(((Jared Kushner)))

>(((Jared Kushner)))
>Is being credited as the force that got Trump to the white house
>Royally Fucked Chris Christie's shit up Monte Cristo style
>Advisor to Trump
>Dicked Ivanka Jewish
And yet theres not much about the guy in comparison to the other Trumps...

seems fishy eh Sup Forums?

>seems fishy eh Sup Forums?

Very. Keep an eye on him.

The Jews fear the Samurai

Trump is simply this man's puppet


on the lower eye or the higher eye?

Yeah what the fuck is with that cheap shit.

>The Jews fear the Samurai
Yes sir

What message is he sending with that watch?

wtf is wrong with his face? that drooping eye suggests that this is not his true form.

>Jared Kushner

>Kushner is the elder son of Seryl Kushner (née Stadtmauer) and real estate developer Charles Kushner


>Stadt = City
>Mauer = Wall

What do they mean by that?

I think he had his son circumcised.

He's a Jew, and working against the interests of America like every other Jew. What can we do? You think we just hate jews because we're bored?

Well he is Jewish.

Fuck off.

He's a good jew.

Then why can't we find much about him....?

Take into consideration this statement:
In order to do anything with your knowledge you need wealth, but in order to do anything with wealth, you need the knowledge of what to do with it
Now try to follow this train of thought
1. A better education = a better trained mind
2.A better education costs money
3. The wealthier the person is = the higher the education they are able to receive
4. People tend to be wealthier when they conserve their money and don't spend needlessly
5. With that conserved money, they are able to afford a higher education
6. The people who can afford a higher education send their children to learn their
7. The cycle repeats itself with the next generation
Now we look at Jewish culture:
Over the course of history Jews have been persecuted and attacked. The question is, why?
The answer mainly revolves around their culture.
1. In it they only look out for their fellow Jew
2. They only deal fairly with their fellow Jew
3. They treat and view most others as an outsider to their culture (not Jewish)
Throughout history, whether its the Romans or the Germans after ww1 or in Russia during the revolutions, the Jewish communities have always instilled themselves as part of society (in each desperate one) and would accumulate vasts amount of power, thus having a voice. Thus they would become a threat or adversary to other groups. As I said before, the Jewish only deal fairly with their own kind, as anyone who would mistreat a fellow Jew would become an outcast, so they would trick and cheat the other cultures and societies behind the scenes. The Jewish culture is not violent, however they do not care if their actions cause violence. However when they are outed for their violence, they seek back to their community for a helping hand and the community sticks together and goes against the individual. This has led to the destruction of their race time and time again as they only look after their own and could care less about outsiders.


In the present day, they've successful joined together with a society to the point where they have deep influence over the world and cannot be challenged. The reason they cannot be challenged is due to the fact that they've influenced the world that hateful people are bad and should be shunned, adopting from their (stand up for your fellow Jew) culture significantly.
One thing to consider is where other races have a tiny sense of a change of attitude with wage difference(ie rich guy feeling superior to a poor man), the Jewish multiply that tenfold. As far as they're concerned the rich jews are a totally different race than the poor Jews. The rich view the poor as members of the common rabble and only share a community with other rich Jews. The poor jews still share a community with other poor Jews yet they are unaware that there is any difference between being a rich or poor Jew.
In other words the rich hate the poor Jews, but the poor view the rich as still part of the community.

To sum up, Jews view themselves as the greatest race, just as a white supremicist would. They install themselves into a community in order to become in charge and gain control. Manipulation and cheating outsiders to their culture isn't a huge deal to them as long as they look out for each other. As far as threats go, they are extremely passive and barely visible, but can be dangerous when left unnoticed.
Tldr: passive and a long-term threat

Jared Kushner is insuring his family to have power, but at the same time contributing to a cause we deem righteous. He isn't a threat.

Background: the Kushner family is 100% sleaze degenerate NYC jew mafia.

Jared is an actual idiot. Well documented he had shit grades in high school -- his dad paid $2.5 million to bribe him into Harvard. Then his dad bribed him into NYU law school (top 10 law school). Jared is so dumb he skipped the law bar exam. Bar exam is public record, so he skipped it because he didnt want to expose himself as a vapid moron. After law school he's thrown his dad's money around and lost money on practically every deal. He's a loser. OF COURSE jew press is giving the JEW all the praise for the win.

>his dad paid $2.5 million to bribe him into Harvard
See now this is well documented.

>OF COURSE jew press is giving the JEW all the praise for the win.
Well he does own the New York Observer

I'm so jelly he gets to plow ivanka


He's an idiot. Smarter than the Trump kids, which isn't very difficult, so Donald prob respects him slightly more than them. But he's just a hanger-on, and Donald gets bored easily, so Donald keeps him around for company.


never trust a Jew. 2000+ years of stabbing people in the back. none of that will suddenly change.

Pretty much this.

she looks like a terrible lay desu

There is no such thing.

There is nooooooooooooo fucking way Donald thinks Jared's intellect is anywhere near Steve Bannon, Stephen Miller, or T Rex.

The subversion of Sup Forums carries on at a steady pace.

drumpf willingly got JEWED

he lets him bang his daughter dumbass

Maybe his favorite color is blue and looking at blue makes his day bright and fun.

Maybe he's a smart, quiet introvert who found the perfect business partner in extroverted showman Trump? He looks more German than Jewish.

I know redpilled Jews exist. A couple of my oldest friends are unbelievably redpilled, right-wing Jews. I naturally tended not to like Jews, even before I was redpilled myself, but these guys have always been fine. They're even redpilled about Jews and their hatred for liberal and/or commie Jews is epic. Even Hitler apparently made exceptions for some Jews so, though I don't trust him, my jury is out on Kushner until I get more info. Be funny if Trump made Jews great for the first time. We'll see. He's surprised me before.


Even the Nazis gave passes to some Jews

One of them being Soros. How did giving a pass to that sneaky kike work out?

Of course fucking not. Trump is the only reason of Trump success. Not (((Jared Kushner))), Russians, KKK, alt-right, rebublicans, jews, Alex Jones, Sup Forums, allah, my cat, or anyone else.

We already know about him.
His father was betrayed by the Democrats, and then he used Trump to get his revenge.

Go read about his father.

Bonus info: the year he met Ivanka was also the year he bought the 666, 5th Avenue building in NYC.
666 is the kabbal number of the shield of Salomon, the same symbol used by the Rothschilds in the Israeli flag.

Basically Trump will be the most Zionist president the US ever had.

Iran is doomed.

>He thinks that Trump's kids are stupid
How did you get this impression?

I thought his father was betrayed by Chris Christie.