Seriously we need to talk about the fucking leaf members of our diverse community. What makes them such cucks??
Seriously we need to talk about the fucking leaf members of our diverse community. What makes them such cucks??
If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.
You fucking leftist scum
Easy, peaceful white society. They never had roving bands of Africans and Aztecs in their backyard to teach them the hard lessons of humanity.
The cruelty of the chinks and dune coons will educate them.
You faggots wake up when we go to bed. Don't pretend you interact with us on any significant level, even here on Sup Forums.
kys aussie shitposter
>Sup Forums
>diverse community
They are a bunch of post national statists whose core beliefs go against our English fisherman town values.
It's fucking Duncan, Terry and Randy! They keep shitposting. Sorry Sup Forums... least you don't have to live and work with them.
the chinks have invaded our country, but they seem pretty peaceful, and they contribute
whites and asians get along bruv
If you're talking about the constant shitposting and leftist bait threads - I'm convinced its literally one or two people behind them all.
the female Canadian accent is hot as fuck. worked with a few in my time. never got one coz usually taken already.
otherwise, all leafs are cunts unless they can hook me up with a hot canadian female (unmodified)
Sup Forums is the most diverse community, just look at all the flags.
>90% is australia, leaf, brit or burger
That is exactly what I am talking about, everytime I wonder who could be behind this cuckoldry, literally it is always a fucking leaf!!!
There are way more flags than that and you know it. Besides burgers are not white.
What went so wrong? Why do they do this?
I'm sure you didn't notice. But you're the dog in that pic. You're sucking Mr.Burger's dick to gain an ally to attack leafs. Now you look more retarded somehow
Yeah man they're peacefully fucking annihilating your economy. So great to have them there right?
The dog is not the Aussie flag you dirty leaf cunt.
>If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.
If your Canadian.
you just cant face the fact that they the shitposter now
Wow that was a rough attempt leaf. Reminds me of pic related.
Satellite image of australia...... land of the convict cuckarooooos!
Don't any of you fucks have jobs?
How are there so many? Or, are leafs the holders of the highest energy?
I think they are likely not real leafs, they just have a leaf VPN. I used to like to shitpost with a free Canadian VPN on /fem/.
He doesn't take meth to stay up for days shitposting, amateur
this is a pathetically forced image
how shit of a board is Sup Forums when the OP is the only one who isn't a faggot
Can we really judge so harshly?
We must find an answer to the Melbourne problem.
It's still too close.
Want to know what annoys Canadians? How about we start with the senate? You know what the senate does? Fuck all, essentially, but they also spend their time drafting new "awareness" days. Or months or weeks or whatever. Parliament, on the other hand, just gives speeches every day about what day it is. There's a whole list. Want to know today's list? It's actually only one today, I see, now that I've checked, but sometimes it gets up to five or so. Five speeches about what day it is. Today it was German History Month day. But what about the new days they are manufacturing?
>national seal products day
>National Perinatinal bereavement awareness day
>Leif Erikson Day
>Latin American Heritage Month
>ALS Month
>National Sickle cell awareness day
All real. That's all they do. I autistically read the transcripts all the time, so I know exactly all the kinds of stupid shit they are doing and it's clear that we are dumber than you give us credit for.
any leafs remember this show?
Have you stupid fucks never actually heard this quote.
>supposedly from Goebbels
Good quote either way
t. mastermanipulator
Need to show them at the day of the rope leaf. Your posters just seem immature and nieve. Fucking annoying.
>He can't greentext properly
That only works in a pre Information Age would where nobody knows better. These days if you tell a lie, people Google if and see you are a lying retard.
They got money, they have no understanding of the world bar their country.
They don't understand going through hard times as much.
That will change soon, seeing as they have no gold left!
They deserve all the shit that's coming to them.
We're smart, cultured, and liberal. If you can't deal with that, then GTFO. Sup Forums was better before drumpfsters and alt-right edgelords invaded.
They're all fucked up on kush.
Trudeau's enslaved them to the herbal jew for life.
>he took the bait that hard
Tell that to the Jews idiot