Islam thread.
Any questions and/or criticisms on Islam, Muslims or just islamic political powers.
Memri TV , 9/11 memes and good ol' goatfucking are all welcome too.
Islam thread.
Any questions and/or criticisms on Islam, Muslims or just islamic political powers.
Memri TV , 9/11 memes and good ol' goatfucking are all welcome too.
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Of course you would bump this
Is this a subject of interest to you, Sven?
when do you turn secular?
Why is islam perceived as so different from the other abrahamic religions? They're all fairly similar right?
How can I cure my desert fever
this can really be applied to Christians and Catholics too.
saved image
Never. I was a secularist for a long long time. Got on Sup Forums two years ago and now I'm a pro sharia Islamist.
Perhaps because mst of the rest originated in the Levant and Islam originated in Arabia and maybe because it is the youngest and the fastest spread one.
You can't. Also why the fuck are they even bothering with the Hijab if they're gonna wear tight clothes underneath. Fucking infidels.
so there are things I find about the quran to be interesting.
the name Allah basically means God above gods.
the name of god in the bible is Yahweh, or "I am"
please see this verse in the bible
How you are fallen from heaven, O Day Star, son of Dawn! How you are cut down to the ground, you who laid the nations low! 13 You said in your heart, βI will ascend to heaven; above the stars of God I will set my throne on high; I will sit on the mount of assembly in the far north; 14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, I will make myself like the Most High.β 15 But you are brought down to Sheol, to the depths of the Pit. 16 Those who see you will stare at you, and ponder over you: βIs this the man who made the earth tremble, who shook kingdoms, 17 who made the world like a desert and overthrew its cities, who did not let his prisoners go home?β
do you see how Lucifer Morningstar says he'll raise this throne above gods? and Allah's name literally means god above gods?
also the bible's anti christ, and false prophet are the qurans messiah, and prophet (iman al madhi?)
and the qurans anti christ is the biblical savoir.
what do you think of these contradictions? and this verse of lucifer morning star when compared to allah's personal name, and the way he's spoken of?
Why do Muslims hate each other? ex. Sunnis, Shia... Also what's your opinion on the US?
>he doesn't know Jesus is a central figure in Islam
>his nation is so cucked they have a cross on their flag
same reason xtian sects hate eachother
That's not what Allah means. Allah means 'The God' if it meant what you claim then the declaration of faith would make no sense. Here it is
" There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger"
Dies saying there is no god but God of gods make any sense?
And your claim that the 'Quran's Messiah and Prophet are the False prophet and anti Christ is blasphemy for a Christian to say because the 'Quran's Messiah is Hazrat Jesus AS. The Quran even refers to him as Isa Masih ( Jesus the Messiah)
Another thing I want to clarify I'd that Prophet PBUH also warned of the anti Christ ( Dajjal) as being a false prophet who will start a movement against all monotheists and will call himself the God And Messiah. He will be defeated by an army lead by Jesus AS and then Jesus AS will rule on earth. The Qayamat ( judgement day) will come after he dies.
what is the most efficient way to kill your people and destroy your religion?
>Why do Muslims hate each other? ex. Sunnis, Shia...
I am firmly against these sectarian divides but this hatred is deeply seated in cultures, history and misconceptions about each other.
>Also what's your opinion on the US?
I think it's a fine country actually best by living standard but it's foreign policy is an abomination. Domestically speaking it's great. But it's needless interfering and ' big brother' attitude towards other countries is abhorrent.
Sheep > Goats
You Pakis disgust me.
Why did the whole college shame me when I stopped wearing hijab
well, i should have been clearer on that.
the bible and the quran say pretty much the same thing except for revelation.
they both talk about jesus, but both books hold eachother's christ, and anti christ. you really can't just tell me this is bullshit, and that its blasphemy to compare both books. I just thought it was an interesting point being outside of both religions.
i also find it interesting that you're refered to as slaves of god in the quran, while the bible calls you children of god
>There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger"
Dies saying there is no god but God of gods make any sense?
you know. i've heard a thousand muslim scholars tell me that the way they praise allah as the god above all as such.
Sunni born ex Muslim here and I think Shias are way better than Sunnis
why are Shiiites the greatest in the world, you sunni dogfucker
Why do you think what Allah did towards that little girl is acceptable?
Also please nuke mecca.
Also why arent you taking any refugees but Europe has too?
They are both shite.
Here are **some** reasons why I don't believe in Islam anymore.
* Not compatible with evolution
* Very violent and ridiculous hadiths
* No evidence for a god
* Treatment toward homosexuals
* Errors in Quran
* Slavery in islam
* Failure of Islamic civilization.
