Not only are we healthier, happier, less diseased, morally superior (and have better critical thinking skills); but we have less erectile dysfunction and more bioavailable testosterone.
In other words; meat eaters and dairy drinkers are cucks.
Not only are we healthier, happier, less diseased, morally superior (and have better critical thinking skills); but we have less erectile dysfunction and more bioavailable testosterone.
In other words; meat eaters and dairy drinkers are cucks.
Other urls found in this thread:
> b-but meat tastes so good!!
Meat eaters have poor self-control and strength of character.
Nice shit post.
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Why aren't you vegan, Sup Forums? Meat tastes too good?
Vegans are such hypocrites.
They always talk about speciesism but indulge in kingdomism.
Vegans talk what a great source of proteins beans are. Do they know what beans are?
Beans are the embryos of plant. A vegan wont eat chicken eggs because those are chicken gametes yet vegans have no problem exterminating living plant babies.
If you care equally for one living creature why would you exclude plants?
Only because plants are not moving it doesnt mean they dont want to live.
Who gave you the right to decide who lives and who dies? Why are you boiling alive plant babies?
Vegans have to intentionally kill insects. Otherwise their homes would start being taken over by wasps and ants.
>Vegans are such hypocrites.
True, most people are hypocrites
> They always talk about species-ism but indulge in kingdomism.
I don't discriminate personally, I think both ideas are dumb
> Vegans talk what a great source of proteins beans are. Do they know what beans are? Beans are the embryos of plant... If you care equally for one living creature why would you exclude plants?
It is the natural order to obtain energy through diet by eating other living things, all animals do this. The point in question is that humans aren't designed to eat animals in the first place anyway, and that's why it's wrong. If I had to live in the wild and an animal was my only source of calories, then I'd eat it. But the human anatomy and physiology is not designed to eat animals, therefore it would be ludacris to eat something you're not meant to. No wonder meat is causing so many diseases in modern society
> Only because plants are not moving it doesnt mean they dont want to live. Who gave you the right to decide who lives and who dies? Why are you boiling alive plant babies?
Because animals need to obtain energy in some form, as mentioned prevoiusly
I have no problem killing an animal. It's just that more and more scientific evidence is coming out that the human anatomy and physiology is not designed to eat meat.
This probably accounts for the fact that the diseases of affluence are so rampant in Westernised society with its high consumption of animal flesh
do you think these men were idiots, Sup Forums ?
I think it really comes down to whether or not I care, at this point. True, I was perfectly happy living a vegetarian lifestyle, I'd never go vegan just because fuck that noise, but some meat here and there definitely doesn't hurt.
>The point in question is that humans aren't designed to eat animals in the first place anyway
You bigot are probably eating honey as well?
I'm afraid to imagine that you might be drinking milk.
>I have no problem killing an animal
Wow you fascist species pig, dont call yourself vegan.
You're a vegetarian pleb just like Hitler who didn't eat meat out of health concerns.
Einstein: No
Shaw: No
Ghandi: Fucking Retarded
Tolstoy: No
Voltaire: No
Plato: No
Tesla: No, but insane? Very
DaVinci: No.
fair enough mate
My issue isn't necessarily with a little bit of meat here and there - but the demands that we make as society for animal products and the amount of money that (((they))) make and influence (((they))) have in deciding our diets for us at the expense of our health
A vegan tried to fight me and the 1st punch killed him, now I am up for manslaughter
I think that perhaps it could also be the fact that we're doing so much to the meat we eat as well. Think about this: We used to eat meat that came straight off cattle and we weren't spending so much time processing it. Of course, back then everyone knew their own trades as well. You killed your own cattle or you bought the meat from another local source. The meat you got was fresh, along with the fact that you knew how good it was by who you bought it from and if you'd had good quality from them previously. It's not like now where you don't even know if the cow was diseased before it got butchered, let alone how long its been packaged or how long its stewed in that bag.
Actually... that kinda is useful information.
