#wikileaks #pizzagate #MAGA findingassange.com
On December 15th at 6:30PM 15,000 John Podesta emails never before released to the public as well as the passwords to two of the Wikileaks Insurance Files will be published here for download.
Other urls found in this thread:
were all waiting. waiting......
PizzaGate isn't real and while Podesta is an eccentric character he is also a normal human being.
Stop wasting time on this nonsense you stupid little boys.
>Normal human being cuts up his hands for fun
The information uncovered will be published here at FindingAssange.com for download as well as emailed to 125 unbiased journalists personal email addresses and another 50 media outlets as well as copies of everything have been provided to 15 activists to ensure its release.
It's probably going to end up being an anti-abortion ad again.
can't wait. hope this news makes all these vampire shills disappear like abducted children
should i do dominoes on cheese or pasta???
totally normal you fuckin shill
Is this proof pizzagate is completely false and just a CIA tactic to divert attention away from Assange being la kill?
This is low quality meme, senpai.
It's counted down 3 times already, and it simply pushes back the date each time. It's literally a "how to keep a retard busy" joke, and guess who the retards are
For a second I thought you said kill la kill.
I was going to tell you to kill la kill yourself.
is this true or are u russian
Check this shit out. Batman literally finds Pizzagate in the final chapter of Telltale Game's politically charged Batman series. Go to 49:00 the reference is direct.
Also note that this shit is going on in the hidden basement of a building marked with a Masonic emblem that Batman identifies at 43:55
Telltale is trying to broadcast this shit, only a little indie startup could pull that off, never would have happened in a big corporate company. Also, Trump now confirmed for Batman.
If the emails are real I wonder if they'll implicate Podesta with that kidnapping, considering what's on wikileaks only shows email from after that date.
Are you saying you don't regularly picture Julian Assange in skimpy anime girl clothing?
i had not heard that yet. i think hes full of shit. its written too legit. if its fake then its news to me
Right side of history in the making
>another hacking reality with memes episode
Dig up your grandmother and fuck her
what the fuck when did this come out
Yeah I know. It's normal to have art of tortured children on your wall.
why its fun
pics will be included this time.
They won't deliver anything, this stunt is just to try and fuel the 'Assange is dead' misinformation rumour. It's just another buzzword like 'Russian hackers' being pushed by shills to discredit Wikileaks.
They're hoping that if they can convince the Infowars conspiracy people that Assange is dead and Wikileaks is compromised, they will spread the word and scare people out of donating or leaking to Wikileaks. Cutting off Wikileaks funding and sources.
It's a pretty clever psyop, surprised how many people that should know better are falling for it.
no money is being requested
This final chapter? About 2 days ago. Telltale does scheduled releases, IE, 5 episodes in 5 months kind of shit. They were literally programing this in the last month.
>emailed to 125 unbiased journalists
Now I know you're lying. There's isn't 125 unbiased journalists in this entire country. This is SJW heaven, in case you didn't know.
Come off the bullshit.
this thread has been posted 3 days in a row, kiddos. Each time the same autists think it's "Le Habbening XD", but -like I say- it gets pushed back each time.
lurk moar
why doesn't asange just walk in front of the window
why the fuck are you lying about this
what the fuck is your problem dude?
why would you lie about something like that?
don't you know it just makes people even more intrigued?
sent the info to jimstone.is for help
this needs a punished assange edit.
im so confused by the disinfo and i wish i could stop getting pizza capchas
Lol they didn't even specify a timezone, fake af.
it's a countdown you spak. Ever use a microwave?
website was registered from PANAMA. Registrar info is private. Could be legit.
This is all disinfo.
Leave this forum and get a life.
do you need a time zone if a count down clock is there?
Either this is fake or it's completely legit
Either way, you just know it's going to end with nothing happening because the US government is just going to claim it as "Fake news"
but i like it here
Kek wills it
this is gonna be yuge
What are the chances that we will have another massive ddos around 5-6 pm and go black ;_;
Funny how nobody is even talking about the last one. Lol.
>>Yuge deal DDOS takes down usa internet
>>muh russians!!
>>DDOS trackers show attack coming from inside usa
The tools we are using are here.github.com
Also wiki leaks took responsibility of the ddos lmfao this is when assange was probably imprisoned or killed, crazy DAK count down was on what same day?.. also this thread is crickets I know we got like 15 anons discussing Jews in discord lmfao but where the rest of our old Bros
oh yea that was really fucking weird
you've been found
Did a shitload of anons get banned or just baited into other threads how is this below some of these catalog threads
The Seth thread is a fuckin post in a random thread from some LARPER with no info smdh more responses than this
I'm pretty much in awe of how little attention this is getting
this site used to love huge promises from unreliable and questionable origin
Bump for all the die kids. Thanks DNC for making it so cheesy
What's being slid?
Proof requires an investigation into the questions being asked
I don't know if it's anything specific. I think the Cathedral is viewing CTR as the model going forward for "dealing with" us. They're here forever.
This is likely real but given that they've given 24h notice. They will be v& and DNS modified.
Ik my worries ;_;
Oh #pizzagate is real for sure!
I mean the dead mans switch.
You idiots realize is a form of trolling, right?
Pizzagate doesn't mean there's a god damn torture chamber at the shop, it means elites are part of a trafficing network shill less or Norman less. There's your you
what do u mean
Haha oh shit, it's finally time
I love that we've gotten so sarcastic no one can tell the difference! Sup Forums is satire! We the real Jews now!
hi John..... I heard you like being gang raped in the anus by black men whilst eating child flesh... Could you please fuck off from this board
>Little boys
Are you hitting on me?
>November 7th: Hillary cancels victory fireworks
>November 8th: Hillary loses election
>December 14th: CIA cancels Russian intelligence briefing
>December 15th: findingassange.com claims they will release new Podesta emails, some allegedly in relation to pizzagate
Checked, but this has me concerned.
i dont understand the implication
Checked and sad..
(((They))) have a habit of cancelling something or another on the eve of major happenings.
this is me everynight since pizzagate
is this finally the jackpot we've all been waiting for
Checked keks here
if some Facebook tards can hack wikileaks DBs and retrieve loads and loads of unencrypted information, whats stoping the government from being able to do the same or edit what he has? is it all a game of physical copies>? why would there be any podesta emails unreleased? better shit or worthless shit? I assume the cut out all the regular emails
Honestly, maybe.
hacking could also be a cover for how they really got the files
All we have is hope at this point.
Kek mit uns.
KEK is present
Praise to the the Chaos Deity.
is pizzagate his purpose?
Kek's will is strong in this thread. Praise kek!
MFW this is really happening
Is this going to be another WikiLeaks false flag where they hype a date and nothing happens?
Kek Vult! Atheists checkmate.
Shut up Blenheim!
Buckle up boys
Du..does this mean.. this site is real??
this bottle of acid is bout to come in handy