* Anti-intellectualism.
* Terrorism.
* Violence. Dealing with problems with violence rather than reason, debate, thought, and rhetoric.
* No freedom of speech.
* No independent, critical, or philosophical thought, morality is whatever Mohammad said.
* General hatred of philosophy.
* Wanting things or supporting them not because they are good and you have thought it through, but because it's the Islamic thing to do. i.e. Shari-ah or the Caliphate. Both of these would make the world a horrible place, but don't expect Muslims to put any thought into that.
* Discouraging people from having any critical thought by claiming that they are not scholars. The scholars are mostly idiots with immoral opinions.
* Using ad-hominem attacks, slander, and libel to shut down debate.
* Mentally deficient ways of dealing with real-world problems by becoming more religious and praying.
* Obsessions with how the Prophet cut his nails and did other things, like come the fuck on.
* Need to control people's appearance.
* Blatant racism on every side.
* In conflict with everyone at their borders whether Muslims or not, historically and in contemporary terms. Like can any of your fuckers make any friends and get along?
* Hatred of pretty much everyone.
* No interest in getting along and being functional in the West.
* Always feeling like you don't belong.
* Total lack of leadership, not one idiot in this whole civilization that I am proud of.
* Wasting time doing useless shit. Wasting time learning to read Arabic without understanding what you are reading.
* Islam as a brand is now shit. Failure to manage the Islamic brand.
* Weird obsessions about everyone, especially the behavior of other people and your children.
* Obsessions with death rather than life. Obsessions with the so-called "afterlife".
* Always deflecting criticism by saying that's not Islam, that's the people -- they are two sides of the same fucking coin. Islam makes the people by giving them bad advice. People are already insane, Islam makes them more insane.
* Always obsessing about other people's social problems while totally failing to address any of your own.
* Mentally deficient attitude towards girls and boys mingling.
* Mentally deficient attitude towards having children and raising them properly.
* "Islamic science". There is one fucking science, Islam has nothing to do with it.
* For the vast majority of Muslims, reading the words of the Quran and not knowing what the fuck you are reading.
* Memorizing the sounds of the Quran and thinking it's a big accomplishment.
* Can't eat most things, have to eat magical halal meat. More reasons to feel socially isolated.
* Work to destroy independence and agency in children, obsessed with controlling their behavior so they will be good Muslims.
* Hypocrisy everywhere.
* Obsession with politics of distant lands, little or no interest in local politics.
* Giving money to distant causes and people, not worrying about your own community.
* Building more and more mosques for no good reason. All that's going to do is get more zombies to pray to a god that doesn't exist and will do nothing for you.
* Building schools with Islamic curriculum for children to make them even more socially isolated from society.
why do you like having sex with goats so much
surely there's gotta be some interspecies std shit you get from it
* In-fighting in every venue of leadership, no group cohesion while at the same time insisting on the solidarity of the Ummah, there is no solidarity whatsoever and there is no Ummah.
* False idealizations and propaganda about of home country.
* Past oriented thinking and obsessions with the past, always wanting to return to the past, no concern for the present or the future.
* Always looking enviously upon other more successful races, while at the same time doing nothing productive to further your own success, the success of your children, or the success of your people. NAK thinks that being more Islamic is going to fix this, it is not.
* Sabotaging other Muslims because you are envious of them or you want more power.
* No interest in entrepreneurship (other than perhaps Ismailis), obsession only with professional careers.
* Nepotism and corruption in all Muslim countries.
* Always wanting to lead, but having little ability to do so.
* Obsession with the cause and not the people. Not how can we make the lives of the Palestinians or the Kashmiris better, but how can we get rid of Israel or India.
* Obsession with sexual purity, while it makes little difference in the real world. Prostitutes have children just like pious Muslims do. Having a few partners before you get married again makes little difference in life.
* Obsession with ritual purity which again makes little difference. How many times you pray makes absolutely no difference.
* Lack of any sort of activism to fix social problems in your own communities.
* No hopes of any of this every getting better.
* It being a false religion
* Evil Character and evil deeds of Muhammad.
Seven main reasons why I left Islam - Proof Islam is false
You should all realise that islam is the most redpilled religion. Leave cuckstrianity and embrace Islam
Ahmed, how will you defeat POO?
>why the fuck are they even bothering with the Hijab if they're gonna wear tight clothes underneath. Fucking infidels.
Welcome to Westernized Islam, this is how your cousin in Britain dresses.
>Treatment toward homosexuals
hi :3
Fuck your and communists' international agenda.
If Islam so great why all Muslims countries are shitholes?
Islam is great, just filled with the wrong people