This isn't even debatable anymore shitlords

Other urls found in this thread:


so is there proof or not?

>If we repeat the same thing enough times it counts as evidence, right?

>how can intelligence agencies even compete?

how can you hack a physical voting system?



When the fuck are they going to provide proof?

Oh wait....There isn't any

shit, they went right in the backdoor. theyre clever.

Source of the leaks was Bernie supporter Seth Rich.

This. They even did recounts.

Shut the fuck up

>Russia manipulated the election!
>By releasing completely factual information that revealed how scummy one of the candidates and the political apparatus behind them really was.

Am I supposed to be upset? Obviously we need to plug the leaks that allowed this to happen to begin with, but I'm not upset in the least that all this information was dragged out into the light for the public to scrutinize.

I'm asking you, the OP this.

What did they hack? Did they hack the voting machines? If no, then how did they hack "The Election"?

I have saged 19 threads like this today and I've only been off and on.

Not eve huezil's system can be hacekd, the electronic urns can be altered, probably are, but not hacked.

hmm, looks like americas firewall was too weak. they punched right through, dropped in a logic bomb.

>if I post enough, it will be true!

>r-right guys?

fuck off
you aren't being paid anymore

This story is dead on arrival...

CIA has no proof, and the larger part of the intelligence agencies state that CIA cannot prove Russian tampering

>Democrats saying the Russians were going to hack the election months before the election
>Knowing this and did nothing to stop it
>Being this stupid to believe anything the Democrats say at this point
>The only think Russia hacked was your mom's pussy.

They hacked people's devices to stop them from going to her rallies

>Records: Too many votes in 37% of Detroit’s precincts

Dems got caught cheating.
>I bet the Russians did it.

You cucks shall suffer.
Putin owns you.
Marionette banana 3rd world shithole


So youre telling me Putins Sup Forums?

hey, Esquire is real news. I don't see you with a real news website. You probably run one of those fake russian progpaganda distribution sites. (See how I don't capitalize russia? A dicktatorship doesn't deserve to be a proper noun)

>posting fake news

Okay sure.

I can not Fucking wait for the third serving of libtard tears.

why keep trying to start war with russia

I like you guys better when you had balls.


Take a good long look at this man.

This is a traitor.

This is a Cuckold.

This is America's lips on Putin's ring.

This is a thief who stole our election.

This is a LOSER who lost the popular vote by three fucking million.

This is a sexist.

This is a racist.

This is Russia's slave.

This is only President in name only until the American people rise up and get rid of him.

This uprising is happening soon.

the leftists should wage war on russia

>biggest election hack in US history
There were other election >hacks?

They hacked the US's mainframe shield regulators and discriminately targeted black voters by DDOSing their phone chip inhibitors to prevent them from appearing at the voting booths on election day.

Russian niggers

Russia is a paper faggot


what the fuck do you think


> Hahahah Drumpf is so dumb. the election can't be rigged
> The Russians Rigged the election

>implying we didn't feign falling apart to have the West fall apart without one true enemy

Honestly the best time to be Russian since ever is right now. Right. Fucking. Now. I'm tired of winning already.
But that's your MSM point, not RT or something. ^:)

>ITT trolls are trolling trolls just for the sake oft rolling.


The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result.

It's rather entertaining to see you suffer so much wailing and crying because your world is about to END. It's our time now bitches, bye.

the ones pushing fake news ARE THE FAKE NEWS. it's never been so obvious. fuck these kikes and their leftwing bullshit.


What was meant by this?


ah yes, classic CSS injection technique.. putin is truly master hacker

>believing fake news
>believing the CIA who have predicted tons of things wrongly
>believing people who have no idea how our election system works
>believing Russia literally hacked our election

I like how somehow no one remembers all the threads here on election day about faulty machines that would auto-select Hillary.

Might wanna provide some evidence before you start confirming shit.

I hate Hill shills.

I don't even think many progressives care. They're pissed they got caught.

God, I love this comic.
I know the feel, comrade.
Aleppo's ours, and so is US!

Read the rules.

This shit is too idiotic to be a play for the electoral college. I think they're trying to trigger some tinfoil hat nutjob hard enough that he assassinates Trump.

Hope the CIA hasn't infiltrated the secret service.

we the jews now

but theres more to come:

soon we will usher our own currency and start charging interest
we will make israel multicultural with open borders depraved out it's sovereignity
unite middle east under the rule of base bashar and make israel the source of cheap labour
we won kikes, it's all over, the way it's happening is like you're watching yourself die in a slow motion

Running a faggot parade and having liberals screaming racism/misogyny is not an uprising, fyi.

Ok Sup Forums, here's what fucking happened.

No, they didn't hack the voting machines or the ballots.

They hacked the DNC, found all their skeletons and their dirty laundry, held onto it, and released it little by little, timed strategically with Trump scandals, in order to damage Hillary's chances and make sure her own scandals were making headlines at the same time as Trump.

They swayed the American people with propaganda on websites and news stories coming from eastern european nations, spreading hate and distrust across our nation like a wildfire.

They acted with the explicit goal of influencing our election to establish a candidate who would make America look incompetent on the world stage. They didn't care if Trump liked Putin. But they sure loved that Trump liking Putin made us look like idiots to our real allies.

I don't care who you voted for or what your views are. A foreign power, an unfriendly one, successfully acted upon our electoral process to get their choice of candidate elected. If that doesn't bother you, I don't know what to say.

