What do I do??
I was given credentials to post for Huffington Post. I would like to shitpost
Don't fucking blow it. Write for them for a while. Befriend them. Gather intel. Slip VERY subtle meme references in HuffPo articles slowly, but pretend to be a SJW
Don't waste it on 'gas the kikes race war now top kek' tier stuff
Drop actual red pills like race-IQ-crime statistics, Holocaust debunking, Pizzagate photos, etc.
Also delete this thread because they might find you out. Be our sleeper agent waiting for the right moment for the perfect shitpost.
Post a gif of meatspin
Write a well crafted, well researched article about America's return to tradotional values and why it's a good thing.
Kanye is no longer black, he white now
I wrote a comment on some Australian video about Pauline Hanson once.
It went something like:
Pauline said Australia would be swamped by asians. That didn't happen. (it did)
Pauline said Muslims are bad and unaustralian. They're not.
Had lots of comments saying Australia is swamped by Asians etc etc, people redpilling themselves.
You just gotta be subtle. Become the jew.
LARP as a leftie and write believable shit that isn't true for the lulz
write something really anti-white
write an article about how the russians made monica lewinsky suck bill clinton
Write about how to photoshop, given how great you are at it
>Switch to Arab!
You know what to do.
>gather intel
what a waste of time.
Be subtle about it. Sneak in subtle redpills and shit, nothing to obvious.
You gotta defuse the liberal butthurt.
Say good things about Trump. Discredit the fear-mongers.
I like this. I have to imagine they'd boot me out if I was too blatant
Hide out for a while, since now they will be inspecting every post for signs of anything they don't like.
Good chance they will just mark everyone who has signed up recently though.
Someone or another has pointed it out to them to ruin the fun.
Once a while has passed, invoke Poe's Law.
>why its OK to be racisit
this x 100
Use a buzfeed article template
"10 clues that pizza gate might be real"
undereach and every example post the screen caps and shit
Now is not the right time to expose your power level. Post regular libtard stuff until the time is right.
Do a story on our deceleration of war on Tuvalu
Don't post but if you do, make it something completely retarded but believable
>why Martin O'Malley should have won the presidency
It's such a ridiculous clickbait topic about a literal who, and only further discredits huffpo
Give an endorsement of Trump, make it seem official
Now is the perfect time to discredit the "big bad Ruskies" meme though.
"The Main Reasons Behind the Censoring of Dissenting Opinion, And What To Do To Protect It."
Then write a bunch of shit about how cucked dems are.
This. The more readers you have when you finally reveal your power level or unleash the BS story, the funnier itll be!!!
Post about Russia hacking your asshole and raping your brains
Second this.
Not if we can dox every Huffpo editor and leak their nudes.
NO. Never bring attention to Sup Forums
What are you retarded?
hi Taylor ;)
suspedngin ur right to post right now!!! we wont accept this racist and bigot hate views on our site no more!
Are you attempting a fake false flag? fuck off Buzzfeed
this is good
sets up wordpress account changes url takes screen shot... HEEEY GUIZE HEY I HAX HUFPOE
Post hardcore SJW stuff to make them look bad
"Should white people be deported back to Europe?"
"Good news of the day: Men are more likely to commit suicide"
"How Russia hacked the CIA and planted evidence of WMDs in Iraq"
Talk about why PoC need to be segregated as a form of safespace and why interacial relationships with a white female and PoC male is racist racial appropiation. Self segregation is best segregation.
Do what
Don't be an idiot.
Damn I'll be on my way
Russian hackers leaked photos of Obama engaging in sex with small children
go full pizza gate, say you have a source that shows podesta is cho
>"How Russia hacked the CIA and planted evidence of WMDs in Iraq"
DO THIS FAGGOT, don't be a run of the mill Sup Forumsack idiot. The lulz will pay off.
what if he knew you'd notice that and is sabotaging taylor cuz he doesnt like the way he looks? go down the rabbit hole...
First you write SJW BULLSHIT , gather some thiusands readers , than REDPILL THEM slowly , DON T OVERDOSE redpills, normies might choke on them
Yes be subtle while dropping the redpill, we will be looking forward to your articles
delete this post so schlomo dosent tell
"Anti-Pedophilia Laws Are Anti-LGBT Laws. It's 2017. It's Time to End Them"
No dude they will find out beforehand
Hi Taylor! I see you're disobeying the rules we've laid out in the email. Consider yourself terminated.
