We got quite a lot of British leaches in Europe, most of them leftist cucks. Give us back the Polish and Romanian hard Christian workers and take back your lefty slags that moved to Europe from your little islands.
You have to go back, Britroaches
we will send yours back also lol
it seems as we are at an empasse hans! do you want all of our poles also? our romanians? >:)
Nah, they'll be left in Europe to be killed by the Muslim invasion. The less lefties there are the better.
all those 1000s of poles and romanians and latvians looking for a new meal ticket all suddenly being booted out of the uk
guess where they will go 1st..........
do it you fucking faggot! send our people back hahahahahahahaha
>It terrifies me that I spent years voting for ficki ficki and labour, causing untold destruction in my homeland, only to move to a better place and repeat the cycle and then get kicked out and have my head put on a pike
It should scare them, they should all be sorry for what they've done. Ex pats are traitors and deserve a traitors death.
As for you Germany? You literally just accused Russia of sponsoring the rapes of your people by Syrians. You've completely lost the plot.
>t seems as we are at an empasse hans! do you want all of our poles also? our romanians? >:)
What in >Give us back the Polish and Romanian hard Christian workers a
did you not understand?
Those white Christians are right winged and hard workers. We WANT them in Germany, as we have a skilled work shortage of over 1 million workers which hamper our growth. SEND THEM TO US.
>You literally just accused Russia of sponsoring the rapes of your people by Syrians. You've completely lost the plot.
Merkel has also said "deportations, deportations and deportations" and told Greece "either you protect your borders or we fuck you again over your debt" etc.
Brexit will be truly a shitton of fun. All those butthurt Brits who cannot get anyone to repair your toilets... you will be pooing in the loo like 10 million of your Commonwealth residents.
>skilled worker shortage
So it turns out that pic related is not true?
>Merkel has said "deportations, deportations and deportations"
Wow, what great news! You'd better vote for her in your coming elections...
No, "refugees" do not help with the skilled worker shortage, they actually have made the shortage worse as tens of thousands of Germans are now employed in the "refugee business" which means those workers are not available for critical jobs we need for our economy.
Thankfully we also get millions of white, Christian Eastern European immigrants who come to Germany to work and provide the skills we need. We have thousands of recruiters who get the best Greek, Spanish, Hungarian, Polish, Romanian, Bulgarian etc. doctors, engineers, plumbers, metal workers, IT personnel etc.
>>Merkel has said "deportations, deportations and deportations"
>Wow, what great news! You'd better vote for her in your coming elections...
It is one of the most prominent Union mantras right now. Every single Union politician says the mantra in every speech. The goal is to get rid of 500,000 illegals.
How many illegals have you deported? You get 40,000 each year, by the way.
I know mate, I'm just laughing at the stupid things lefties say.
Your country is developing a real welfare problem like ours has. Too many shitskins.
Are they "literally shaking" yet?
please do. send back our doctors and it engineers. i really want to watch your health system crash and burn.
Okay whatever. As always the EU playing to their strengths, folding and giving us everything we want while trying to claim its some kind of victory. Top fucking KEK.
>send back our doctors and it engineers
>Germany still not getting that they're the problem
>folding and giving us everything we want while trying to claim its some kind of victory.
Like the shit that we gave Cameron before the referendum as a "fuck you, island monkeys" statement, which enticed you to vote OUT?
You are literally a fucking laughing stock of the entire world. Just fuck off lol.
Merkel also said "multiculti is a failure" and then proceeded to let in the entire population of Africa.
>he does not know
Great. Now that Merkel's suddenly become based there's no need to vote for any right wing parties.
Merkel is the right wing party in Germany.
>the entire population of Africa.
Syria and Iraq and Afghanistan are not in Africa. The 1.1 million that got to Germany in 2015 and 2016 are over 96% from outside of Africa.
>there are so many romanian doctors in the UK that they have their own organization
Niggers don't work.
Good goy. The right wing parties who are different can totally win goy. There is no way that we can commit voter fraud or ruin their lives to make them stop.
Kek. The only way Germans or Brits could take their country back is through armed uprising.
They work as inspiring rap artists
>Merkel is the right wing party in Germany.
