It appears the demorats would be willing to start a civil war in your country

Thankfully that will not happen. Ask yourselves this. if they're willing and obviously wanting to start a civil war in your country, could you imagine what would have happened if they actually won? Holy fuck terrifying!
My country has a leader that won a majority government with roughly 1/3 of the votes. I personally did not vote for his party. I do however support his government 100%. Why? Because its what's best for Canada as a whole. I love my country, and wish it nothing but the best.
Why can't the demorats do what's best for America? The same reason they lost the election. It's not about doing what's best for America for them. It's about doing what they think is best for themselves, and select friends.
They've shown us all what they're really about, and it's gross.

Cognitive dissonance.

It is a long and hard battle to unravel cultural marxism.

That about sums it up user. I'm absolutely baffled that this shit with threatening electors, and the rules of the election are being so brazenly attacked is being tolerated in any way.
Seriously if this isn't treason, what is?

I think they're just stupid man.

In saying that, if Hillary had somehow managed to win would Sup Forums be pissed and hurt?

If hillary won Sup Forums wouldn't say anything, because there wouldn't be a Sup Forums anymore. Or Sup Forums...

This site would have been one of the first things to go. Guaranteed!

Yes but what really strikes me is how far the media has gone to destory Trump before he is even inaugurated. Just imagine if the tables were turned and the right was outraged. Every article on huffpo and all the other msm rags would be making fun of Trump amd his supporters. I really cant figure out why they cant just take defeat graciously.

For fucks sake I put up with that nigger Obama for 8 years and never protested his ass once.
When he was first elected I remember this black student running down the halls one morning, hands in the air yelling "FIRS BLAK PRECEDEN!!"

Very sad.

if it's the best government for canda why didn't you vote for it ?

The same is being attempted with Brexit. Elected MPs are actually plotting to reverse the decision. Tony Blair scrapped the Treason law for a reason.

n>For fucks sake I put up with that nigger Obama for 8 years and never protested his ass once

Plenty of other people did. The conservative media in the wake of 2012 was just as doom and gloom as the liberal media is right now.

>its the end of america
>hes the anti christ
>muh birth certificate
>trampeling the constitution
>he will seize dictatorial powers

If you think both parties aren't pieces of shit, you are 14 years old or have autism.

Trump only cares about people who make at least 250,000 a year. You really think he has the everyday Americans best interests in mind. He wants his rich friends to get richer including Putin. He won't make it into office and if he does he will be impeached for treason for stupidly asking Russia to hack Hilary on live fucking tv at a rally lmfao

It's retarded for sure, I think they're just going through the stages of grief on many stages, one being that the mainstream meteor has lost its influence.

You missed the point Hans.

The pure, festering hatred spewing from this board would infect every single corner of the internet, and no amount of moderation or filtering would be able to stop it. The the things we memed during the election cycle would seem like a joke in retrospect.
Total control of all social and antisocial media, Sup Forums would turn into a propaganda machine unlike anything ever seen before in world history.

there wont be a civil war. a few dozen rednecks going innawoods and getting droned is not a civil war. it would be the death of the republic though. we would be a laughing stock.

meant to go to

>believes every conspiracy
>impossible that PIDF fucked our election


>hay guise the DNC is fucking with bernie lol
>hey check out these emails hillary held unsecured

I can only assume this position is satire because it's so stupid that I can't imagine someone seriously holding it.

have differing opinions. Opinions that are irrelevant now. They won. Now I accept and support my countries government, because I love my country. It doesn't change our differences, but there's no sense in dwelling on them.
I get to vote my conscience again in four years. If it wins great. If it doesn't, oh well. I'm not going to go to war with my countrymen because my opinion didn't win, that would be wrong.
Much like what the demorats are doing right now, wrong. Plain and fucking simple.

Going to war in Iraq under false premises getting killed thousands of American soldiers, disestablishing the region, diverting resources from the war against terrorism in the middle of the worst economic crisis since 1929, and creating an even worse menace than Al-qaeda.

Seriously, the US is full of traitors.

hi rebbit

>democrats vote away gun rights
>want a civil war when they don't get their way
This is the hysteria we were telling you about

Is this an actual possibility? At first i thought these threads were bait but they're everywhere. They honestly can't pull this shit right?

If the false flag is big enough
And believable enough

They are truly trash

KYS faggot.