Also btw, we're always watching this forum 24/7.
top fucking kek
This. Everbody's talking about instantly redpilling them.There are several steps to the redpilling of normies, one of the first is a lack of trust in mainstream media.
Write something The Onion would publish
source in the CIA confirms Trump involvement with Hoggish Greedly to destroy the EPA, or as Trump calls it the DEP
Taylor you fucked up reporting you to Bianca
PIZZAGATE: why it's fake
PEDOPHILIA: why it's ok you bigot
where do I find a crazy racist bitch to wife up?
Move to south states. Just avoid nigger areas.
wew ids lad
don't do it taylor gipple
I hope you like dicpiks in your gmail inbox bb
Write an article about how my father was killed by capitalism because he, as an exhausted and overworked machinist, fell face first into the lathe he operated (pic related). I will give you a detailed account of my/his story to you if you are interested.
Write something hilariously leftist, like that one bitch who once wrote that women should be sent to jail. Destroy their credibility from within
Be subtle, blend in, infiltrate.
Also pls try to not read this as a LARPing fag.
don't fuck it up op
and when you do meme you better fucking banepost. put a little of everything in, but don't you fucking forget to banepost.
Don't ruin this for him.
Also OP you really fucked up.
delete this you asshole we're trying to have fun here
as if gassing the kikes wasn't a noble endeavor..
Write something good that won't send up any smoke. Get your way in and maybe they'll appreciate a thoughtful more conservative slant on things.
Stop spamming Sup Forums/ with your killer capitalism gore. If that's actually your dad I hope you never had a chance to make your peace with him.
Delete this thread.
>read critical theory
>point out the hypocrisy of SJWs (hispanic-on-black racism)
Tell me, what do you have to lose?
>NO. Never bring attention to Sup Forums
>What are you retarded?
> media brought cucks from /leftypol/
Don't be autist fucker.
OP just delete this thread and do what they said:
Do the article about the muslim student who got harrassed by a big guy for you. The one that was next to the WAS FORREST GUMP RAPED one.
Oh god, Is he OK?!
I was only 6 months old when he passed.
>Drop actual red pills like race-IQ-crime statistics, Holocaust debunking, Pizzagate photos, etc.
literally all of these topics immediately out you as a far right crazy person
I am a respected journalist who had his press credentials taken from him by The Huffington Post. Please give me your press credentials so that I may have my column back and expose the truth about Pizzagate.
put me in the screencap bro
you fuckers need to be more vigilant
>inb4 an article on this thread is published
Go away.
who dis?
Sup Forums writes a huffpost article one word at a time
Isn't that the kid who got sucked into a lathe a few years ago
Write 3-5 blogs/articles before January 20th that are ridiculously inflammatory and anti-Trump, as much vitriol as you can get away with. Then, after 10 days of his presidency, write a long retraction that lists in detail how you misjudged him and how you're sure he will actually make America great again.
Must be a different case.
I'm sure there are plenty of people have have come to this horrid, profit-driven fate.
My father just so happened to be one of those unfortunate few.
Claim to be a normie bluepilled liberal, but introduce them to Unz dot com. It's part of the alternative media and realtalking oversimplified as "alt-right," but was founded by a Jew Democrat and has leftist writers as well as rigtists.
>we are the jew now
What a time to be alive
this, delete thread and go under the radar, write greypilled articles until you build a significant readership. don't spring the trap suddenly, either. start coming at issues from unexpected directions but still using the huff "voice". there are plenty of memes on here that should serve as good inspiration of this sort of thing, unfortunately i dont have any saved. but you have to be sneaky and subversive as they are if you're going to beat them at thier own game
Can you convince them that you are black? If so, you can push the #Blaxit thing. A black movement to go home to Mother Africa, since white people keeps stealing dey culture and sheeit.
My wife's son must be written if you want us to know it's you.
Maybe some benign article on NeoGAF being proDemocrat. Anything that would fly under the radar with one cuck joke quota.
this is pretty good too