Say it with me, Sup Forums!
Skyrim is for the _____!
Say it with me, Sup Forums!
Skyrim is for the _____!
Eternal Dunmer!
Stormcloaks :^)
Americans, so they can pretend to be white.
POOS (there are no Loos in Skyrim)
night elf mohawks
we were here first nordfags get the fuck out
Is he taking a selfie?
>there are no Loos in Skyrim
Wood Elves are the master race.
bosmer women are made for colovian cock
Bosmer arrows are made for colovian heads.
sage for an off-topic thread
Its amazing how much thalmor are like the jews and ulfric is fighting against (((elven))) control.
Jesus fuck
That board needs to be nuked
It's pretty shallow for an RPG.
>uhh you have the Orcish armor which is stronger than the steel armor
It's a good bit of fun, but there's not enough variety for such a big game. Baldur's Gate is much much better.
i can't stop laughing imagining your reaction.
God damn, I forgot how much of this site is completely gay and retarded.
Reminder that anybody who sides with the Sarranids is a filthy traitor.
Those things piss me off.
Thats Sup Forums
all of the internet thinks everybody is a white supremacists because they only browse on Sup Forums
Thalmor just want to end creation or whatever.
Dunmer are the real jews.
>weirdly named spread out tribes
>muh promised land
>muh messiah who unites the tribes
>"""""tel""""" mora
My [spoiler]lizard[/spoiler]man.
i guess The Thalmor are basically the communists of Tamriel.
good goyim, fight amongst yourselves and weaken the empire. divide and conquer, hehehe
of Dunmer refugees.
Nord zombies?
I played as an Argonian but I am a Stormcloak who desperately wants to belong to the superior Nord people, even as an outsider.
Did I play it right?
I always play Thalmor as the British Empire
You DARE fight a DUNMER!?
>of Dunmer refugees.
Do you actually think they are sending their best? They are sending thieves, rapists and skooma addicts.
You can't describe a dunmer one word.
You basically played as Argentina
We must secure and existence of our people and future of nord children.
Shit I even used full-plated steel armor to hide my shamelful, disgusting lizard skin. You're right.
kek, my best friend does the same exact thing. Argonian every time.
>holy sevens
Checked, nice trips user
Nords = western, Northern-European
Emperial = Italian, greek and Spanish etc.
Khajits = muslim refugees
Thalmor high elves = Jews
Red guards = Niggers and arab muslims.
Just remember that Imperials are divided culturally into Colovians and Nibenese.
The nibenese are closer to greco-romans and colovians to germanic and slavs.
Typical Colovian names in Oblivion were Janus, Ulrich, Rislav etc.
While the Nibenese have the roman names.
Cyrodiil is basically Europe.
also, skyrim is for the NERDS
but those are dead nords toothpaste