Literally listing sources there in an MLA format. You can't get any better than that, really. It's even better than just posting links to random shit.
learn phonetics fag face
>comparing vegan diets to standard shit diets and declaring the problem is meat since thats the difference
thats just disingenuous and i think you know it
Referring to my previous comments earlier in the threat - how do you think these diseases of lifestyle (Cancer, heart disease, diabetes etc.) are justified to the extent that they are prevalent in society? As meat consumption has increased more and more, these diseases have only become greater. Transplant someone living in rural africa or china where they eat majority plant-based into western culture and their levels of these disease rises.
Furthermore, the human anatomy and physiology simply is not designed to eat EXCESSIVE amounts of meat as the point we do today. Can we eat a little bit? Sure, I think it's okay (I personally don't, though). See table
Doctor Roberts showed that only herbivores can develop atherosclerosis. Considering that that is our number 1 leading cause of death; he concluded:
“Because humans get atherosclerosis, and atherosclerosis is a disease only of herbivores, humans also must be herbivores”
>Wow you fascist species pig, dont call yourself vegan.
kek, you've got me there
both meat and dairy has been compromised
vegans consume soy products
pesco-vegetarianism is the best
fuck kikes
Having dinner. Will be back
I have never heard a good argument for veganism, they are always about animal feelings or moral busibodying, animals arent people therefor they dont need to be treated humanely
Are you cool with it If I just eat fish, arthropods, non-octopode mollusca, and some other exceptions I can't name at the moment?
As a side note to this, I grew up on farms where we slaughtered our own cattle. Its a farm that had been passed down in my family, we did some local supply, and my family had had that very farm and worked through most of this for over 80 years.
The first time I tried beef from a store I was 22. I got really sick and had to go to the emergency room. Evidently something about it just didn't agree with me. And me being the stupid fucker I am, I decided I'd try it one more time, and while I didn't get as sick, maybe it was just a bad cut or something, it still tore my stomach up something fierce.
I only eat meat from my family farm now, unless I go out to eat, but even then, chances are I'll get a salad instead just because I don't want to regret it later that night.
no they wont, you will still get bullied for not being a good person, typical authoritive assholes similar to feminist
>Hey guys, did you know, I'M VEGAN
This is literally you. Well good for you, but fuck yourself, nobody cares.
Are you telling me that a bear can't fight back?
Can confirm. Carnie cucks are getting so cucked from their meat consumption. I've been the Bull for a few couples whose bf/husbands couldn't keep it up anymore and their craigslist ads only want vegan bulls or vegetarian. Slowly breeding the carnie cucks out of existence once and for all!
but we do have fangs and fucking apes got hands and some of them eat meat. Pigs got hooves and they are not exclusively herbivores, but omnivores. It is stupid to divide into carnivores and herbivores and then ignore omnivores completely.
Frankly I don't care too much what's bad for my body. It's over exaggerated anyways. In fact not replacing those ingredients found in meat, which many vegans don't do, is unhealthy as well. You'd have to put a lot of effort into your diet not to look like a skinny weakling. Most vegans do look this this. Those ripped dudes are the exception rather than the norm.
Hi user.. Can you help me with online resources for Veganism? My parents have done it and changed their lives... I am 34 y/o and just foind out i have begining stages of COPD.. very depressing but i been smoking since age 10 and have not even tried to quit until now.
I also run 4 miles every day.. I think i want to be a Vegan.. Ive just heard too many good things.
>Referring to my previous comments earlier in the threat - how do you think these diseases of lifestyle (Cancer, heart disease, diabetes etc.) are justified to the extent that they are prevalent in society? As meat consumption has increased more and more, these diseases have only become greater. Transplant someone living in rural africa or china where they eat majority plant-based into western culture and their levels of these disease rises.
>Furthermore, the human anatomy and physiology simply is not designed to eat EXCESSIVE amounts of meat as the point we do today. Can we eat a little bit? Sure, I think it's okay (I personally don't, though). See table
>Doctor Roberts showed that only herbivores can develop atherosclerosis. Considering that that is our number 1 leading cause of death; he concluded:
>“Because humans get atherosclerosis, and atherosclerosis is a disease only of herbivores, humans also must be herbivores”
It's not a theory. There is not enough of substantial evidence.
