Red pill me on marrying women

Who slept with guys before you? Some of you in this board even said you married a woman who was with 6 guys before you.

Doesn't that mean she is highly likely to cheat on you.

Also won't she stop doing the wild sex she had with the other guys with you? girls who had that many guys are hypocrites after all.

Also how does it feel sleeping with your wife who had other men on top of her or kissing your wife who sucked off 6 other guys.

Why marry such women Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:



What do you want out of a woman?

Damn, she's cucking him, and her friend is cucking another man. Sounds like they gun be rolling in child support

Holy fuck. What a cunt, what a cuck

>Here is how I will rationalize my depravity and tell everyone how much "better" of a person I became
Fucking Leftists Moral Gutter Media.

Isn't it easy to tell if a woman is insane by the time you choose to marry her? Like clearly shit like this are marriages, but not loving partners

This kind of behavior is a great way to have no self esteem and have noone like you

I married a virgin. We both lost our virginity to each other, also married young at 20.

Don't marry someone you don't trust, it's as simple as that. If you trust someone with many partners, then that's fine, but how could you trust someone who's been known to jump from lover to lover?

Whatever floats your boat.

My wife was with one man before me but it doesn't count because it was just her dad.

Definitely dont marry a woman who has had more than three partners.

How do you pull this off? Make yourself desirable enough that you'll pull a decent girl who hasnt gotten plowed into oblivion yet.

Also more infographics pls

funny. i read this as "why i belong in the gas chamber."

>who has had more than three partners.
So, it's okay if she's a slut as long as she's not too much of a slut? C'mon, man

> You're bad and no one will like you.

Is really the best argument you have?

>i dont want to hurt him
>thats why im going behind his back and doing stuff that would hurt him if he found out


That's why she doesn't want to tell him.

oh god, pls tell me this was a troll.
genetics means nothing my ass, godlord this women is pissing me off!

and she already has done it and now wants heapats from other people how it was the right decision, godlord!

women suffrage was a huge mistake and judging by how women behave as a whole, many other rules have to made to keep them in the bloody line and not destroy everything they touch.

The more premarital sexual partners a woman has the less likely her marriages are to be successful, the more likely she is to not feel happy, the more likely she is to have depression and the more likely she is to end up becoming a single mother.

This isn't an exhaustion of the list of negative effects premarital sex brings on, just the ones that the one infographic I managed to save from previous threads shows

there is hardly any german women who didn't have at least 4 partners when she hits 20, so we are fucked in that regard.
and those are the "good" ones, i have seen way worse and they still think they would be fine women.

You guys are retarded virgins if you care about this shit

>People looking at facts and evidence
>Better call them virgins!



Women are fucking awful. They never think about consequences. Such emotional children.

t. cuck with no standards or ethics.

i'm just waiting to find evidence my GF is cheating on me so I can get out

>Instantly believe your wife's kid over your own son and hand him in to the police
>Want him to forgive you after leaving him in jail for weeks

Thats exactly like that MDE sketch

Y'all niggas got trolled.

One self upbote, edit button at the bottom.


Sup Forums I come to you with a problem.
I am hasgf as of 5 months ago.
I work a full time job, 2nd shift.
After 7 days straight of with I'm ready for some me time. I see her once or twice a week.

Tonight she lost her God dammed mind because I changed my mind about seeing her. Apparently I "constantly blow her off".

Then she accused me of seeing someone else. She's done this about 5 times. Accusing me of seeing other people, cheating on her, talking to girls behind her back. I haven't, and being accused is starting to piss me off.

This is my first real relationship. What do?

>afraid a kid with her husband will be mentally ill due to medical history
>claims genetic heritage means nothing
k lol

Probably a troll but I would not be surprised if this were real.

Meh, that's all just a sign of the times. Looking around I am surprised anyone deep down feels comfortable about having kids. Even well off people, financial wealth can vanish overnight with the way the system is setup now. Seems nowhere would be completely safe from anarchy or worse, total militarized police state. One or the other is coming. too many monkeys, not enough bananas.

Same over here.
I met a fine girl with no prior relationships in college and I asked her out, but she turned me down because I'm Catholic and she's [spoiler]Mormon[/spoiler]

Rotten luck I guess

thank god then

>redpill me on marrying women
That was sufficient alone. Your answer is to marry a male and Christ and use a surrogate

i wouldnt be asking another user on a vietnamese hentai sharing board for starters.

She's probably fucking other dudes and using this to justify her actions and put you on the back foot.