This Russian narrative going forward is proof Assange has been killed. He could come out and show proof it wasn't the Russians but it was Seth. But the dems know he's not alive to be able to do it. They wouldn't risk going to these lengths on this Russia lie if they didn't know they had such insurance it wouldn't ever be debunked they attempted a coup with the CIA.

Russian shills getting lots of overtime with the release of this story. Look at them go. They must really be shitting their pants over in the Kremlin.

Fyi, this will not go away. Even if we have to wait out 2 terms of a Trump presidency. It may not be full on war, but big daddy USA will be doing a tap dance on your nuts.

fake news



As of 10:00PM EST Infowars was under a massive DDoS attack.

>A foreign power, an unfriendly one, successfully acted upon our electoral process
You mean Saudi Arabia funding Hillary's campaign? We actually have proof of that.

There is no proof the Russians hacked the DNC and podesta. Sorry.

I'll summarize for you, but Google it because you won't believe me:

>FBI says
>We don't know who hacked the DNC, the DCCC, and John Podesta
>However, we do know what "tools and techniques" the hackers used
>We know that these same tools and techniques were used to hack American targets in the past
>We suspect that these previous attacks were launch by Russia
>If we are correct that Russia was behind the attacks in 2015 and 2014
>And if we are correct that no other hackers use these specific tools and techniques
>Then Russia is the most likely suspect

>The other intelligence agencies say
>We did not perform an independent investigation
>We trust the FBI did their job correctly
>After all, they didn't prove anything

>The CIA says
>We did not conduct an independent investigation
>Assuming the FBI's guess that Russia was behind the hacks is correct
>Then the motive must have been to influence the election
>Why else would Russia hack and publish these documents?
>Assuming it's Russia, for which we have no evidence

>1 post by this ID
Fuck you

This would appear to be their rationale. Didn't seem to work during the election though.

so they did literally exactly what Hillary's PR team did for her except for Trump?

The guy who couldn't have done any of those things because his own fucking party wouldn't pay for resources?

as well as creating CTR and a bunch of other shilling services through foreign donations from Saudi Arabia among others.

and you're going to say that it was Russia's involvement that is criminal?

nigga fuck you and your mother

> the american people will believe this, without evidence

> they won't believe pizzagate

Glory to the Emperor!

>everyone I don't like is a Russian X
Hillary, get off Sup Forums. Tend to your husband, he looks like he'll die of general failure of every vital organ at once any day now.

no but canada fucking factory reset his iphone and ipad

The information is classified. Yes, it sucks not having everything out there for you to see. But American spies were involved in getting this information. Human sources. The only way to lay all of that out would be to expose people risking their lives to give our country operable intelligence. If you're willing to sacrifice the lives of those patriots, that's your perogative, but I'm not.

>an unfriendly one

>liberals defend communists
>sudden 180 when they release dirt on the democratic party

Even BLM was vehemently anti-Hillary and anti-Bernie during their campaigns. Are you saying they helped hack Trump into power too?


>election hack
I love how little you need to read to know when something is propaganda.

America has been rigging elections for years.What's the big deal?

I never said I agreed with Hillary. I think she's a fucking criminal who should be in a cell. Doesn't change what's coming out about Trump. They don't cancel out.

>They hacked the DNC, found all their skeletons and their dirty laundry, held onto it, and released it little by little, timed strategically with Trump scandals, in order to damage Hillary's chances and make sure her own scandals were making headlines at the same time as Trump.

1) Even if Russia did it, Wikileaks released the information on its own schedule. CNN may not have told you this but Assange and Putin are different people.

2) Does this mean that literally anyone who releases damaging information against a candidate in a strategically favorable manner "hacked the election"? Did Access Hollywood "hack the election"? Why would we want to elect a puppet of Access Hollywood?

ah ..
>trust us
Brought to you by the same people who asked us to trust them regarding WMDs in Iraq.

No thanks.

kek the past summer truly was amazing but this december is blowing it out of the water

>so they did literally exactly what Hillary's PR team did for her except for Trump?



russia is a country

Ok, but what's the alternative? Abolish our intelligence capabilities?

Stopped and saged.


1 post by this ID

Proof? Hoss, that shit gets in the way of how people FEEL. Proof is an outdated and racist concept.

This is the biggest fucking joke for an article

Bitch I'm not a fucking liberal. Hillary is a cunt and bernie's trying to give free shit to niggers. Doesn't change foreign powers exercising their will on our election.

Sup Forums will fall for this every time.


Shouldn't you be busy beating your gold digging whore of a wife Ivan?

How do feel that your president is worth $38 billion while the average income in your country is $6,000/yr?

right except i'm saying that unless a country is literally taking votes and altering ballots then this is nothing new at all

every election in any country of note in the modern world is influenced immensely by the political powers of the time

such is the case when a world wide information network connects all peoples

the information leaked by the Russians (if it was in fact them which we still have NO proof of whatsoever) was all factually accurate. desu as soon as Hillary rigged the primary she should have been fucking arrested for subverting democracy and the fact that she wasn't means this system was rigged from the start with no justice to be had

in such a system, everything is permissible to bring it back to a state of accountability


Hollywood puts out anti trump propoganda day and night. The Saudis and Chinese own media companies doing the EXACT SAME THING.


No ground to stand on even if it's true the source of the hacks was Russia. If we are to make a case of it, then China must be forced to sell all their shares in all US media, same with the Saudis.

Hillary must also go to prison for taking MASSIVE Saudi funding during the election.

Talk to me about those issues first, before spouting off about a hack that was exposed showing the democrats debasing the election.