>Wow user, it says here you voted for Drumpf, don't feel guilty for slavery, don't like the government, AND deny the 6 million?
>Well, you have psychopathic tendicies, autism, oppositional defiance disorder, and priviledge-ignoring disorder
>Well I'll inject you with this little chip so we know where you're doing, what you're saying, how you're feeling, what you're buying, and what you're reading online
>Oh don't make a fuss worrywart, it's required by law :)
>It's not any big thing, see, your grandmother has it too! See, it's not so bad!
On a completely unrelated note your local drugstore might be offering free flu-shots.
House Passes Bill To "Microchip Citizens With 'Mental Disabilities'
Other urls found in this thread:
Imagine if the gov put a tiny cyanide capsule inside these chips. Any problem people could be removed via remote. o_o
As you can see by his perfectly normal fingers, little Billy here has not yet begun his crystal treatment
>where you're doing
im not sure if youre referencing what i think youre referencing, but if you are, fuck you dude that shit's creepy
Trump is not sworn in Obama is still president this is happening on Obama's watch.
>"Microchip Citizens With 'Mental Disabilities'
This is how it starts. Implement on those who cannot resist first. Gradually expand micro-chipping to other special classes of of people until micro-chipping becomes fairly common and accepted. Force it on everyone.
If all the leftists get ones then I'm on board
No, you don't understand. Obama didn't pass this shit, elected members of congress did.
this is intended for retarded children who are known to wander away from home,school or whatever care facility they spend their time at
I get the issue but I see why some people want it
>Hurr I don't mind if the government strengthens its control over the people who buy obvious propaganda in the first place
They'll monitor everyone's wifi, dumbass. They're going to turn SCHOOLCHILDREN into SPIES.
Welcome to endgame, it's ridiculously close.
Euthanasia would be easier
hahaha get ready to be chipped like fucking dogs you autists.HAHahaH
very bipartisan desu
big brother network is go
HERE'S how YOU can make your DICK FIVE inches BIGGER with THREE EASY STEPS
It's a joke you fucking cunt ass bitch nigger loving sandwich making transsexual slut
>Brattleboro Memorial Hospital
hey, I was born there :^ )
I get it too, but this is how they work. I don't understand why this bill is necessary, if they did it for their children or demented elders it's not like they're are gonna press charges.
>all the trannies get a gold star chip
Not seeing the problem?
I'm a tranny :(
at some level it still has to be approved before a doctor can just chip a kid like a golden retriever even with parental consent
I agree that this is like one step from mark of the beast but it is still a big step
the day they try to force it on regular people capable of remembering where they live in an emergency I'll grab my SKS and go ina woods too but for now it's just a good way to keep track of the free range potatoes
It specifically states that the device must be "non-invasive and non-permanent" and that the use of the device is completely optional, and using the data collected to create a database is illegal.
Not very scary desu senpai
but now I will be able to see your entire medical history with a scanner, so we will know if you are clean before going raw in your pucci
>it's not like they're are gonna press charges.
without these laws doctors can't legally put the chips in the retards
I hope its voluntarily YET
Volunteer chipping of mentals
MANDARORY chipping of mentals
Volunteer chipping of criminals
MANDATORY chipping of Criminals
Volunteer chipping of military
MANDATORY chipping of military
Volunteer chipping of gov workers
MANDATORY chipping of gov workers
Volunteer chipping of general populace
Oy vey program sucessfull
Slippery slope mark of the beast here I come
I was seriously contemplating getting a psych evaluation because I'm dead certain I suffer from either bipolar or borderline (mania phases, VERY apparent and definitely mania) but after this shit fuck no.
I dont want to be on some list.
If you've already gone and gotten yourself checked out, there should be no FUCKING reason for you to be on a list. You're seeking help already. The people with severe issues that don't get checked are the ones who snap.
You are totally not trolling
What the fuck dude what is this it sends shivers down my spine
oh boy here we go
Aren't you people always saying liberalism is a mental disease? Don't you wanna be putting chips in to monitor commies?