According to the scientific consensus humans are omnivores. Other primate are omnivores as well
I think the meat is not the problem but the method of preparation. Roasting, fryinf, etc. will produce carcinogens. Steam cooking chicken breath is fine.
I eat steamed chicken as my primary meat and my blood work is fine.
There's a difference if you eat fucking burgers and dont work our and eat steamed meat and lift/run.
> People drinking from the udders of cows
I sure hope you guys don't do this
Hahahhahah "the bull" lmaooo
Honestly those people on the bottom look like they can each take 2-3 of the ones on the top
Hitler was also vegetarian. If you're vegetarian, you are basically Hitler.
>be colin kappernick
>turn vegan
>become 3rd string qb
Interesting thing is that I can make no moral argument as to why I eat meat. I just eat it because it tastes good and that its fucking easy. I don't watch the animals being killed in the slaughter house, I just pick up the neatly wrapped pieces of meat at my local grocery store and I'm back at my house within 10 minutes.
I should go vegan, but I don't because fuck that meat tastes too good. Also I'm a hunter, so the fact that animals being killed doesn't bother me, it's by the means they are killed. The slaughterhouse shit with the cows being upside down and having to bleed to death from their slit throats is a disturbing thought, but it's not one I have often so it's whatever.
It was 6,000,001st good idea
So because I buy land, plant oats and corn, figure out deer movements, sit in my treestand freezing my balls off, be patient, and finally put a clean killshot on a buck and feed my family I'm a cuck?
Nice try m8, hunting is beautiful and is a necessary part of the human experience. Although the methods are different, for every animal I harvest I honor my ancestors and my place among the food chain.
Get fucked, moon beam.
>fighting with gloves and rules
Fucking pussy faggots.
you forgot ya boi Adolf, nigger
those citations are bullshit, most aren't even related to the subject (implying non-vegans only eat meat) and many show absolutely minuscule differences most likely caused by low sample size/different lifestyle unrelate to eating habits.
The major issue with a lot of that is that vegans just have a very different lifestyle which is impossible to fully control for, it's the same nonsense as all the "sociologie studies" which pretend it's posible to control for all variables, we can't even control for all variables in fucking physics, it's pretty much impossible for humans. In biology unless you can show a direct mechanism for the effect(protein A changes molecule B into C), it's bullshit.
Ur mum likes it tho
Good point. Not to mention the antibiotics and jazz
The sources I provided earlier do show how meat intrinsically does cause to disease aswell, but yes - the amount of refined carbohydrates in todays diet, the oils and the like - are definitely bad aswell
There are 3 types of vegans. Ethical, Health and Environmental. Ethical reasons are the weakest out of the three. Read some of the links i posted earlier if you wanna know more
Just as long as you are conscious of what you eat and how it impacts your health mate. I don't think you need to remove all animal products - I do personally for other reasons than health
Interesting. Thanks for sharing user
kek, i just posted the pic to get some attention to the science that I posted earlier in the thread. Hunting is alright as long as it doesn't throw the ecosystem out of balance
The table doesn't mean we are strictly herbivious, but rather our adaptations are more favourable to that of a herbivorous nature. Can we eat a little meat? Yes, but not to the extend we do today
humans were designed to eat meat our sharp front teeth a proof of it
So lions and tigers are pussies?
It's important to care about your body mate. It is easier not to care, I know - but the reward is very well worth it is a great place to start - it dissects all the overwhelming scientific literature into a nice format that is short and easy to understand. Documentaries are a great tool as well to convey information in a presentable way.
I recommend Cowspiracy (more environmental/political based), Foodmatters, and Food choices. All the best mate.
Again, I believe we are slightly omnivorous. You are right about preparation, it is fucked.
Pic related, kek
>It is the natural order to obtain energy through diet by eating other living things, all animals do this. The point in question is that humans aren't designed to eat animals in the first place anyway, and that's why it's wrong. If I had to live in the wild and an animal was my only source of calories, then I'd eat it. But the human anatomy and physiology is not designed to eat animals, therefore it would be ludacris to eat something you're not meant to. No wonder meat is causing so many diseases in modern society
Humans have evolved to eat animals, animal fat and vegetables. Not grains, beans, vegetable fats, added sugar and I would argue dairy. These are the things that cause modern disease in humans along with our toxic environment.