She is. She truly is. She let in the rapefugees for a reason. For 25 years Germany has worked towards a British exit from the EU, for 25 years we worked for a common EU border control force, for 25 years we were trying to show the German population that uncontrolled illegal immigration is bad and that deportations need actually happen.
Guess how German attitude has changed to these points. Merkel has won on every count and now her party polls at 40%, which is close to their all time highs.
>there are so many romanian doctors in the UK that they have their own organization
>all 5 of them
nice fake news. actual fake news tho.
Germans truly are disgusting race. We should have let Stalin starve you all to death.
Good goy.
Idiot. Traitor.
The twitter is from a rightwinger being sarcastic.
>Your country is developing a real welfare problem like ours has.
That image is obviously bullshit, but we do have a massive welfare parasite problem. See pic related, Turks are the worst offenders, followed by Poles.
I'm not even against immigration in general, but I want all immigrants on welfare and low-skilled immigrants to just fuck off.
Merkel an ex communist jew is "right wing"
>I'm not even against immigration in general,
Dude Germany is less than 80% German at this point. Any more and the country will no longer look German at all.
Wtf is wrong with you?
>I'm not even against immigration in general,
Why are you even here?
Absolutely. I don't understand why we don't deport those fucking 350k Turks on welfare back to their Erdogan overlord. They have no business being in Germany.
The 70k Poles are not a problem, desu senpai, we got nearly 2 million of them, 70k is a small percentage that is on welfare. Italians are proportionally more on welfare in Germany than Poles.
The people who we need to get rid off are the 350k Turks, the 40k Serbs on welfare, the 42k Russians on welfare, the 52k Iraqis, the 30k Afghanis, the 30k Libanese, the 30k Ukrainians, the 22k Vietnamese, the 20k Marokkans, the 20k Kosovarians and the 14k PAkis. That already sums up to a few billion saved and lots of housing available for our own Germanic underclass.
You cannot distringuish a Polish, German, Hungarian, Austrian, Latvian, French, DAnish etc. guy these days. Not all immigration is bad, just immigration of unskilled idiots who are religious radicals or do not want to integrate and work.
all british scum should be killed and raped on sight
>The people who we need to get rid off are
... all non Germanics. Race traitor.
Bis der end sieg
Read the rest of the statement. I don't want low-skilled immigrants to compete with the working class here and drive down wages for them, and I don't want immigrants on welfare.
What I do support, however, is the acceptance of highly-skilled immigrants in certain sectors, especially in science. Attracting talents and setting them to work on domestic projects is an excellent way to stay competitive.
Yeh, whites are Fine. No others.
Actually i can. Religion is not the issue. Sure it empowers shitskins but they are a problem without it too.
Non religious Turks might be worse than Muslim Turks.
>British leaches in Europe
>boomers old people and holiday homes spending their retirement money
sure yeah send them all back. they can spend their money in our economy
>What I do support, however, is the acceptance of highly-skilled immigrants in certain sectors
Would you accept Indians? Niggers?
>You cannot distringuish a Polish, German, Hungarian, Austrian, Latvian, French, DAnish etc.
This is wrong, Poles, Latvians and Hungarians have experienced decades of devastating socialization, and it's reflected to this day in their low skills and mentality.
I don't want them here. I'd only accept whites from western countries.
>Sending back educated and hard working Brits
>importing millions of violent subhuman apes who live off of benefits
smart move
I would not, except on an individual case-by-case basis. Some Indians are highly skilled, but I would only give them temporary residency, not citizenship.
Tl;dr seems like a butthurt kraut to me
Them too.
They've already emigrated. Fuck em.
Why the fuck should we give a toss or support betrayers
>Non religious Turks might be worse than Muslim Turks.
AS there are no non-religious Turks, that is sort of a wrong statement.
No. You need a homogenous nation or Poles, Germans, Italians or someone else will start shilling against nationalism in fear that they get kicked out.
Most immigrants are left leaning. You need a 95% pure ethno state where 95% of people consider themselves natives.
Mass white migration should only be a thing for USA and Canada.
We should also colonize Africa again as we would produce way more children in a new colony where it's warm. We would actually outbreed niggers and split africa with china
you guys are really hardlining the globalism train.
and it is going to fuck you so ridiculously hard.
