uhhh guys....
Uhhh guys
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uhhhh what, you nobody? random guy who happens to be PEOTUS chimes in on a hollywood movie, and you're all OMGWTFLOL? fuck off, odd shillary ctr who apparently didn't get the memo that said all the funding is cut off.
we know
we thought you knew user? on inauguration day we're taking them all out.
Lucky bastards. Fast internet, guns AND now you get a night where you can kill people legally.
it's gonna be yuge
oh wow
if real
Top kek
It really made him think...
The benefits of Freedom, not I mean quite literally. When is the queen pardoning your sentence in the island, you convicts?
I wish I could vote for Trump
Hitler liked movies too, you know.
God damn it's nice to have a president who loves shitposting
I honestly don't get why people call historically acurate movies racist, sexist, etc.
No shit. That's what historically accurate means. The content may be negative, but the presentation is positive and should not receive negative reviews.
Captcha: alabama
Did you think day of the rope was just a meme?
Except it was actually good. Not great, but good.
"We'll take care of this criminals quickly. Believe me."
He's not kidding. Remember him praising Prisdent Dorito of the Philipines. That nigga is on some Purge shot over there, including participating in hunting them down himself with his alphabet agencies.
Crazy mother fucking times. Escalation.
Do you reckon he does this just to fuck with people?
I know I would if I was in his position
"Wow hungry games are great, gave me a few good ideas... ;-)"
just cut to the chase and post her cock
>tfw President Trump gives us permission to crack leftist skulls
Hope you all have your lists ready
Check the date you fucking inbread sperg
the guy who makes those movies has a hardon for being actually racist in his movies but getting away with it because its "justified". usually hes completely racist against the WHITE RACE
Trump tweets thread? Here's one where he calls Steve Jobs out for being a beta cuck kek.
Queten tarentino movies suck shit, all of them.
its really happening
>historically accurate
>Fast internet
pfffft hahahaha
>Cucked from the grave
>not linking the tweet
now why would op do that? oh that's right, because the tweet doesn't exist.
uhhh guys....
>americans get to have Donald Trump be their president
>mfw THIS is my national leader
Gotta remember, Aussies metric of fast is relative, compared to theirs we have fast internet.
the movie had a very valid point but obviously it was over the top anti-white hollywood crap. multicult german teams up with black guy to take down whitey. it might as well be 2016 the movie.
2015 the movie mate
2016 belongs to us
I wish he did more movie reviews. His analysis of Citizen Kane was insightful and strangely enough made him self-reflect, which is a quality I rarely see in him.
I'm running an average of 300mbs here
try living in a place that matters, your internet well be way faster.
list movies you think are top tier.
I prefer quotes people actually said
I liked his tdkr review.
>Trump creates the purge
>Trump supporters get one night a year to make America great again
Best timeline
Haha he must be listening to the Alt Right. He needs to just be himself. The elections over, who cares if he hurts some poor cucks feelings.
>maybe in 200 years
what did he mean by this?
I'd rather be an autistic permavirgin than a redditshit who gets sex once a year in return for raising Chad's kids
i see then i guess i need to move to romania after all they have one of the fastest internet in the world
>The president isn't allowed to enjoy movies anymore
Jesus Christ
> Django Unchained
> Historically accurate
>implying a YUGE portion of the US doesn't matter
Just admit the current situation is fucked.
The most redeemable man in that movie was a white man. The German guy was everything a good person should be. The worst was the uncle Tom who sold out for his white owner.
It was a good movie.
(((historically accurate)))
300 mbs is extremely fast
may kek make it so
>enacts annual purge holiday
>the only people who participate in said purge are predictably niggers
>right wing safety squads use this as an excuse to patrol and purge minority communities
>all liberals actually move to canada rather than learn how to operate a firearm
>america becomes great again overnight
Who was right America? Leaves leaves leaves. L-l-l-leaves leaves leaves.
I'm ready. As a bonus, all the commies in Hollywood will probably go and loot the mansions to redistribute the wealth
check the election you fucking shill
Is that fucking real? Didn't he resign? I feel bad for kiwis and how they're perpetually cucked.
yes, thankfully hes resigning soon, I think sometime early next year.
fuck knows who's gonna lead us after that
Damn this is good. Looking at Trump's family, I think he must still have happiness.
This one doesn't work since Hamlet actually did kill Claudius at the end.