Keep in mind studying nutrition is extremely difficult and its easy to set up a study to prove what you want.
Don't let these people fool you and take away meat in name of saving the planet
surprise surprise, vegans cant stop telling everyone else about being vegan
Half of you are also deficient in vit B12 Kek
this isn't reddit you malnourished faggot
Can you stop being such a pushy? If all your life you look at what's protentioally "bad for you" you won't life a happy life. Watching TV is bad, sitting in front of your computer is bad, drinking alcohol is bad, going out in public is bad because of pollution, not working out is (very) bad, you're Australian so not putting enough sun screen on is bad. There are millions of things that can potentially cause cancer. Heart disease is caused by obesity and not be meat consumption specifically. I don't care if we're designed to establish meat or not because we can definitely process it and get important nutrients out of it. I'm skinny anyways so why should I care about heart disease?
>be vegan in arctic Canada where the growing season is 3 months of the year on a good year
You don't seem to understand our creature, desu. We adapted beyond nuts and legumes and expanded our diet for more complex chemicals for a broader survival margin. But let me guess, you're a limp wristed fag who thinks city life is the big fucking tits?
Hitler didn't do anything wrong
Meat does taste good, and hunting is okay. However, I believe that if you want to take the quality of your life to a higher level, becoming conscious of y our dietary patterns and how this is affecting our ecosystem balance is the way to go
Considering the evidence, others' opinions who have tried it - and my own experience of it, I can definitely confirm it has had an overwhelmingly positive impact on my life. Give it a go, user. The reason why its a meme to hate vegans is because (((they))) would go bankrupt if people discovered that it works better (but also because some vegans are too preachy and can't back their point up)
Gandhi isn't even fair. Most poo in loos have some religious reason for eating nothing but vegetables. That's why in India they always ask if you want "veg" or "non veg" menus rather than "meat" or "no meat" menus.
Plus Gandhi was a fucking idiot. India would have probably been at least semi hospitable if the British still ran the place.
good point, preservatives make it hard to digest meat and mess up our intestinal flora.
Vegans tend to cherry pick their info
yep. Just kidding, i don't really care about hunting, just thought that picture might trigger a few people. I care more for the science and health behind nutrition
are you doing it for moral or health reasons cause fish feel pain and can recognize faces :(
>hunting affects the ecosystem
Yeah, in a very positive balance type of way you're pseudo-intelligent ass is cracking on about. I think you mix up hunting with large scale industrial animal farming mate. Anyone that argues there isn't a disgusting amount of waste and bi-product from large scale slaughter is retarded.
The question is whether or not being a vegan makes you more of a real man or not. I'd say the will to carry through tough circumstances and not be mentally swayed or dismayed by the harsh realities makes a real man.
>our canines prove it
>not our single stomach, forward facing motion tracking eyes or our efficient bipedal locomotion that allows us to LITERALLY chase potential prey until it dies from exhaustion.
let's not forget that large frontal cortex to create abstract simulations to brainstorm trapping/hunting patterns for more efficiency.
Prey animal doesn't need to build anything but a shoddy excuse for a home.
Starting to notice Australia pumps out a lot of pusssies
That's pretty much it. I fucking love meat I don't want to to give it up just because a noddle-armed pansy says its immoral or unhealthy
1/2 vegans are vitamin B12 deficient
They are given a shock to make them unconscious before having their throat slit. If done correctly, it is actually a painless death.
>Equestrian = Pussies
That some retared shit senpai
Eating Meat is a part of culture.
Could you send me some evidence for your argument? I agree with the toxic environment part. Studying Nutrition does involve a lot of uncontrolled variables, however personal experience, the credit of others who are vegan (and of course, the multitude of research that agrees) has convinced me veganism is the way to go. I wasn't born vegan, and I understand where you are coming from, don't get me wrong.
