King or Queen's only real job would be to go around the nation and, because they're so well liked, rally up citizens to go out and raid anyone trying to start up a new government.
Of Course England would have the queen, America would have Tom Hanks, and so on and so on. If you want to go further, Anarcho-Nazism, a similar system in which a zombified Hitler would forever lead the world, rooting out jews, gypsies, non-whites, and pro-government statists who tell people what to do.
This is my ideology, an Individual Anarchy vouching for Electoral Monarchy with some Ethnic Cleansing thrown in, and I personally ask you to respect it.
and that is excactly why your superior ancestry wont help you. stop being a fag and get working.
deprive yourself. you'll find something.
Software can be used to limit your internet usage. Only allow yourself one hour in the evening.
Probably that, well maybe they shouldn't of done a fucking crime then
Pitbull threads.
kek I understand this reference
How many babies should whites be having?
They're gross irl, but jerk off to pretty pics. Das wut i do.
anyone else BISEXUAL and LOVING IT?
What's Sup Forums currently listening to?
Link related:
accept that you're gay
Well hopefully if we can get a thread like this to be a consistant thing it'll help alleviate shitposting
How'd ya know i was listening to music
I just want Trump to be inaugurated already. I'm getting too paranoid about this whole Russia thing and I'm worried it's going to be used against him the next 4 years.
Arguing against muh feels with slippery slopes doesn't convince well.
Probably the best thing with to counter with.
you can ask me to respect it all you want but this is a Sri Lankan fishing forum and I say fuck you you autist
Pretty sad right now
Where do you go when you die?
This is a Sri Lankan fishing forum!
it will be, but most people will get tired of it, have this gem
Arguing against muh feels is pointless in general. Emotional thinking is not rational.
That isn't a slippery slope argument by the way. It is an attempt to get them to define the parameters of permissible discrimination within a society. You can't just pick and choose which ones cause your feels to flare up. Law requires a rational basis so that it may be applied fairly and uniformly.
Arguing against feels may not change them immediately, but if they're met with enough cognitive dissonance then maybe a redpill will be in their future. Fair point though.
Tfw when you're being sarcastic about sarcasm.
What did the Russian Embassy mean by this?
The CIRCUMSITION threads! I don't care about your dicks
So is jerking off to a world that existed and died decades ago
at least 3
....Actually....deserves many threads sir. Gotta meme it's repeal!
That's what I was trying to get at. Just use the Socratic method and terminate the discussion if they won't play along. Only by probing in this manner will you have a chance to possibly force them to face their cognitive dissonance. Just keep asking questions to get them to think about more fundamental aspects of the issue. They could conclude that all discrimination should be illegal. You might disagree, but if they are consistent then so be it. Odds are though that they have never thought beyond how that specific situation makes them feel.
>black business owners
Good one.
Don't be racist. Lots of black entrepreneurship goes on. Many of them are involved in sales and distribution, talent management, challenging negotiations, and asset acquisition. The department of justice has many resumes on file.
Why does your nose run and your feet smell?
eh I'll do a couple
Accept that you're gay - an evolutionary mistake. Then, move on, fuck some traps and enjoy life. We all suffer and die, why not?
horribly worded but assuming you're asking if all races perform the same in science and economics in school, the obvious answer is no. Every race differs in intelligence on an average worldwide. This is mainly due to genetics, but also the events of history and nowadays, a flawed education system.
Biologically there are two sexes.
Chances are you're probably not bipolar but just very dramatic, selfish, and whiny. If you're diagnosed bipolar, then no. No it isn't.
Of course. Most men are aware of this yet deny it. However, society is not at fault, other men are.
Hunting for a meal is acceptable. Hunting for game is a stupid waste of time.
You will never change, I would not bother trying. Give up now to save yourself the hurt. The greatest accomplishment you will ever achieve is having children. Try harder on them then you did on yourself to better the next generation.
Straight outta 11th grade APUSH. I'm aware there were no questions here but I just wanted you to know you're a faggot.
Bisexual (n.) - see also > desperation
Where do you go before you're born? Does that make any sense to you? See? Nowhere user. Nowhere.