How can they still be this smug?
How can they still be this smug?
i guess they are still in denial stage
you have to go back
Maybe they're right?
>reddit screencaps
Just go back and don't return
Fuck... These guys are good. Trump has no chance in 2020...
>we have corrupt government because a foriegn nation allegedly did something to influence an election
Liberals are such fucking unprincipled hypocritical faggots. The only other option was someone who was confirmed to take money from foreign governments, and had the entirety of the already corrupt government behind her. These people will spend the next 8 years bitching about the evil government, while they have ignored all the fucked things Obama has done for the past 8. They have no ability for original thought, and the worst part is that they think they do because they watch propagandist "comedians" every week. Fuck liberals for being dumb faggots who think that they're "woke".
>guys guys the republicans are the bad guys and we are the good guys
what's the age limit on reddit again?
ok now I'm really fucking regretting voting for trump...
There isn't one.
Damnit OP you're triggering me with their dumb shit
>blaming the other side for having a boogyman in a thread dedicated to hating your own boogyman
well bush got blamed for all of obama's fuckups so why not continue the trend?
Reply to AEDNOCH about false rape accusations.
I want to be an educated urban...
Dude, I'm not reading that wall of text.
The electoral college is dumb. But if it was up to the popular vote, Trump would have changed his strategy and won anyway.
Dont browse Reddit, it's bad for you.
Remember that their original problem is that they are cultists.
>russia hacked our election by informing the public about the corruption of our establishment
even if the russian bullshit were true they are literally arguing for an uninformed voting populous
Mental illness.
>"I've never seen the movie! Just book. Is it better?"
Nice humblebrag, brah
Damn dude who cares. It's painfully obvious these redditards are like 15 years old.
He must have an heroed upon hearing that Elon Musk works for Trump now
Both cause the failure of the nation.
These guys are so smart I really want to be this smart
They know exactly what's going on, I wish I could be insightful like this
I imagine leddit as the annoying nerd little brother whose a butthurt fag and Sup Forums is the smart cooler older brother whose got the real info
Fuck Drumpf and FUCK FAKE NEWS
Whenever people talk about to kill a mocking bird I just cant help but think "This is the only book youve ever read because they forced you to in high school". Its the smoking gun of a pleb.
>you have... pro-globalism
>then you have... you may know them as... "Hezbollah"
What is (((Pepe))) trying to tell us here?
Seriously how are these guys so smart? How do they know all this stuff?
They make you alt-right fascists look like complete morons
Why are so many liberals only capable of interpreting reality through the metaphors of shitty literature and movies?
They know nothing,they are parrots spewing what the msm tells them.
FBI confirmed no dnc hack; we know Seth rich died for the dnc leaks
The way that these cucks bow down to any word from their (((trusted media sources))) without a shred of evidence is disgusting
They are taking a baseless claim and running with it full speed ahead
America is truly a subverted nation
FBI is clearly corrupt and pro republican. I wouldn't be surprised if Russia hacked their emails as well and have dirt on Comey. I've heard rumblings about this, so I wouldn't be surprised if it's true.
Either way, the EC needs to block Trump and his demogoguery
Agreed, the leaks were from people in the DNC either: who knew that Hillary would lose and just wanted to solidify it, was getting sick of the shit of the DNC, or was selling themselves out to the RNC because they are hoping for some reward for turning against the DNC.
I can't tell if they aren't thinking critically about it because they're naive and it never occurred to them to, or because they want to believe it so badly that they're willing to ignore any doubts.
>RNC was hacked by the Russians and now is controlled by them through blackmail
It's a good thing they don't believe in crazy conspiracies like pizzagate.
They're this smug because they ignore facts. Bring up all of the illega and dead voters and see how quickly they shut the fuck up or change the subject