What the fuck is up with Gates?

What the fuck is up with Gates?
Why is he at Trump Tower?

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Convince him of global warming or something like that I'd imagine.

I'm pretty sure Bill gates believes in that.

The Fendippitous Eggmen are returning soon.

The Fendippitous Eggmen are returning soon.

gates likened trump to jfk

so good times again

audit the fed

Bill Gates is GOAT

wew, the bots are well-coordinated today.


.. you are a silly billy

I'm glad the negro has NFL in his twitter handle so I don't have to look him up.

h yeah, Bill Gates DOES believe in climate change

NFL cronies are running a charity organization exempt from paying property taxes

>Jim Brown
>at Trump Tower
>meeting Trump
Holy shit that's so American I'm cumming burgers please send help

>NFL cronies are running a charity organization exempt from paying property taxes
not anymore

I donno OP? Help him fix the fucking $21 trillion debt we're in by the JEWS?

>live happy in a country
>jew takes over
>country goes to shit and debt


t. Jew

Fuck off you curly soft cunt go shoah yourself in your microwave till you become crispy.

They're going to sterilise the poor.

Trump is meeting with tech giants, who I imagine want Trump to continue handing out H-1B visas to mud people.

He has 81 billion and he's stepped down as the head of Microsoft.


True - Bill Gates is probably talking to Trump about his own foundation.

However, Gates still owns 4 per cent of Microsoft.

why would Trump want to sterilize 80% of the people who voted for him?

No I mean really poor.

gonna make america great again

Gates approval proves that Russia didn't hack the election

digits confirms

wouldn't you go for a chance to meet trump and jim brown?

I know right? What an idiot XD