Because being vegan leads to a better quality of life, why wouldn't I feel obliged to help my fellow humans on their journey for a better life? You would do the same
Yep. That's why vegans must take supplements
Humans have an innate desire to pursue what is good for them. My argument is that a plant-based diet is good for you (and isn't as hard as you think it might be). You should, as a general rule of thumb, pursue things that are good for you and avoid things that are bad for you - sometimes these are out of your control. What you put in your mouth day to day is NOT out of your control, and is a conscious decision you make EVERYDAY. Becoming conscious of your nutrition will help you to improve the quality of your life, reduce suffering caused by disease and poor wellbeing. Why wouldn't you want to do this? I'm sure if you, your loved one, or friend died because of a preventable heart disease, you would have cared about whats good or 'bad' for you. If you didn't, well I would not want to be you user because you obviously can't tell between what's good and bad, and what's within your control or not, and that makes life not even worth living.
not to forget this
>implying vegans are a race
>implying vegans would even live for a few weeks in nature barefoot and with no modern technology
>implying vegans wouldnt just go extinct if you put them into a non-modern world
yeah not sorry, i like killing pigs and eating them
grow up, you oversensitive pussy
life's tough
I don't think their intellect had anything to do with their diet. Shaw was smart but very misguided. Einstein was smart but people cling to him because of one theory. It isn't proven that Plato was actually a vegetarian and Ghandi is stupid.
Inuits have high rates of osteoporosis and heart disease. I would rather give up meat than have those. What even are you saying in your last sentence?
Fair point
Yep, the stoic and virtuous man is the real man. Glad we agree. Also glad we agree mass industrial farming is the problem
finally someone with a core message
can a meat eater be white? i really don't think so desu
Fair point. It is plausible we have a slight omnivorous nature
Directing your actions by the pleasure it gives you and not the goodness it provides is not the way to live, but I can't change you. If you are interested, there are links at the start of the thread if you want to begin your journey into diet in the promotion of health and prevention of disease
Culture is not a measure of what is good or bad.
Don't apologise to me, you are the one who is going to have a poorer quality of life. The joke is literally on you, no matter how hard you project
fair point
People seem to think Vegans are bad. If a Vegan made a claim like that, the autists on Sup Forums would not stop screeching about how bad vegans are. But because culture aligns with meat eating no one seems to be able to think for themselves, so thinks it is okay. I personally don't care, but I mean it's just funny to see such blatant hypocrisy
Nice Osteoporosis rates. Drinking milk is really worth it isn't it? Gotta have those strong bones because milk has calcium aye?
>People seem to think Vegans are bad. If a Vegan made a claim like that, the autists on Sup Forums would not stop screeching about how bad vegans are. But because culture aligns with meat eating no one seems to be able to think for themselves, so thinks it is okay. I personally don't care, but I mean it's just funny to see such blatant hypocrisy
Veganism and vegetarianism = virtue signalling. Fuck off.
>People seem to think Vegans are bad. If a Vegan made a claim like that, the autists on Sup Forums would not stop screeching about how bad vegans are
>but it's ok when i reply to every post like an autist
but culture is something you have to respect and accept, if you dont do this by saying "hurr durr im so superior because im lel vegan XD" you are just a stupid useless piece of shit and should kill yourself, thank you.
btw, is pic related you?
because both of you are on the same level of autism
In what way, user?
Did I just get BTFO?
>checks flag
Checks out.
Do you accept and respect the culture of Islam? Why don't you respect and accept my culture of vegan superiority?
>In what way, user?
Vegetarianism is the new Puritanism. This is my belief. It is also one of my arguments against vegetarianism, and although it may at first seem a flippant argument, I believe that it is very powerful. Vegetarianism is miserable. It attacks one of life’s greatest and surest pleasures - enjoying good food. Anything which makes people less happy is bad.
