God has no place on a civilized society
God has no place on a civilized society
What about below it?
You mean *mexicans
a civilized society doesn't exist.
>mexican intellectuals
His place is above society, numbnuts
>said the christfag
God isn't real faggot. If he was you'd have a better argument than a hat meme. The Bible said there is an ocean above us separated by the sky and held in place by the firmament and that's ehy the sky is blue. We've been up there nigger there is no sky ocean.
Want proof? You're too much of a pussy to google the firmament. Notice how you aren't doing it because oy vey YHWH forbid you stop worshipping you favorite cross kike.
How wrong you are
I've been saying this since I was a young boy. If you need your imaginary friend to comfort you because you're scared shitless there's nothing after you die then you are just weak.
>lol how do you explain all the blatently wrong shit in the Bible
>you are wrong
Christians everybody
Lol when ever you point out the retarded and illogical things in the bible they pull out the "metaphor card". Suddenly they get to cherrypick the things in the bible
>We've been up there nigger there is no sky ocean.
Freemasons fake the shit out of the space program. Nothing has gone higher than a weather balloon.
Point out something stupid in the Bible and christfags point somewhere else that says the opposite and act like it somehow refutes the claim. All that means is that the Bible contradicts itself and this supposedly all knowing god can't get his fucking story straight.
I agree, we are far too gone
The true and holy word of God doesn't contradict itself.
Christcucks lack critical thinking skills and mental strength. They are just sheep being controlled very sad.
>civilized society
>sexual revolution and murdering of resultant children
>>>/mexico/ >>>/reddit/
Saged and reported
Atheists have always been irrelevent throughout history. So hush your dirty mouth my son.
All atheists can do is post quotes of people who have critical thinking skills and mental strength.
Because they lack them.
Within, then? I think within.
Correct, but religious faith can keep people disciplined and motivated, which are predominant traits in a utopian aryan society
You can shit talk when you find proof of the sky ocean christcuck
Way to take the literal over the substantive. Please do some reading on anthropology before speaking nonsense. God is an alien testing humanity. Christ was an alien human hybrid sent down to earth to short circuit the scapegoating mechanism caused by human mimetic behavior leading to ever grander violence. Either we wipe our selves out or we pass the great filter
First, define evil. Evolutionist atheists don't (and SHOULD NOT) believe in evil. But ignoring that, if there was no evil, there would be no need for God. God doesn't need us, but he wants us to desire Him, as we are His creation. Thus, He has created this universe in such a way (that being allowing an unknown amount of evil) that we will want to seek Him.
Kek is history a fucking high school now? Something has to be popular to be accepted?
I very clearly added onto the image I posted. Nice try though
You believe the earth is 6000 years old and evolution isn't real. Once those 2 got proven wrong the cognitive dissonance of Christcucks gave them brain damage.
without god, there wouldn't be atomic matter for you to build a civilized society on.
that nigga makes sub atomic particles work. what do you do?
Did He ever say he was going to prevent evil?
Everyone was a christcuck back then nobody knew shit about anything and they used religion to explain everything. It's [the current year] m8. Also, religion had nothing to do with that discovery it was all math and science.
if you believe the earth is round because nasa told you, and believe evolution is real because you saw an article in Time magazine. I have bad news for you.
you have brain damage.
no real christian thinks that the earth is 6000 years old.
the bible thumpers you are thinking of are actually just carbon copies of you. regurgitating garbage told to them by a priest, or scientist. because you and the people you are quoting are too stupid to think for themselves.
this is a big misconception about god.
he created good, and evil. he is the source of all blessings and curses, and all creation in the universe. there is no such thing as sin. infinity works both ways
>(that being allowing an unknown amount of evil)
if there is an infinite amount of good, then there is an infinite amount of evil. an evil path will lead you to god anyways.
No that's what the quote was saying. Why call him "God". Religion is just illogical man you can't seriously believe some shit a bunch of shitskins from 2000 years ago and not smell some bullshit.
the amount of fucking stupid you are knows no bounds.
i love you, but i'll probably kill you without a second thought.
that's what it means to be christian :)
>he's a flat earther and evolution denier
What's next? You wanna deny the theory of gravity?
You are a lost cause my friend
There's a difference between scientific theories and religious fundamentalism. One can be tested, observed, and researched and the other can't.
gravity doesn't exist. its a matter of buoyancy. the same way it works in water is how it works with air, albiet much less dense.
einstein couldn't prove gravity in his theory of jewery, none of the greatest minds can prove the theory of gravitity, because it doesn't exist the way people think it does.
the measurement of gravity is how close an object is to becoming a star with a fusion reaction.
check for the missing link in whales. the holes in evolution are huge.
and yeah, for some reason I think there are still dinosaurs in the congo. that's just crazy talk though.
