Tfw fell for the STEM meme

>tfw fell for the STEM meme
>bust ass in school for years
>40k in debt
>no jobs besides typical low skilled shit

I would have been better off with some bullshit business degree

Do not fall for the fucking stem meme

Fuck off India proxy. You ain't takin my job.




>not finding some rich girl and being a stay at home dad

You could be a pioneer for our gender

This whole country is a fucking Indian proxy

>implying that's not what I meant
Move to India and pseudo cuck them

You're a moron if you do stem. Low social status, not really paid much more than some cunt whore in marketing or something. Infested with SJW filth.

The point is stem people should run the world or at least be much further up the pecking order. But they almost certainly never will be.

Ignore what your University told you about career paths. Get yourself inside a megacorp and figure out the steps from there.

I'm trying but getting one's foot in the door is pretty difficult

I'm a fucking white Anglophone male in Canada

Our economy is fucked. Last month's job report showed that we'd lost 2% of full time jobs in the last 11 months

Some parts of the US the stem meme is still alive, but I agree it's not all that everyone thinks of it anyways. Engineer is still there if you want to go around inspecting parts after all the thermodynamics, and physics you've learned. IT is full of illegals/indians who get paid like McDonald's workers killing American jobs.

Damn son, looks like you must be a fucking retard. Know what I did to get my degree? I realized that instead of being a dipshit and wasting 10k a year at some prestigious university, I could just take 2 years worth of piss easy math classes like Calc2 and other liberal classes here at this shitty community college. Whad'ya know, I wasn't an idiot, all those courses transferred, and I finished my last two years at a prestigious university and only took out a loan of 5k. That was paid back my first year out of school, and I also bought my first car shortly after without needing to take out a loan.

Maybe your issue is that you are so arrogant you honestly think you are above taking classes at a community college. You can call them a joke all you want, I don't see how the shittiness of a community college would affect your education if you choose to only take non-degree related courses there.

Lol I'm leaving to the USA ASAP.

Fuck canacuckistan

Yeah if you're doing CE or EE or CS you fucked up big time the rest are pretty safe though and thankfully most of the engineering majors switch after their freshman year because they had no idea what engineering really is they just saw the prestige and the salary and jumped right in only to find that either 1) they weren't capable of doing it or 2) it bored them to tears

Which stem meme major did you fall for?

>he didn't go to waterloo
Lel noone to blame but yourself


Do not fucking do this it makes mustard gas

>fell for the physics meme
>fell for the PhD meme
>fell for the investment banking meme
>make 100k
>fell for the money makes you happy meme

Yeah. Canada's fucked. Try saudi arabia or other rich asian countries that have a hard on for whiteys like malaysia or here.

I was born into money so thankfully I saved all those years that plebs spend chasing money only to find it doesn't provide happiness

Oh, well I fell for the computer science meme, so I'm hoping I have better luck.

Did your physics PHD help you learn investment banking??


Good luck competing with Pajeet

please do
'bye now

Shoulda been a chemical engineer. My sister makes 100k+ working for oil companies.

Go to hell singapoor.

Engineering is really depressive though, I don't know anybody that was excited for Engineering in school, nor did I know any actual Engineers that seemed happy with their jobs. The kind of shit Engineers do after college in entry level work you could pay a high school student to do. At least for my sake in Accounting we use most of what we learn in the profession. If we didn't it would be like going through school, getting our CPA and shit just to tell Bob or Joe good morning at a random bank and ask them how much they want to take out.

None of the other engineering fields interested me in the slightest, so. I'll deal.

This is true honestly. I like coding but studying Computer Science feels like a fucking chore. I sometimes think I would have been better off going into CIS/MIS or something.

TEM is good, most sciences aren't that good for jobs. Got a BS in Chemistry and started making 50k (in CA),which is not bad but most people couldnt find jobs. I'm getting the MS now, probably go into pharmaceutical sales afterwards

>Chemical engineering
>During the worst commodity bust of the century


Christ, I almost wanted to be a Chemist too when I first got in, but there's no reason why you should go into science for an undergrad to make money. ChemE is the only thing I found that actually got people paid.

STEM faggots are getting fucked even more than the rest of us because their entire field is filled with beta nerds with no backbone.

They willingly embraced and defended the "diversification" of their fields with women and shit skins and still do to this day.

Then of course they come on here and pretend that a few more grand a year magically give them the social skills/women they never had all through their life and that they are "happy"

What's your major in?

Kinda, I make models and do programming which is basically what you'll do in a physics PhD, the models are of course different

CIS/MIS is pretty good tbqh. I knew a couple of guys from Accounting classes that went on to that major and made it pretty well for themselves. Business needs more professions who are adapt at both business and IT. IT auditors are making serious cash at public accounting firms currently. It's somewhat of a "secret" major to go make money if you can stand working for mr. shekelberg instead of a bunch of autist gamers.

>What's your major in?

Learned a Trade and then went to University for Software Engineering but didnt like it so i took some additional bullshit courses to get enough credits to receive some bullshit Bachelor of Arts degree just for the sake of it.

I work and travel between europe and east asia as a language correspondent

Ugh. I'm so far in the CS major though, only a few more semesters before I graduate. I figure I should still be able to apply for mr. shekelberg anyway, right? Is there a lot of utility in a business degree beyond the actual specialization stuff?

I get paid a lot to do machine learning for a bank. Took me 3 years shifting around.

Godspeed on your search, it gets better later.

Well, a lot of CIS/MIS are business degrees technically. You take stuff like financial and managerial accounting, business statistics, business calculus and stuff like that. But, I suppose if you can pass the CISA exam it would be fine, because that's an exam for IT auditors.

>just finished CS degree
>look for jobs in 150km radius
>literally zero (0) listings

I fell for the CS meme, didn't I?

LOL how is this possible

Both make less than a good looking hooker as well.

>working on network admin degree
>only thing I needed was a few certs
>0 (zero) hours of work experience

Not as bad as the meme I fell for

Yes. Rewarding and prestigious CS careers are built on disciplined self study and certifications, not degrees.

>looks for local work

Nigga you're on the fucking internet. Start scripting for some retarded start-up company and take their initial bank, and when they keel over because they are retarded and think running a business is Product>Advertise>Sales>Taxes>Repeat, then you can move onto the next one. CS is flexable as fuck if you expand your horizons.


This is the most defeatist bullshit. All I see in Canada are CS jobs. Most places would prefer a citizen especially big corps. Everyone feels this way when they graduate. It's normal but chances are that you'll end up where you want to go.

That being said entrepreneurship is the best way to go in your 20s in Canada. The government will pay out the ass for your idea as long as your under the age of 30.

Already doing freelance work for a legal firm in the US writing various automated programs like parsing legal records from PDF files, saving the info to a DB that will be accessible through a web interface and exportable to various formats.

I've prevented the company from hiring at least 20 pajeets to do the same work :^)

This is the total number of jobs listed for a city of 150,000

The "Rotorua" listings are a different city

7 out of the 14 listings are from one company