>>boomers old people and holiday homes spending their retirement money
You do know how high the healthcare costs are for those old folks and that the UK isn't reimbursing Spain for the billions it has to pay to keep British fat old farts alive in hospitals?
This has been a contentious point for ages.
>I don't understand why we don't deport those fucking 350k Turks
I believe the main obstacle is that a massive portion of those have German citizenship.
The Gastarbeiter program was a HUGE mistake.
What's especially hilarious is that the very Turks who live on welfare are the ones who despise this country the most and can't stop going on about "pride" and "honor" constantly.
I'm ok with this. Shame the continentals won't go back of their own accord.
There are plenty. Like 20% of Turkish immigrants are atheist and 30-40% of the muslims are not devoted and drink alcohol
>Some Indians are highly skilled
Poo in loo etc.
keep them out. Educate our own better. dont want to risk race mixing.
>Would you accept Indians? Niggers?
Indians to a certain degree, but look, they all want to work in the UK and US and Canada and not in Germany. So it is a moot point.
Negroes do not have the required skills to work in Germany, maybe 50 black Africans across the whole African continent have the skills.
Also, I get the attraction of shitposting, but these divide & conquer threads always drag me down a bit, we should be standing up for each other instead.
>>Sending back educated and hard working Brits
Brits do not work on the European continent. Poor British retirees come to Spain and Portugal to live off their working healthcare system.
>I believe the main obstacle is that a massive portion of those have German citizenship.
Incorrect. Of the 2.8 million Turks in Germany, only 1.5 million have German citizenship. Those 350k Turks on welfare probably DO NOT have German citizenship.
>Brits do not work.
Sure Mehmet. Whatever
>Like 20% of Turkish immigrants are atheist and 30-40% of the muslims are not devoted and drink alcohol
They all worship their Muslim traditions and they all do the Ramadan shit and they all pray to their God etc. 20% atheists? What the hell, never. And drinking alcohol doesn't say anything, ISIS folks get high on drugs all the time and still are religious nutcases.
>Indians to a certain degree
Volksverrat, sterb, hund.
>Also, I get the attraction of shitposting, but these divide & conquer threads always drag me down a bit, we should be standing up for each other instead.
Wrong. Brits are our mortal enemies, always have been, always will be. We tried many ways to conquer them, via infiltrating their monarchy to bombing them in WW1 and WW2 to Dunkirk to letting them into the EU.
Nothing works, they still do not bow to our overlordship. Now we have managed to Brexit them and that is the next step of conquering them.
The average age of a Brit living in the EU is like 62. Yes, Brits do not work in the EU, they come to the EU to retire as Britistan is shit for retirees.
>inspiring rap artists
How? By forming ghettos and shooting eachother untill somebody makes a ""song" about it?
how do i stop watching interracial porn? its become a really problematic fetish of mine and i want to quit it. i managed to stop for a few weeks but i relapsed and have been fapping to it non stop. how to cut the cord for good?
British culture and history is amazingly impressive. Their military, historical, cultural, philosophical and scientific achievements are insane and unparalleled to this day.
>british are leeches
>Germany have Erwerbsminderung
you cant make this shit up
mehmet has a point desu, 99% of brits that come here are either retired and coming to exploit their high pensions compared to our housing and food prices + warmer climate (but more brutal winters so they return to the UK during the cold months)
and their teenagers who come to drink cheap booze and get fucked by local glarus (Chads).
The only people with british pasports that I know of that dont fall in neither category are the group of literal niggers that came to study at my unviersity, really speaks volumes about whats going on in the UK.
Lol..My sister currently works at an Engineering firm in London and she was surprised by the number of German engineers who worked there and she was pretty impressed by their work ethic and ingenuity. German workers and engineers are wanted by all British firms, and many UK companies prefer them over overentitled Anglo engineers. Face it Eurocucks and Britcucks, without German foreign workers, you won't be able to compete with German firms.
The main reason so many and low educated people have choose UK over Germany is that they know only English language
How would you solve that?
so make krautland better for whites from western countries, Hans.
Cut the white guilt crap, deport the refugees and fuck up the SJWs and you will probably get a lot of migration from swedes, brits, french and americans who are tired of their cuckery and jewish tricks.
