What does Sup Forums think of Tai Lopez and his advice? Is he redpilled or is it a scam?'
He is rich as fuck and has badass cars. Seems redpilled as fuck but I need your guys' opinion
What does Sup Forums think of Tai Lopez and his advice? Is he redpilled or is it a scam?'
He is rich as fuck and has badass cars. Seems redpilled as fuck but I need your guys' opinion
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That huge house he claims was his actually wasn't. And unless he actually buys automatic sports cars, which nobody does, hes just renting those cars as well.
99% chance he's just scamming
Huge scam. Please don't fall for this user. He's a 12 year-old's parody of a businessman
I just think of dazed every time LOL
He used to scam people on his dating websites:
Here are a few videos from them:
His story is made up and the house that he "owns" is shady (I do think his cars or most of them are his).
Looking at his net worth some low estimates seem to be in the 3-6 range, but simultaneously if you look at his site he alleges to have 150k students which isn't crazy considering his social media presence (700k YT, 575k IG don't know his others) who have paid at least $67 which means he has made at least 100 million from them IF they did a solely a 1 time payment (they are recurring) and we haven't even counted his other side gigs and courses.
Safe to say he's easily made 10 million and likely more.
Now as far as his info, you can find the course (or the important stuff) here:
His info itself is legit, he just rambles and doesn't get to the point, although this is a tactic to make you feel like you're getting "your money's worth."
Here is another one of his more advanced courses:
I have studied business for quite a while and he will teach you a lot of good stuff, his book list is DAMN good (lots of good stuff there), but he also rambles and you won't get the entire story from him.
Watch his youtube videos and you'll glean most that you could get from him for free, sift through the books he posted online by searching for them on youtube (usually an author interview) or looking for online notes/reviews.
If you have more questions let me know, but Tai is a solid dude although he does have a shady past, isn't perfect by any stretch, but he does teach good stuff.
"Tai" is that somekind of multicultural retard baby name?
hi tai
how does it feel to scrape together a living by screwing over idiots
You know what's better than a Lamborghini?
>Is he redpilled or is it a scam?'
Both. He is redpilled just enough to figure out how to scam people. Stop looking at him and look for verifiable success stories of his students. (you can't)
H3H3 (despite being a cringey jew) did a pretty good exposé on this dude.
The house you see in his videos is a rental. Those cars are rentals as well, as this user points out, no one with the money to buy those types of cars would buy them in auto.
You do realize I included his shady ventures where he actually scammed people in the past right?
Given your burger education level, I'd suggest looking into Tai because you clearly lack basic reading comprehension so Tai will be like a sensai to you.
I honestly thought this was Chris Pirillo the whole time
Well he does have KNAWLEDGE
He Jew'd idiots out of their money. He didn't earn what he has honorably, but he did it smart. It really up to your definition of "red-pilled".
>muh redpills
God I hate this newfag userbase
Because the other 70% of your post didn't praise him and include links to his websites where you can pay him, huh? Fuck off leaf.
Digits confirms he is a fraud
>Is he redpilled or is it a scam?'
A good rule of thumb: if it's not on pirate bay, it's garbage.
I think he has an extremely smug and unlikable air about him and for some fucking reason I keep getting targeted adds with him.
They all open up the same
>Hi, just here at X flashy location, no big deal really.
Fuck off, cunt.
I'm not hating, if he has a lot of money, good for him, but I don't know why he keeps showing up when I am trying to watch Youtube videos and I have no idea what he actually sells.
Man burgers are even stupider than I thought.
If you read the actual post, the links:
1.Go through his past scams
2.Give an overview of the 67 step program
3.Give an overview of his advanced program
And I conclude with not recommending he buys his stuff, but that he instead consume his free content.
>doesn't own his house
>doesn't own his car
>lies about owning his house, lies about owning his car, sells advice on how to become "successful" like him
gee I wonder if it's a fucking scam
This is true. No one tells you their secrets with money or really anything else in life.
Once everyone knows, the opportunity gets patched up quick.
These guys are much seedier than you realize. These bullshit "how to get rich" courses make very little money for them. The real money is in picking a mark (usually desperate old people with credit cards) and squeezing them of their savings and credit. They are genuinely awful people, nearly all the books and "courses" to do with making money are really used as loss leaders to attract a few marks they can bleed for hundreds of thousands. Scamming old people out of retirement is not something to respect or aspire to.
Hi Tai.
Also he's just a watered down rip off of guys like David D Angello (aka Eben Paige) and Tim Ferris (friend of his). These guys are a dime an dozen now in the internet era. They read "influential" self help books and regurgitate it for views. Honestly I think RSD (the guy who got banned from Japan) are better if you are looking for "life coach" style stuff.
Try to understand that manual transmissions in those cars are actually worse than the automatics these days. Ferrari doesn't even make cars with manuals anymore, and Lamborghini seems to be going the same way with that. And I've never met a single person ever who buys a manual rolls, if those even exist as well, so it isn't hard to believe that he'd buy an automatic, since manuals everywhere are being phased out.