The jump from not liking meat very much, to banning oneself from eating any of it ever, is a huge one, and one which is made by people behaving in a religious manner. If one didn’t approve of certain pork farming practices, one would not then refuse at a dinner party at someone else’s house to eat a stew because it had been cooked in the same pot as some beef mince. One would not read the label of a packet of ice cream to see if there were “non-dairy fat” in it, nor look at the label of some jam to see if gelatin has been used. That people go to these wild extremes is proof that their behaviour is religious in nature, and not rational.
Puritanism isn’t fashionable at the moment, but vegetarianism is. Puritanism is founded on the belief in gods and such like, and these beliefs do not reside comfortably in the modern world, when we know that the Earth is round and the galaxy rather big. Instead, we have vegetarianism, which appeals to the same people for the same reason. Vegetarians have the same notions of purity of behaviour.
Self-denial has certain advantages. It is a discipline, and requires effort, and the success makes the person so succeeding feel stronger and more in control. It also makes them feel superior to the rest of us who indulge. We become the weak in their eyes. We indulge in sinful meat eating, enjoying ourselves, while they smile inwardly at their specialness. If we all became vegetarians, they would lose their specialness, of course, and the Christian church has found this many times. People want to know that they alone are going to heaven and everyone else is going to fry in hell. The church always split every time it got too popular.
Enforcing self-denial on others also has its advantages. It is a test of loyalty. A woman knows that a man must love her if he forsakes sex with all other women. A woman looks for self-denial in a man, since it is a sign of strength and loyalty. Such a man might make a better father. The ability to defer pleasure shows maturity. A man who just wants fun fun fun now is unlikely to be a responsible father. A man who can plan ahead so far that he only gets his final reward in heaven is a man who will stick around and help pay for the kids.
Most vegetarians are women. In Britain, a person is doubly likely to suffer from vegetarianism if he is female. Part of the reason for this is that women like the taste of meat less than men. This stems from the fact that women have inherited the instincts of gatherers and men those of hunters. In all hunter-gatherer societies today, however, women prize meat. They love meat, just not quite as much as men do. The greater reason, I believe, is that women use vegetarianism to test men. By requiring men to deny themselves pleasure, they test the resolve of the men, and their loyalty. It is a very effective test of loyalty. The proof of this is that the VAST majority of men who succumb to vegetarianism (I’m afraid I have lost the figures, which weren’t 100% reliable anyway, because the accurate comprehensive study of this has not be done - it would cost a fortune, and no one needs to know that much) either have vegetarian sexual partners, or are trying to get some. Just as tellingly, when men split up from their veggie girlfriends, they near invariably start enjoying meat again. This goes to prove amongst other things that men really will do ANYTHING for sex.
haha if you aint got any better arguments its okay little vegan boi
we were talking about eating food and not stoning women and beheading infidels,
just stop posting on Sup Forums you are making an ass out of yourself
Of course, some men do stay vegetarian for many years, even if they are without a girlfriend. A man who has been a veggie for many years has proof of his dedication to the god of plants, and will perhaps one day impress a chick with this loyalty. It is a long term strategy. To disprove this, you will have to find that there are many men who have been vegetarian for many years, and in that time have had large numbers of girlfriends, most of whom have not been vegetarian. Good luck.
PUT THIS THEORY TO AN AVERAGE VEGGIE AND HE OR SHE WILL DENY IT. I am not saying that this is why people consciously choose to become vegetarians, but I believe that it is the underlying reason, and whereas the reasons given by veggies invariably collapse under the tiniest of scrutiny, my theory is consistent with the facts as I know them. My theory explains why someone who claims to be a vegetarian because he once saw some pigs living in a squalid sty, then makes the illogical leap to making a complete pain of himself at a party by insisting that the ham be served on a different plate from the potato salad, as if somehow his touching of that contaminated plate could harm a pig, despite the fact that everyone else is not just touching the plate, but actually eating the ham. The wild illogicality of this stance combined with the firmness of it makes it clear to me that such people are not clear rational thinkers, but instead worshippers at the alter of the New Puritanism.
I don't respect moral superiority.
Be it religion or veganism. Live and let live. If you think eating meat is immoral, unhealthy or damaging to the environment then make that choice for yourself and stop trying to convert people like some religious lunatic.