What is you cunt doing to help Aleppo? Why are you letting kids die?
What is you cunt doing to help Aleppo? Why are you letting kids die?
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nothing, not an Allah damn thing.
they arent finnish kids so they arent our problem
lol do you have more webms like that?
What a cute loli, I would gladly take care of her:)
she looks like gollum
tfw i've become so drenched in muslim hate that i barely feel sad for watching this kid.
Not my problem.
My country warned the US about not starting shit in the MENA.
Sunni and shia have been massacring one another from centuries, it's part of their culture along with fucking goats and little boys.
She's a Druze
What did you mean by this
What the fuck are we supposed to do about it?
not seeing a lot of little girls here
Sending more bombs and bullets. There's already to many people in the world. Might was well trim down that number whenever we can.
you have to go back ahmed
The govt is using my money to take refugees from UN camps and send aid to the region using tax funded British military.
>Kids are only dying in Aleppo
No. Fuck no. You bastards can call me a pussy but everytime I see this webm my heart bleeds. Im fucking white nationalist, but I just cant watch this and dont feel sadness. 0:13 is worst fucking part.
>muh cuntry
You do realize your country supports ISIS you baguette piece of shit
I thought all the women and children escaped to Germany and Sweden.
>when 15 years of appealing to emotion has used up all sympathy
>kindness is repaid with criticism and more demands
Dead people can't rape, illegally migrate, takeover, and terrorize.
Do you realize you're greatly responsible of all the shit goping on in the middle east.
hy couldn't you take a part of Canada to build your jewish state, instead of setting the sandniggers in a state of permabutthurt and allah snackbaring for the centuries to come ?
Fucking kike.
What do you propose be done?
Bear in mind that neither I nor the vast majority of the people on the planet care about these people
Sure they'll get plenty of lip service but at the end of the day how much of their money and their labor is going towards helping the Syrians?
The answer is none
Two things tell the truth
1) your actions
2) your wallet
Everything we're told about Aleppo is a lie
Yeah I'm not gonna watch some cunt drone on about Syria
well, we are the non-official refugee waste dump so send them here
I'm not a kike you ignorant fuck
>Why are you letting kids die?
Because kids die all day every day, especially in 3rd world countries.
Aleppo is nothing new.
I feel nothing but see this as refugee propaganda
the redpill does fuck your emotions
Fuck mobile
I'd rather be "jaded and cynical" than easily manipulated by propaganda.
>tfw i successfully repilled my gf after she already had the basics. she now is mad everytime the news shows kids as refugees and in warzones knowing its just used for propaganda.
Still sad
>What is you cunt doing to help Aleppo?
We gave shelter to the whole black community of syria
holy sheeet
>Asking a random online imageboard such a question.
>Not wondering why the dude filming is such a massive asshole.
This. Not even edgy or whatever, but I could watch her get shot just as easy as shaking her hand and asking if she wants some icecream.
I don't care, she's fucked regardless of my actions and she has (much like me) no future. Why bother with emotions if we all know where its going.
>It's funny bc the "refugeeeeeeees" are uber negroes from subsaharian regions for the most part
What's aleppo doing to help me?
>Based Assad
>Why are you letting kids die?
Because I don't give a rat's arse. They're not our damn kids, not our damn problem.
why couldn't you take an english lesson you fucking retard? i can't understand shit from what you're saying
Probably gonna quit my job, and go help.
>I'm not a kike
I can hear hava nagila from here, kike
What is Aleppo?
Too brown for us.
T. pastanigger
Not. My. Problem.
Let Syria fix Syria.
Because you know what? Aleppo is Obama's Rwanda.
Much cuter ones out there.
For like half a second I feel bad for her, and then I imagine her and others like her, what they will be when they grow up, and have a bunch of kids to perpetuate her culture.
I've seen Iraqi's get slaughtered and carpetbombed so I don't think seeing this ugly ass Muslim kid die would affect me at all. Call me edgy but I'm serious.
I want Palestine to blow you off the face of the Earth. Fuck Israel and everyone there.
Fuck you OP I made a Facebook post that sad I was deeply saddened by the events taking place and that something should be done!
I did my virtue signalling thank you very much
And that's why we won the war.
She's going to grow up and be some Hijab wearing liberal bitch who will come to the US and get Westernized and act like a cunt to everyone because of what the US did to her country. Watch and see. Happened with Iraq and Afghanistan
We took in countless refugees, who are supported with my tax money.
That's a lot more than most of the world has done.
>and have a bunch of kids to perpetuate her culture
lel she's a little kid. What's she gonna do? If she grows up in a western country than those are the ideals that she'll absorb and perpetuate. It's not like she was born with a chip implanted in her brain that's compelling her to blow herself up for virgins and goats.
And to think I wanted to go to the Netherlands one day.
No, fuck off we're full.
Unless she gets with a guy of her same culture, even faith perhaps.
Missed my point, toothpaste.
Try to at least use a proxy the next time you pretend not to be a kike, kike.
Aww, Swedencuck feels bad that kids are dying.
Send more women and children. Stop bringing in 30 year old 4th graders.
>german rivers
>what are you doing to help Aleppo
Supporting the side that didn't sell children into sex slavery, or ethnically and religiously cleanse the areas they retook.
>liberals are the only ones that take this seriously
>they're unironically cheering for the Nazis at modern Stalingrad
Why allah does not protect his people?
Yes, we should let kids so retarded that they don't even know their own names into our country. Great idea.
We razed Syria to the ground and left the people to pick up the pieces. We don't have the right to feel bad for them when we caused their suffering to start with.
I don't see a single female or child on that boat.
>arabs on British land
no one gives a fuck about terrorists being blown up ahmed, why don't you go help them
don't come back
They're in disguise. Like Transformers
>there are people on Sup Forums that are this bluepilled about Syria
>there are people on Sup Forums who dont even lurk on /sg/
this place is a complete shithole now
Feels good, man
>Why are you letting kids die?
They are sandniggers user
Its really hard to even give a simgle fuck when western propaganda forces syria every single hour.
So are you an Arab?
I can't do anything about it, my(our) government supports the terrorists that are killing all the children so its out of my(our) hands. All I can do is wish Russia and Assad the best of luck killing the dirty bearded fucks.
Huh, Arabs sure have gotten a lot blacker than I remember them being.
Arab Spring was a group effort, friendo.
France was part of that group.
That is not being of my problems
*not my problems dance*
fuck off kike you arent sending me to die for israel
>syrian army starts winning the war against anglo-saxon-zionist aggressors
>people suddenly start caring about syrian people
Don't care about terrorists
Letting kids die helps global warming. I'm doing my part user.
>Why are you letting kids die?
Too much effort to help.
*unzips dick*
Everything is as Allah wills it, respect their faith, let them die.
We should make that a meme on islamic websites.
What is this thread's endgame?
World peace.
I would feed her a protein-rich diet if you know what I mean
Please explain.
Because they're not my kids lmao.
Jew and a newfag. Next thing you'll tell me is that you are a nigger and then you'll be the worst three things you could possibly be