"They" are gonna break the US down, the plan has been in the works for a while now.

Americans are getting conditioned for civil war. The conflict will be against US imperialists (Clinton) and Globalists (Trump).

And before you underage memesters get confused, yes Trump is backed by globalists in the actual sense of that word. People that want to re-structure America's role in the world and end Pax Americana, backed Trump.


I hope there is a civil war so bad. Best year ever.

They wouldn't win. They lost the mandate of heaven on November 8th. The black shirts would be on our side.

The chances of the demorats actually doing it are very small. However they are showing that they're willing to try. That in itself is so amazingly treasonous because the only possible outcome of them accomplishing their goal, is full blown civil war.
That's not an exaggeration, that is what would happen, and they know it. There must be some reason for this that we aren't aware of yet. I think t probably has to do with information forthcoming from Wikileaks, if I were to bet on it.
Something big is coming, soon.

>White nationalists take control of the libertarian prepper militias and angry rednecks and btfo both sides

If neither side wants to bring (((them))) to justice then a third side will rise.

By refusing to withhold tax money from the current administration, you share in the guilt. Nobody is calling for violence to remove Trudeau, but cutting him off from economic resources is crucial. I don't care what you do - Bitcoin, Cayman Islands, run a cash-only business - just find a way and do it. Economic catastrophe is the only thing other than a major war that will snap this population out of its trance.

White nationalists are already on Trump's side. And why would they switch? The opposition is burning flags on TV and chanting "not my president".

>trump goes in for the shake
>kanye has to make it "HIP HOP"
haven't really liked Ye since he got married, but watching hip hop "FANS" shit the bed has made me think twice

I hope we don't have to but in the event of a Trump betrayal I wouldn't die for the dude. Even emperors had to follow the will of their armies, for they are the true power behind any great leader.
And what we want more than anything is to hunt the elite. He knows this. Doubt it would happen but they have plans for everything, why shouldn't we?

Nah that's ok Terry, I'll just wait for the election.

It's not a betrayal. Supra-national powers are re-structuring the world as they always do, and America just can't hold the same space it did, with taking up 50% of the world's energy and making 40% of the trash.

There will be either a peaceful or not-so-peaceful breakup of America as you know it.

And if there's a civil war, Trump seems as good as any leader to have.

I'm not saying it is. But the guy isn't even in office yet. We have a serious brown people problem in Europe and her colonies and if he perpetuates the conflict and doesn't go after the sick fucks at the top then it's just going to be business as usual. Just treat it like an Obama third term. But if he can actually do half the shit he says he can then he will be a great leader. Globalism is fine if our cultures nations and people are preserved and it's not run by a bunch of billionaire satanists, but instead true servants of the people.

I didnt really oay much attention to politics in 2008 so I personally dont remember much besides those on the left of the political spectrum seeing only that a black man was now president. I stsrted on the path to where I am now shortly there after

The purpose of the Democrat Party is literally to destroy America.

>Needing a get to tell us this


>Says the person that's siding with a traitor propped up by a foreign government

Haha, holy shit this is too good. None of you cunts can admit you made a mistake, what a worthless bunch.

This is true brother. Questions is, where will we stand?

The war will start if the Democrats shill their way into office. The repubs will be fucking pissed off, riot, express their right to bear arms. A cop is going to feel threatened, misfire, boom. Carnage. State vs the people, just like it was bound to happen. The cities will be democratic strongholds, but the Reds will seige them one by one.

Let My (you) be a warning to all dumb asses who respond to this shit bait

Stand with the truth.
Go after the top before you hit the bottom. The elite will try to get out. Find the big fish first. The rest will be without leadership and even more feral. Let the half-get-its take the brunt while those will full knowledge do the real work.

Its pretty sad. Especially anyone taking the CIA seriously. Their entire MO is subverting sovereign nations governments

Leftists won't do shit themselves, that's why they try to boost Black Lives Matter and Islamic migration - they need soldiers.

The left saw how well pushing "conspiracy theories" worked so they're trying out some of their own. Even though there's no truth behind them sure enough the Zombies changed their views instantly.

it almost looks like kanye has donalds hair

I bet all these people calling for this bullshit have never actually been to a warzone and they think other people are gonna do the fighting for them. If push comes to shove all these people pushing to get the democrats in are truly doomed.

the trump effect is contagious user