Reminder that Hillary won the popular vote

America rejected Drumpf's racism. The only reason he got elected was because of an outdated white supremacist system.

Also this isn't over. I can't wait till December 19th when the electors reject Drumpf's racism as well.making Hillary the first madam president.

Other urls found in this thread:

civil war awwww yeaaahhh


>drumpfkins actually think they will start a civil war
all that will happen is that butthurt white supremacists will whine a little and then go back to smoking meth in their trailer. Can't wait to drink Drumpfkin tears.


>Sup Forums in financial trouble
>offer money to asia moot
>CTR mods, unite!
>Start crap flooding Sup Forums
>pizzagate, antarctica, conspiracy distractions
>Sup Forums takes eyes off the prize
>mfw Dec 19

Lol this is where the Hill shills congregate now? These little faggot threads with like 10 posts tops? Fucking kill yourself faggots. Better yet, why don't you put her flappy cunt over your mouth and use it like a feed bag you fucking virgin boy cucks.

awwwww. little drumpfy is mad

Yeah, must be some Russian psy waves making me shit post a bunch of hill fags. Get over yourself cunt. You backed a fucking woman, she lost, and now you're crying and being a faggot. Go fucking suck your boyfriends dick faggot. You know you want to.

Aw, how cute. The little white boy drumpf supporter is throwing a temper tantrum.

Suck my BBC.

Hahah a fucking nigger. Go find the nearest tree coon. I'll be there shortly.

>America rejected Drumpf's racism.
Blue states rejected trumps "racism." If you weren't such a dumb cunt you'd realize that the electoral college was set up to stop states with large populations dictating the national agenda, leaving the smaller states vulnerable to tyranny of the majority.

>Not realising that your own country is a confederation of sepperate states, not just a nation.

Fucking retarded burgers.

By the way my friend told me your grandmothers dying last words at church were "gib me dat" as she stretched out her nigger arm and grasped for Dylan's gun as he pumped two into her forehead.

Your fat white white supremacist ass won't do shit.

Lol, keep throwing a temper tantrum bowl cut wearing white kid.

You don't have the man power, all of the people chatting "civil war" have stable jobs they'd have to give up, and then they can't afford to be alive. Who would they fight? There isn't a front or "enemy" other than the US military.

No, at worst there is a military coup, because the only ones who could do anything is the military.

>Reminder that Hillary won the popular vote.

No shit.

She already admitted Russians Hacked the election.

>Records: Too many votes in 37% of Detroit’s precincts

Dems got caught cheating.
>I bet the Russians did it.

Hilldog here.
Glad to see the fire rises yet again.

It's time to take back this country from these racist fuckbags

>fat white white supremacist ass won't do shit

This nigger can't even make a coherent sentence, much less an argument. Night, night from the white white Sambo.

David Brock really has balls of steel.

if you convince 70 million retards to vote for you, its still 70 million retards

Reddit Tier bait.

>what are you staring at smoothskin

these threads are just sadder and more pathetic versions of the "i can't wait for trumptard tears when hillary wins on election day, Sup Forums BTFO" threads that were all over the place 2 months ago

How can white men even compete?

We win regardless. If it gets overturned, then civil war will be equally entertaining.
I look forward to scalping blue and pink heads.

I don't like Trump, would never vote for him, but if the electorate doesn't vote for him, I would fight in a civil war against those fascistic libs

I bet you're not even a real black, probably one of them light skin mulatto wannabes. get out of here you fuckin honkey

under budget, under voted, ahead of schedule

59 million Americans who voted against this corrupt whore, won't use the media for their outrage. the streets will be unsafe. NRA was pro trump.. this is why.

Here's a joke I heard the other day.

Ask someone from flyover country where the food comes from. He says the plains, the farms, the cattle yards, the orchards.

Ask a California person the same thing, "Trader Joe's!"

I guess it's not a very funny joke! Merry Christmas, by the way :^)

Shitty bait, but fuck it I'll bite.

>Trump lost the popular vote by 2.9 million-ish
>Trump lost California by about 4 million

Who gives a fuck about the popular vote? It's a terrific thing California doesn't get to fuck over 49 other states.

>burger getting schooled on his own nation by one of Kek's chosen people

This just made my day, Kek loves you and I do too, Australia ;^)

>Johnson with Uno cards
top kek


Californians actually think their world can survive on avocados, almonds and grapes grown with other peoples water.


Ahmed is gonna have a wicked headache when he wakes up.

I gotta give you credit, maybe once every two months or so I read a Canadian post that I actually find humorous rather than abhorrent.

> muh popular vote
> muh recount
> muh electors

I'm honestly starting to feel sorry for u guys.

>>drumpfkins actually think they will start a civil war
>all that will happen is that butthurt white supremacists will whine a little and then go back to smoking meth in their trailer. Can't wait to drink Drumpfkin tears.

Ok, this>Lol this is where the Hill shills congregate now?
>These little faggot threads with like 10 posts tops? Fucking kill yourself faggots. Better yet, why don't you put her flappy cunt over your mouth and use it like a feed bag you fucking virgin boy cucks.

This post alone is making me want this thread to roll until it stops... Shit I might even make a meme. It's a proud day to be an American. Well put. Lulz

I'm just waiting for another happy night of liberal salt.

I'm hoping for a new hope to overturn the Trump win every week of his term(s)! Watching you faggots lose is nothing compared to watching you lose after you're so sure you'd win.

Well, I can only say that your racism is only in your head and that white people are not the ones causing all of the minorities problems, it's the minorities themselves that make them bad in that they dont work, they beg

Bring it faggot
Oh wait
You're a republican sissyboy

I like my ID though
Basically I

Just a reminder that ALL threads regarding popular vote, Drumpf, muh russian hackers and other faggotry are all bullshit spam threads made by leftypol. Don't be this easy to bait.

Leave and I'll give you a nigger's treat


Reminder that Hillary is a wealthy politician who made millions shilling for Wall Street.

Reminder that Hillary already accepted losing the "election" to Trump instead of forming an alternative government and leading a popular uprising for American democracy.

Reminder that bourgeois "democracy" is not about real choice between candidates, but the illusion thereof. Barriers to entry, corporate money, and the system of elected "qualified" representatives (read: millionaires) ensure that the capitalist class continues to rule whether Hillary or Trump wins, and that America remains in practice an oligarchy. Politicians spend more time fundraising than legislating - and guess what those donors want!

If you say so.

>But there also were millions approved for transfer from Clinton’s campaign for use by the DNC — which, under a plan devised by Brazile to drum up urban turnout out of fear that Trump would win the popular vote while losing the electoral vote, got dumped into Chicago and New Orleans, far from anywhere that would have made a difference in the election.

Reminder that Hillary LITERALLY didn't campaign in Michigan because she thought winning the popular vote was more important.

ID checked and keked


>When your candidate loses the same election twice but you keep shilling for her.

The only traitor republican elector is about to get his dick cut off:

>The only reason he got elected was because of an outdated white supremacist system.
>Electoral college you are placing your last hopes on is part of that outdated white supremacist system.

really got my synapses snapping

>I can't wait till December 19th when the electors reject Drumpf's racism as well.making Hillary the first madam president.
you're in for a rude awakening

alright good for u.

monitoring this thread

Why does Johnson have eyebrows?

Doesn't matter, she lost, Trump won. America won and SJWs can go back to the kitchen and suck my dick while we deport the illegals.


I'm quite sure Soros will be paying at lest 1M for electors to vote hillary instead of Trump as they should be. Let's see how many takes it.


Nice try Chaim. You aren't fooling anyone.