What are your thoughts on tipping, Sup Forums? I usually tip between 10 and 20 percent...

What are your thoughts on tipping, Sup Forums? I usually tip between 10 and 20 percent, and I always use round numbers (e.g. I will tip 2 or 3 dollars, not 2.34 or whatever 15 percent is exactly.

Pic unrelated.

Other urls found in this thread:


Die you fucking Barneyfag



A what?

>2 minute summoning time
How do you do this?


Tipping is bullshit.
There wasn't any pony stuff in that post.

>a fucking leaf

That's you barneyfag. I bet you enjoy milk in bags too.

Why do you want to know, you fucking retard?
You shouldn't be shilling your shitty toddlers' show here, fucking manchild

But they wouldn't be using that to begin with if they weren't trying to shill a shitty toddlers' show

I'm actually not a horsefucker, I just wanted to see if I could summon you on Sup Forums too.

20% minimum is what I do 33% if I like them, with a few exceptions. I stiffed an asian waitress who completely fucked up my order and was absent until she brought out the check.

Stop shilling your shitty toddlers' show.
You shouldn't be doing that to begin with.

If she or he did a good job at serving, I will tip 20 percent or more. If she or he did a shitty job, I will tip a cent.

Honest question oh autistic one.

What're you going to do when /mlp/ is nixed and GR15 is revoked? What will trigger your rages next I wonder.

But anyways, now you know, you can delete your shitty thread now.

Take total, move decimal one place, double it. Round down to the nearest number (and below if service was shit), or up and beyond of the service was good and it's one of my "regular" places.

>What are your thoughts on tipping

Oh, god. Here we go.

Why don't you encore this by going to /an/ and asking people if they prefer cats or dogs.

I'd just leave entirely.

I agree.
Nice trips btw.

A dollar for every $5. If it's a slow day, I usually leave a little more.


Why do you feel so intent on shilling your shitty toddlers' show, fucking manchild?

OP was never serious, you know.

Oh look, it's this thread again

Yeah, I fucking hate this shit

Not an argument

That's not an argument.

it never is

I'm high on the Ethanol Jew. I have a weakened resistance to responding to shitposting.

it sucks

it does

murder these faggots

hang them all

murder their shit

Same but only as long as service was good.

I hate their guts

slit them

murder them

Are you done?

Just fuck off and stop shilling shitty toddlers' shows

Wait so let me get this straight: ITT a proxy leaf throws an autistic hissy fit over the fact that op posted a picture that is unnoticeablely related the MLP?

Leafs. Every time.

Can't let them get away with shilling shit

Dude like no-one but an active brony would have even realized that that pic is MLP related, or even cared if you didn't throw such a fit about it.

it's barneyfag. He typically spergs out on Sup Forums, but I wanted to see if he could be summoned here. I don't actually know where the pic is from, but it's on some sort of blacklist he has for MLP pics.

Well, we have every right to call them out on shilling their shit.

Stop shilling your shitty toddlers' show, degenerate.

How many boards do you patrol?

I got the pic off of your ED article you autist. I don't even know how it's related to mlp

Well, you shouldn't be shilling it to begin with. There's literally no reason to.

Tipping increases your server's quality, because they have to perform well to be paid.
Server quality is abysmal in Europe and other places where tipping isn't used.

Quite a few

And I hate them all

I really do

fucking kill them

It keeps the service decent if the server hopes to get something out of it. I tip on average 33% just to ensure they'll serve me well, which has yet to fail me.

They deserve it

They do

And I hate them

I really do

Slit their throats

Slit their necks

They all need to be slit

Only slit necks and wrists for these Barneyfags

That's what they all need

Hey Canadian sperg, there's a thread on Sup Forums now

>he's still at it
Why don't you go to /mlp/ and battle the autists in their home?

hang their shit

they're taunting you

Hang yourself, retard

20%, except in cases of bad service.

Tip? The fuck is tipping?

I hate their shit

Given the practice is rarely seen outside metropolitan areas full of American tourists for you Aussies, tipping is the transfer of money directly to a server in a restaurant or other service venue as an extra few dollars to signify gratitude.

We found the awnser guys.


End autism today.

For what reason? Everything's expensive as shit here anyway, and the only people not getting paid enough are the poo-in-loos at 7/11 getting paid peanuts.

Besides, serving food is hardly a difficult skill.

I never do. Not even trying to be edgy. Of course I eat out about once a year.

I still hate them all

Well no, not over there but in other western countries, service covers jack shit, so it's seen as a courtesy for good service. Also, if you frequent a restaurant, they'll serve you better if you tip well.

There's a high correlation between people who tip and those who enjoy what is commonly, known as "cuckolding", according to recent studies produced in the US.

It also seems that the people doing the "cuckolding" also have a tendency to avoid tipping altogether.

Cheers Burger. You should be a teacher.

I really do

Tipping must die. Let the employer pay the employees and adjust offices accordingly if needed. If you must tip, 5% is good.

smells like leaf but looks like taco

I Scandinavia no one tips (or it's not expected at all). It's baked into the price already as they actually get paid by the employer.

How is this in southern Europe? (I always imagined I would have to tip there)

I don't like tipping. It's a gaudy way for people to flaunt their wealth. It's extremely classist.

Plus it's a practice that comes from Europe. You guys always give black people shit about tipping, but why should they? Why should they engage in a custom that comes from Europe? That's not their culture.

kill all Barneyfags

What is your endgame?

to get fags banned

Judging by the proxies aren't you getting yourself banned?

and i hate them

I really do

I round my bill up and add 1-2 levs(0.5 to 1 euro). Most of the time that is about 5 to 10% of the bill and if we are just drinking coffee it can be up to 25%.

i hate fags

So why do you Saudi's keep coming to my country, spending nights in our hotels and hiring male prostitutes?

No seriously why are all your princes faggots that suck cock and snort coke and why the fuck is half your male population on silverdaddies.com?

I just want Barneyfags dead

hang degenerates


Because each culture is different, this applies to Americans only:
-If you do not tip, in a restaurant with waitstaff, you are an asshole. Plain and simple.
-If you can't afford to tip, you can't afford to sit down for a meal. Take your ass to McDonald's.
-If your server is just having a bad day, that is no excuse to not tip
-If your meal was not bad enough to warrant speaking to a manager, you are an asshole for not tipping due to "poor service". You owe them SOMETHING.
-Most waitstaff in the US make $2.13/hr and their employers can LEGALLY withhold that $2.13/hr if you claim more than $7.25/hr in tips. They do not have to legally pay you

Stop being cunts and tip your servers, pizza boys, and bellhops. If you're a nigger and don't think a working person deserves to be paid, then it is your responsibility to spend your capital opening a restaurant and reversing the trend by paying your staff well and not allowing employees to accept tips. There is no debate to this, if you do not tip, based on principle, then you can only be described as unempathetic and greedy. People will not spit in your food, but they WILL make sure you never get good service again.