This is probably the main issue Trump is going to face. The problem won't be winning elections or getting electoral college to play nice, it's going to be congress. You thought Obama was being tyrannical trying to force so much shit through with executive orders just wait and see how many executive orders Trump will be dishing out to avoid being cucked in congress
Why deal with the symptoms instead of curing the disease?
Majority Republican Congress bro. If shit doesn't move, he'll shake things up in media like he always does. It'd be great to see Congress start to fear the people.
That's actually kinda great. No risk sex ;)
The bill you linked does not say what you claim? Can i get a different source?
that's not a very accurate representation of what it looks like to be restrained in a hospital bed
t. been there done that twice :^)
>majority republican congress
Means nothing. Look at the image in the post I'm replying to. Republicans are 75-85% cuckservative.
That image gave me the fucking chills.
What are shitty links. Fake and Gay.
>strolling of the heifers
>ben and jerrys out-door raves
I love that town desu.
It's the mark of the beast, shill.
I just kinda said that here
No human should ever be chipped.
Chipping takes away their body autonomy.
First they chip the tards, then the normal kids, then the normal kids grow up and have kids of their own who are chipped.
Guess who will truly own you then.
some humans shouldn't be born in the first place
they lack all body autonomy already therefore there is no ethical issue in tagging them
Am I supposed to give a fuck? My only complaint is that theh aren't putting them down. Sympathy for people who don't know anything about retards. 50% are violent savages who beat each other and all of them are self-destructive. The beasts I work with daily, these "children" have multiple tooth fillings by the time they are 6, they're supposed to die. My entire job is to prevent nature from taking its course and keeping these worthless little shits alive and protect them from rightous retrobution from the actually phyisically able children. I oppose any interation between the walking pieces of meat we call retards and real children. Retards should be screened in the womb and aborted by federal law.
Fucking shill. Once you have accepted the mark it's too late even if you take the chip out.
>having people know where you are takes away your autonomy
the only mark you should worry about is that flag next to your ID
Scary it took them so long.
Fucking retards are a walking danger to normal society. They're not even sapient. A muslim from rural Iraq is more lucid than a retard.
>be american
>get the mark of the beast
>get shot
>die and void bowels
>go to hell
Can you post a link to the actual bill that passed?
Or I am calling this bullshit and op a fag.
I think I ear a dingo eating your baby
Nah mate thats me eating the baby
Stick shift, or automatic?
I drive a stick, obvi
in that case somebody should warn the dingo then
Prepare for the Mark Of The Beast you FUCKING cucks!
imagine all the schizos... they have a real reason to noid out now
dont see how this will get past supreme courts
Man all us minorities who voted for Trumo are gonna be put in a wringer for not being a good little pet voter
Good, it's the first step towards a full fledged Nazi-style eugenics program
yeah, they will take you and put you in a mental hospital for NO FUCKING REASON. It happened to me once when I was young, naive, and fatalistic. I would never let it happen again, as I would demand a lawyer.
good. the shits have been getting out of hand to put it frankly.
They put my cousin away for no reason and I think it may have fucked her up. My aunt and uncle sued over it too.
Wew mark of the beast here we come
Don't really care about the crisis actor shit, but watch this. Sounds like they are skipping over the gun part in order to pass this bill.
>mfw I start a business removing these from people
easy money
This is what the crazies have been warning us about. Their paranoia has become reality.
>Well I'll inject you with this little chip so we know where you're doing, what you're saying, how you're feeling, what you're buying, and what you're reading online
Better bury it deep, cause I will cut it out the first chance I get.
omg this is fucking scary
Easy mode: in the wrist so they can easily tie in into monetary uses
Hard mode: in spinal tissue or the brain when young so tissue grows around it so its near impossible to remove.
Chaos mode: implanted in the sexual organs?/brain and made influence sexual response through pheromones or outright shutdown reproduction systems.
What kind of world are we living in where conspiracy theories like the NWO (globalists) are being proven true?
Seeing a doctor or therapist doesn't mean you're on a list. They are bound by law to keep everything you say private unless you mention an actual plan for suicide or homicide.
Don't they usually prefer chemical restraints?
I cant find anything about a chip in this law...
Where is that ethical boundary?
Fuck i found it AAAAAH!
YOu can see also this Australian idiots