Name one civilized society that is godless
The concept of God created civilized society but ill humor you
"Wow, looks like I'm an atheist now"
>Religion is just illogical
Lol not an argument nice ad hom though, let me explain this further so I can get this through your thick skull. This is simple psychology. Back when we were in tribes it was a scary fucked up world with no explanation, we didn't know about evolution, what we came from, how we got here etc. What we did in response to that is invent religion as a coping mechanism to deal with these unanswered questions and all the terrible things happening to us. Why did that bear kill and attack your tribe member? It was gods plan. Why was there a flood? Because we were evil. See where I'm getting at?
and that's why revelations will come to pass.
well, it turns out there is no mathematical way to prove the earth has curvature. the images you see NASA release are all composites.
source for pic nasa.gov
you can stack up all the reasons for you to think the earth is round, and stack it against the flat earth research, and you'll debunk the round earth every single time, i promise you.
i can repeatedly test, observe, and research that NASA tells people nothing but lies. NASA even means to deceive in hebrew.
civilized society was only possible thru religion
also lrn2metaphor
>God doesn't prevent evil things, therefore he's evil
Bullshit. God doesn't interfere because that's not his fucking job. He created this world for us to rule.
Fairytales are not illogical you're not making any sense.
Kek wills it. Also show me da proof christcuck. The burden lies on the person claiming the existence of a god. All that "faith" won't prove a single thing
let me go ahead and explain this to you really simply.
every civilization has a story that's pretty much the same exact thing as Noah's ark.
Noah's ark is even immortalized in the symbols of China's written language. the symbol for 8 (8 children of noah who survived) and water make flood
look up the story of Manu, he saves the world from a great flood too.
its probably because there was a great flood at some point in history, and people used to be much more advanced back then than we are now.
have you heard of how it took people with todays technology 20 years to move 5000 blocks of some random egpytian monument?
the pyramids have millions of bigger heavier blocks, and were built in less than 20 years.
you can go ahead and think its slaves or what ever, but thats just you being a stupid nigger that cant think for yourself. it's much more likely they used the principle of the way buoyancy works in air to build the pyramids.
fairy tales are based on truth.
Nice explanation. Nobody needs it from you anyways. Or much of anything else
Bigger question.
Why isn't there an atheist board for you all to feel good about your non-belief?
An echo chamber is what you need to feel better about your decision.
>it's just a test guyz
If the Earth had no curvature
Elevation would have to effect on how far you can see. It does.
The Coriolis effect would be impossible (No hurricanes. No adjustment needed for long range missiles.)
Seasons wouldn't occur.
NASA may or may not be lying, but we can't deny what's actually observable with our own eyes.
the proof rests in the way atomic matter behaves, and is structured.
the principles of quantum physics basically proves the idea of god.
if "gods" consciousness turned away from the universe all subatomic matter would seize to exist, or maybe fly apart..
the idea of being human means to understand things you can't see.
you can't prove to me air exists. you actually can't prove to me anything.
all what you can do is link others peoples works and take it as fact because its called "science"
its kind of exactly what you accuse religious people of doing.
any serious christian who has studied the nature of god realizes that there are a lot more than 6000 years of history under the bibles belt.
You wrote and all that shit and I'm gonna blow you out with one statement
RELIGIONS INSPIRE OTHER RELIGONS. Think of it like the chart I'm showing you. All these religions are based in judaisms beliefs.
Key word: based
>inb4 XD atheists are stupid the invisible man in the sky created everything
Don't continue to believe in santa when you know he's not watching you. God is life, thought, empathy and physics
Christianity and Islam are 2nd and 3rd wave Abrahamic religions and share a lot of common works with Judaism. Its changed and edited but they grew directly out of it.
Sorry mate, not gonna argue with a flat earther. Paranoid schizophrenia is one helluva disorder please take your meds m8
Yes. And Judaism grew out of paganism much like most religions.
Christianity is Judaism?
i thought the Jews had Jesus crucified because of his blasphemy.
Mexicans are far from civilized.
autistics discussing shit they dont understand. where the fucks my popcorn
i mean if the earth is flat (which it is)
then your entire model of science is wrong in the first place, and none of the things you just pointed out have no bearing in the first place.
>No adjustment needed for long range missiles.)
its funny, why dont you try mapping flight paths on a flat earth map vs a round earth map. you'll quickly realize that airplanes fly like the earth is a flat motionless circle.
do you realize the entire field of cosmology tends to indicate that the earth is a flat, and motionless plane, and there is no way for stars to make perfect circles over year long timelapses, or move in perfectly straight lines above and below perpendicular to our horizon creating perfect 90 degree angles?
Christianity directly came from Judaism read what said.
ever seen balloon launches that go into orbit? go fucking pick one up you dumb fuck and test it yourself, see for yourself the globe.