She's either projecting her own deeds or is trying to gain leverage. Get out.

They tend to get jealous of you either if they are insane (most are) or are cheating themselves.

shes projecting thieves are always afraid of people stealing from them, liars are always suspicious of people laying to them and cheaters always suspect cheating. One of my EXs did the same thing every time i saw her you cheated on me every time i was with her and looked at my phone ''who you texting?'' long story short she cheated and before i found out she constantly accused me of cheating

damn that actually kinda sucks, you can tell they regret it because they at least had the decency to completely remove the lying cunt from their life completely.

Pretty fucking redpilled.

That manlet section at the last 3 minutes... i bet those guys died a little inside.

Threads like this make me sure to marry my Japanese girlfriend. Fuck white women

She does this all the time.
"were you talking to your other girlfriend?"
"who are you texting? Your other girlfriend?"

bail, you dont need that shit... i just broke up with long term gf.. long story short was working full time, and taking full time classes finishing AA in computer science, and taking care of two dogs... Girls will slways find a way to make your life miserable even if they have the best intentions. Sounds like you either need to have her see your life as it with work and how tired you are, or you just leave her keep working find a better paying job 6 months cut back hours and relax a bit more and find a girl whos gonna give yoj space and try and be jn your life not vice versa.... mind you i just left my gf for bitcbing me out for not coming over as much, and being tired all the time... its not a womens job to bring you down its her job as a partner to make you feel bad as it is yours to make her feel better as person. all in all ditch her and find a new tons of single ladies that love working men.

>I'm not a bad person honestly

Women can convince themselves they're in the clear no matter what they do. They have literally zero honor.

get out

I kind of feel like you kill yourself at that point and give all the life insurance money to your son.

I make a point to grimace when a girl tells me about her sexual history and ghost her

Only for LTRs though

Who the hell wants a used up slut as a girlfriend or wife?

The legit only reason I would marry a woman in this day and age is either a) Contacts/Business reason, I.E. her parents are wealthy/influential and I somewhat enjoy her company, or B) gaining citizenship to a country.

I wouldn't subject myself to the chance of losing half my shit 20 years later.

Dude, she cheating.

don't bring her to the west, it'll ruin her

For now, but since the father has already proven himself a cuck, as soon as the cut comes back crying, I bet he'll break.

she cheated or is currently fucking some other guy
my advice start seeing other girls keep banging her and detach emotionally or break it off clean and cut her from your life completely

Very true

The wedding and divorce industry is partly to blame for this romantic mythology in the modern age

>Should only forgive the father if he killed the stepdaughter with his bare hands in front of me to prove his true remorse

I'm currently having sex with a woman who's been married for 6 years. She waited until marriage to have sex.

>what repeatedly breaking smashing my wooden coffee table taught me about carpentry

Kill yourself
oh its a shitpost

huh? imo the aussie's response to the image he replied to is spot on.

>cuck bait thread
>checks flag

Makes sense.

the joke is that she's your wife

Non-virgins are worthless. There is a larger statistical difference between 1 and 1000 previous partners than between 0 and 1 in regards to mental illness, depression, infidelity, divorce, ect.

Even some of the most cucked libs would feel 1000 partners is excessive.

My gf has fucked 200+ people and we're 7 years going strong without a single fight. Just exercise extreme caution in who to marry or even date one way or another since realistically the vast majority of women will lie to you about their number and virgin women can be huge disasters too.

i like when women feel like they have some epiphanic statement to make about their sex lives like anyone would give a fucking shit.

women are much more obsessed with sex than men. And they don't even have to try to get it, so really almost everything they say about the subject is basically worthless.


>Statement is not argument fag

>Just marry a 17 year old
thanks America, you guys are so smart

microchimerism what was the other word for it, keep forgetting


Has she got a cunt like a ripped out fireplace?

all of this media bullshit is just jewish corrupting of naive and gullible people. this is not what women really want. it is just mass manipulation just like guys think it is gay to not watch sports.

I have 2 girlfriends, theyre both sisters and love the idea

Weve been together 4 months, polygamy is awsome mate, theyre both so cute and totally loyal to me its incredible

If you're not a douche and neither is she, nobody will cheat. Lots of people are married and stay that way, happily, with no infidelity. It's not rocket science.

What every woman wants on a fundamental genetic level is to get dicked by a bunch of alphas and then take a beta as her husband to raise the child and provide for her.