The first western nation to cut the crap will experience great growth and good demographic dynamics for sure. The rest will either quickly join or get the massive brain drain that devastated Eastern Europe + Russia in the 90s.
>German workers and engineers are wanted by all British firms, and many UK companies prefer them over overentitled Anglo engineers.
That is because the UK has 3 times the liberal arts students than Germany, but fewer than half of the engineering student graduates. The UK hates engineering, math and hard science.
>Germany is that they know only English language
>How would you solve that?
Pic related. We just make all companies speak English... mandatorily.
Judging the the number of foreign students, scientists and professors, Germany already is an attractive country for foreign talents.
I think the main obstacle is the language. German is notoriously difficult to learn and that puts many people off.
you can just stop you cuck
During the """"""""""refugee"""""""""" crisis Germany actually built up its capacity to teach foreigners the german language, reeducating kebabs will be 100 times harder than reeducating a bunch of poles.
If I am a worker at HSBC and my boss tells me to pack my bags because we are moving to Frankfurt the first thing I'll do is pay good money to learn proper german quickly.
Anyway, instead of importing more non Germans to fix the labour shortage, why don't Germans tackle the root of the problem and increase the abysmally low German birth rates, which has just surpassed Japan as the nation with the lowest birth rate in the world.
>first thing I'll do is pay good money to learn proper german quickly.
That's a fantastic attitude, and I'd do the same thing if I moved to another country.
because thats racist and white supremacist, straya, wake up! Its (((current year))) for god's sake!
AfD proposed a bill to give welfare to native germans to make more babies (Hitler style too)
And it was rejected as infmalatory.
redpill me on Düsseldorf man, I will probably be visiting Metro AG Headquarters in 2017 for corporate training (I know only english and spanish). I work in financials, will I be able to make it through without annoying locals with my lack of language skills?
I'm ok with this, jerry.
>German is notoriously difficult to learn and that puts many people off.
So let us switch to a dual language system like Switzerland. They got German and French and Italian and it works. The Luxembourg folks got German and French too.
Why shouldn't Germany have two official languages? German and English? Make all forms, street signs etc English. Let all American made movies and TV shows undubbed and just include GErman subtitles. Allow people to speak either German or English in public. Allow people to talk in English in school.
It would be a great leap forward for Germany to attract smart people.
>redpill me on Düsseldorf
I wouldn't want to live there because it's surrounded by shithole cities, but Düsseldorf itself is a pretty rich and cultured city with a high millionaire density and a good quality of life.
I'm certain pretty much everyone there speaks English, like the rest of the county, you'll get by just fine.
>Anyway, instead of importing more non Germans to fix the labour shortage, why don't Germans tackle the root of the problem and increase the abysmally low German birth rates, which has just surpassed Japan as the nation with the lowest birth rate in the world.
There isn't a single country in the Western world which has a birthrate of whites well above replacement rate. Germany is no different. Actually, like Japan, our brithrates of white ethnic Germans has gone up again. The reason they dropped fast before is because many white girls delayed their family start to their early 30s instead of having their first kid in their 20s. They still have 1-2 kids, but not when they are 25, but when they are 31 or 32. That delay effect has now stalled as you cannot shift this to 35 or 38 etc.
You know what would really help? Stop dubbing movies and shows, this way children get exposed to English from a very young age.
It's the reasons why Dutchfags and Scandinavians speak so much better English than we do.
Es gefällt mir.
>will I be able to make it through without annoying locals with my lack of language skills?
Yes. There is no need to speak German in Germany. Everyone speaks English. Some of the older folks only speak rudamentary English, but anyone below the age of 40 speaks it well enough to hold a basic conversation and they aren't butthurt like the French when you want to speak in English.
>Stop dubbing movies and shows,
That is what I said. Thank God, television is slowly dying. The younger generation streams all the shit via the internet... and they understand from a young age that dubbing is most devilish shit ever, as it fucks up the mojo of every movie and every show.
I predict that television is dying a slow death in the next 15-20 years. Data from Star Trek said television went the way of the Dodo in 2043, I think he was off a few years.
This is the first time I've seen a German complain about immigrants
And of course he moans about the white Ines, typical