Jesus posed a threat to both the Jewish hierarchy and the rule of Rome in that area. In order to be crucified, you would have to piss off Rome, not the Jews.
I don't think people understand how large Earth and planets in general really are.
wtf are you trying to start?
obviously Sup Forums is full of the most intellectual individuals who know 100% that what they say must be true because it came from them.
Thousands of years ago, humans could barely form organized settlements, yet they were already building monuments and temples to their gods.
Religion, like it or not, is a core part of human nature. Virtually all civilizations in history had some sort of religious belief.
However, we are living in awkward times. Atheists are probably right in the sense that there is not an omnipotent personality that created the universe.
This does not mean however, that religion has no place in civilized society. Like it or not, humans will always drive religious belief into something. If not religion, it is often political ideology. And when you mix religious belief with opposing political views, you ultimately get polarization of society. The extremes become stronger, and society divided.
No, politics should not be the agent coercing religiosity into an evil force.
Religiosity can be good, and shit on Christianity all you want, but currently, it serves as a healthy outlet for religiosity, promoting traditional values and good morality.
Remember, the rationalizations of any process are completely irrelevant, what truly counts is the outcomes of said processes. In that sense, it is irrelevant if the story of Jesus and the existence of God are correct or not, as the outcome of Christianity is better than its alternatives.
To reply to your post, it is not about removing God from civilized society, it's about how can we use God to improve our society even further.
>The chosen people
I wonder who was behind that post
Spiritual belief serves the very important purpose of turning what we feel into something we can know and use to stabilize our place in existence.
These days people are weary of the personified God because we are less inclined to trust people. However we are still just as inclined to have a spiritual anchor. People look to less personified things like noble processes (science(in principle)) or noble concepts like mindfulness.
I would love to have this conversation. I really enjoy conversation about science and the universe, but you've got to realize you haven't actually said anything this whole time. I don't mean to be insulting, but it's getting difficult to maintain this conversation when one side is only disagreeing without offering any actual evidence to the contrary.
its a crime to shy away from controversy. I laugh at you falling for the jew memes.
well, the bible is pretty much an anti semetic book in the first place.
if you pay attention to what jews actually think of christians, it's pretty disgusting.
they make an interesting distinction as well. they call themselves the sons of canaan, and everyone else the sons of adam.
>RELIGIONS INSPIRE OTHER RELIGONS. Think of it like the chart I'm showing you. All these religions are based in judaisms beliefs.
well i mean, you can ignore the fact that every continent has a story of a world wide flood if it really makes you feel better. and you can even ignore that these people developed similar stories independently
Jesus denounced the Pharisees Jews
Called them the synagogue of satan & told the Jews he was the son of god.
& you're telling me Jews had nothing to do with it?
I can imagine jesus writing a note like this when the first human killed another human
"k fuck you guys im out gl"
see earth.nullschool.net
i basically have a working map of how climate works on a flat earth.
its really you that hasn't contributed anything.
if i presented a case for starlight being instant, and not millions of years old, it would probably go over your head just like this conversation is.
T. Fedora Chilango
Funny that civilization is eroding since 1789, the year Western society started to become Godless.
I never said that. I only said that the Romans killed him. This decision was likely influenced heavily by the Jews who he pissed off, but the Romans pulled the trigger.
>The 2016th year of our Lord
>Not living in San Marino
see the image in the post above you.
guaranteed you name it *fukkn saved*
Dude Do you seriously believe the earth is flat?
or are you Just Trolling.
if you mess with what i highlighted on the website i linked, you can also see weather projections on other maps and models of the earth.
the flat circular earth is the most coherent of these models.
"hi jesus its god, i thought i told you to die for their sins?"
"yeah god i did that"
"so why are they still sinning?"
"i dont fucking know?"
"well go back and sort it out"
"no fuck u god, youre not my real dad fix your own shit"
>claims to be a Christian
>believes in evolution
actually its the real Christians who believe in every word the Bible says and dont need "science" to tell them what is what. how many times is science facts been "updated" to fit the narrative. we dont even know what gives objects their mass since 99.998% of an atom is empty. if you believe in evolution your not a Christian.
God isn't the problem, we are
Thats what i meant.
The Pharisees basically had him killed.
>all the civilized society in their peack was a believer of God
>now they are all in decadence by the lack of faith in God
just a coincidence goy
>a real human bean
Yeah, you're right. I was basically arguing semantics by saying they didn't directly kill him. My bad.
"ok jesus i guess ill just have to take care of things myself"
"do whatever the fuck u want" /leaves
"..." /afks for the next 7000 years
well. i actually believe its both.
not trolling. and it really isn't worth explaining.
basically god touched my brain, I'm pretty sure it was him because it basically felt like an orgasm. this was way after i figured out the earth was flat though.
There's no civilized society without God
show me where i said i believe in evolution in the first place.