Think of it like this, if you had the option to have sex with 10 different women, without your partner knowing, would you do it? Probably. Well, women have the same urges. If they have the option to make you raise someone else's child, they will. Don't ever think about it as a matter of trust. These are basic biological urges, it's not logical. If you are going to marry a woman you need to make sure she will not have the ability to cheat on you, because if she does, she will. You would too. Don't let her go anywhere for an extended period of time without you (by that I mean more than a day).

What the fuck. That's just not right. I guess if your happy... I would never stick my dick in a girl who has slept with 200 people, even if she was Angelina Jolie hot.

telegony it is

no hymen no diamond

My girl has slept with both men and women. It's just good since she taught me the best ways to give women oral sex and make it last for very long.

Drank two bottles of Double Bastard and read through every single post. This shit is too heavy man...

This system is breaking down though. A lot of beta guys are waking up to the reality and thanks to the internet they see womens true face crystal clear.

Women are being able to spend their youth partying but can't find a guy to settle down with when they hit the 30's.

I feel marriage is a constant struggle

I want to do it because i firmly believe i that i want and can have, one day, a nuclear family with 2-3 kids, the house, the yard, the dog. But the part thats going to suck hard is the fucking competition so your wife doesn't leave you, women are incapable of true love of other.

> eating pussy

Gayer than Richard Simmons

Boy I hope you're ready to cosleep with your kids instead of your wife until they are grown because that's how the Japanese insist it to be done

>I did go cold turkey single for around three months.

Just let me off this ride please. I have not felt the touch of one who loved me for over 2 years, I've stopped counting. After three years together she threw me away like garbage. I haven't given up, on improving myself, of having standards, or seeking someone to share my life and have a family with, but it gets hard sometimes, as I'm sure many of you know.

I don't know if we're all going to make it brahs.

4 years here.

I still don't give a fuck. Women are scum. Fourth Reich when?
t. look nothing like my father, she probably just cheated, but still... Religious lifestile is the way to go.
t2. atheist

wouldn't he be the opposite of a cuck, because he has lower standards he's out there crushing pussy? And if he were to get cheated on wouldn't that mean he's less likely to get back with her cause he know how much he could get?


yeah that guy is denial she did much worse especially when she was invited to go overseas

this. it's abundance mentality, makes women go crazy.

If you buy her crystallized carbon you already lost either way

God, this guy just won the Retroactive Cuck award of the century.

See this guy and don't follow his example. KNOW who you are going to marry. Go full NSA. Get to know her family. If she doesn't have a family, she probably has a very shady past.

That's also one reason why slapping you wife shouldn't be a crime. I would beat her ass and then divorce the next day. What a fucking lying whore.

The Reich is not possible without restoring healthy relations between men and women. Hitler understood this. MGTOW is a kike weapon as much as slut culture.

I totally agree with the Aussie. The girl is probably a psychopath with no conscience. Without her, society would be much better.

And killing her together would be a great re-bonding experience for father and son.

>She had actually been having sex with her boyfriend and was scared the news would reach us.

I'll never understand this logic. How the hell do you get so scared of your parents finding out you've had sex, that you're willing to portray yourself as a molestation victim and ruin another person's life over it? How do the two even correlate? Did they find condoms in the trash? Did she get an STD? It makes zero sense, yet it's not the first story I've heard about it.

Must be a really shit girl or really shitty parents. Or both. I get if the parents are ultra radical religious, possibly murderous over it like in the Middle East, but damn.

Who cares? I care more about loyalty and honesty in a relationship. Let them hit the wall.

At above 30, my selection criterias are mostly not having a child yet.
>inb4 date younger chicks
Sorry but no. The grown up version of women gives me headaches already, I'm not going out clubbing to pick up a sloot 10 years younger who will inevitably cheat down the road because she "needs to discover herself" and "settled too early".

>Meet girl on tinder
>have pretty good first and second date
>go out drinking third date
>get drunk as hell
>cuddle, leads to sex
>throw out random question of how many sex partners she's had (because she is 19 and I'm 22): 15 (I'm only had 9)
>play it off like it's no big deal
>fall asleep
>wake up an hour later
>her stuff is gone
>I'm blocked by her number
>I'm blocked on snapchat
>I'm removed on tinder
What the fuck
I'm still a bit drunk but I'm freaking out. I don't know if I'm about to be reported for 'rape' tomorrow despite me literally asking her out loud if she wanted to have sex.

I'm done with promiscuous girls this is insanely freaky right now and I don't know what to think