Your mom is just a social construct.
Just because someone who gave birth to you doesnt mean she's your mom.
Even a woman that doesn't give birth to you can love you as much as much as the woman who gave birth to you.
The idea that a woman can abort their own child indicates that just because she gave birth to you doesn neccessarily means that she loves you.
Therefore not your mother.
There's thousands of moms who doesnt love her own kids and gave them up for adoption.
Identify my mom as a woman who just give birth to me.
Your mom is just a social construct
Gotta love cultural Marxism
It can destroy anything because it can be applied to anything
>an love you as much as much as the woman who gave birth to you.
I thought that japs knew biology
your mom is not your mom
t. molymeme
Cut to the chase, nip
Is this all about fucking your own mother without it being wrong?
Ok Hiroshi, you don't need to defend the act fucking your mom.
>that picture
I miss my mom.
We're you adopted?
Your mom has her blood inside you, you are litteraly made out of your moms and dads genes.
And your mother is bond to you by animal senses
Your mother is the person who raises you.
Your biological mother is the person who gives birth to you.
More often than not, the same person fills both roles.
I mean, I agree that if you are raised by a foster parent she could also be considered your mom but don't deny there is a biological mother too. I hate this "social construct" meme.
>Just because someone who gave birth to you doesnt mean she's your mom.
The fuck did I just read? She is your biological mother. True another woman can give you the same amount as love and become your surrogate mother but the woman that gave birth to you is still your mother.
still it doesn't mean that all mom loves their child. Many women loves a child who is not loved by the woman who gives birth to them.
a woman in relation to a child or children to whom she has given birth.
underrated underhanded slice at liberals
he was using that one samurai sword that's smaller than the katana when they least expected it
Nips are stepping into some next level of degeneracy
Tht's why I think it's dumb when people say "you must respect your parents" to people who have issues with them
My parents took care of me as a kid and loved me so I respect them, but I can perfectly understand why people who had very shitty (I mean for real, not just because they refused to give you money or bullshit like that) parents don't love or respect them
You shame famiry Haruto sama.
Go to room and don't come out until you sudoku.
It'll eventually destroy itself. It's a matter of when.
I'd pay that to a degree.
While biology doesn't necessitate that a birthing female must be your mother, our psychology does.
We need an older woman to fulfill that maternal role during our childhood, in the same sense we need a male to fulfill a paternal role. The better they perform and the more secure we feel as a result, the more resilient we are as adults. You can try to refute this, but statistically those raised by one or less parents are far more likely to be a fuck up than someone with two, the same goes for single genders vs bother gender parents.
means that she loves you.
Therefore not your mother."
a woman who just give birth to me.
lol thats what i thought the whole time reading OP's post
i would never fuck my mom but calling an older woman "mommy" while fucking her is one of the finer things in life
It does jap. As long as your mothers brain isnt fucked she will care for you. Even if it doesnt look like it.
sorry that your mother didnt love you tanaka-san.
That's called hypocrisy/denial
>Just because someone who gave birth to you doesnt mean she's your mom.
>The idea that a woman can abort their own child indicates that just because she gave birth to you doesn neccessarily means that she loves you
>Identify my mom as a woman who just give birth to me.
you stupid fucking chink
you are literally a subhuman scum if you believe this fucking trash
you are just making u excuses because you want to fuck your mom. i'm a bit disappointed desu real patricians don't cum in mum, they jizz in sis.
The role between a mother and a child isn't just a social construct it's a biological one as well
Typically children born from incest are genetically inferior. For the least chance of inheriting conditions the chromosome pairs need heterogenous alleles, it is best for the gene pool if incest is avoided as much as possible. A child born from incest is going to have more homogenous alleles and will end up being born fucked up. This is why so many royals have died young in an attempt to keep the bloodline pure. In an innate way we find sexual relationships between immediate family so disgusting, because even in a primal way we know that this shit is bad for humanity and should be stopped.
Japanese posters are bestu posters
fuck off frenchy
Well this view is mostly determined by your definition of "mother" If you think a mother is your female care taker then your social construct idea works but if someone thinks "mother" as in the biological parent you will get someone who disagrees. So what is the point of this thread?
>tfw """""""raised""""""" by grandparents for good chunk of my childhood
>tfw hardcore conservative but don't really care about my family or really care in general
same spot bro, i think we have to make our own family to be happy agian
mother rhymes with lover
-t. Oidípous
>Commi detected
It's hard to see the process through pixellated censorship
>not posting the real version
Your post is just a social construct. Letters and words do not mean anything just because they have been put together.
I could go further but I have to go to work.
Your post is not your post, just because you have typed it.
one who moths
That's a very tantric statement, OP.
Social degeneracy at it's finest. Just tear down all the shit that makes society functional, and claim that was (((natural))) is what is best.
A perfect mother exists in the realm of forms independently from humanity.This perfect mother form is perfect and immutable. It is transcendent, meaning not in our time and space, therefore eternal and once again unchanging.
All other mothers which we perceive in the dimension in which we exist are imperfect and lacking each in their unique way because of our corroded reality.
Yes not loving your children is a great identifier for psycho sociopaths that need to be removed from the gene pool altogether.
They are failures of human beings. This is a very simple yet effective test.
Look, Chang, just stop.
Youre a degenerate for fucking your mom, it doesnt matter how you try to spin it.
this, kekles
user your mom not hug you enough?
A mother's role isn't fulfilled at birthing your existence it's an extended process of raising a child properly and lovingly. A fully realized mother is your mother until the day they die.
i think it's already happening; these people look more and more insane by the day. mr. trump will be president soon and when the communities begin seeing and feeling benefits of his presidency 'on the ground' the liberals speaking out will look like extremists; the media will switch sides to restore their reputation and they'll see a massive spike in ratings reporting honest stories on social justice warriors and abusive feminists etc. on their typical witch hunts. it's only a matter of time.