
An ethnic Norwegian girl I worked with said she loved kebabnorsk akka kebabNorwegian(it is bad Norwegian only with loan words from Arabic and Somali)
And and she said that she would teach her children kebabnorsk.
I see more and more young Norwegians use this "dialect".

how fucked are the Norwegain people?

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this is fucking stupid

someone talk sense into this woman pls.

>And and she said that she would teach her children kebabnorsk
make her your girlfriend user.
discipline her.


Wife her. ASAP.

Last week I was at a christmas-party (julebord) with some of them I was working with. One sandnigger girl said she only was attracted to black males. Then a blonde girl i work with (she is like 18), said she only was attracted to white males, and said it would be weird to be together with a black person when she was white herself. I said I agreed. Sandnigger looked confused, like she ment we said something racist, but she had just said the exact same thing.

The blonde have said a lot of redpilled things at work, and jokes about immigrants all the time. She is pretty hot too. She's a rare one. Can't believe she is single tho.


Yeah man that's crazy that she's single.

Oh well, you probably shouldn't bother trying with her or anything. You're probably not her type.

if nothing happened at the julebord then there were no sexual tension between you in the first place

Remove Kebab, Kill Kebab, destroy Kebab,exterminate Kebab!!!

She have tried to move on me tho, but I know she have fucked one of my best friends. I don't know why, but I never go on girls that have been with any of my close friends. It feels to weird/wrong.

Yeah, we are more like friends now. Get to fuck all her friends tho, pretty sweet.

yes, most people here are racist, that's nothing new

Are they really? Is it acceptable for me to tell my average Norwegian friend that I hate shit skins?

Literally only a problem in parts of Oslo, KYS.

hahahaha er du fra oslo eller ? slipper den slags i Stavanger

Most Norwegian girls I've mingled with is like this, apart from one batshit crazy 'lesbian'

>Norwegian people

same here. lots of arab words and suriname words

kanskje det du tjommi


>Swedish opinions

Are your friends bluepilled? if yes, then you should drop them in favour of the girl. since a cuck hates non cucks.

I'll immigrate, expect me

You're one to talk, Ahmed.

Kek, I wish I met more of them tho. Not a lot of them here in Oslo. She is on a Russebuss btw, so it's pretty easy to hook those girls when you are grad. College. (Pic related

are you ethnic dutch?

>drop friends in favour of a girl

it is pretty common to hear people say jævla negera, forbanna svartinga (fucking niggers, cursed shitskins) though i would not advise on saying it in oslo (cucktown number one) or at a university. It is accepteble to come with racial slurs if you are a grown up

huutista kyllähän me suomalaiset ollaan aikamoisia ahmedeja

nope, I am ethnic German

>I see more and more young Norwegians use this "dialect".
Only in Oslo, in the real Norway no one speaks unironically kebabnorsk

if they are cucks, cucks will drop you as soon as they know that you are not a cuck.

>Living beings

Maybe I'l make a move when she's done with the Russ-time. Then i'm done with college too. To be russ and in a relationship is usually ending bad.

>Not ironically using kebabnorsk

Si Wallah bror

Wallah brushan sverger as

She's gonna fuck around as Russ, might as well be you, user

Wolla fikk med ei schpaa kæbe i går ass brushan

Hah, yeah. She have made me an offer to drive around on their partybus tho (rulling). So maybe.

>Is it acceptable for me to tell my average Norwegian friend that I hate shit skins?
No, but you are free to tell anybody that you generally have a really bad impression of how migrants behave and that you don't want any more of them.

Generally you can say whatever you want. What puts people off is people that manage to turn any conversation into a debate on migration.

Si dem ikke bror? Du hores ut som kompisen til Lars mer enn en pakkis.

er det kebabnorsk? hvad betyder det?

kys jævla neger

Vet da faen, sist gang jeg snakka med en pakkis var i 2007.
Delevis, "Hei fikk med meg ei pen dame i går, mann"

Nah they stopped saying Bror, now it's brushan. They also say a lot more mashalla and other Muslim shitspeak than the old 00s schpaa/loo kebabnorsk

spa betyder cool eller? og kæbe er en kælling?

er det udbredt at tale sån?

Wallah, du må gifte deg med kusinen din slik at hun kan komme til Norge.


fin eller smukk

kæbe= tos eller dame

Gift deg med kusina de, eller så blæster vi deg

We desperately need to find a way to symbolically shame these women.

Post her pics. We will comment on how she is an ugly racemixing whore, then screencap and put it out for the entire world to see.

We need punish traitors!

Unfortunately every language suffers a degradation. Our languages exists because people got sloppy with past languages. Afrikaans is the perfect example. Hell look at how Brits sounded 100 years ago compared to know, massive change.

You need a conservative movement which promotes norsk words rather than Arabic or English. Québécois try to keep the language as pure as possible due to their active need to preserve their culture so quebec french has far less English words than french from France, try to emulate that, slowly add more norsk words to your own dialect, and use it and they will catch on

Oslo must be destroyed along with every person person living there.

schpaa brukes ofte som hot/pen osv.
kæbe= dame, babe osv.

The only time I've encountered "kebabnorsk" was in middle school in the early 2000s. It was a small part of our Norwegian language class. But the text book is written by old people, so it was more like "this is how we think young people speak". Safe to say, it sounded ridiculous, and none speaks like that.

>Blod=nær venn/bror
Gir litt mening, fjern kebab fra skandinavisk jord nå

There isn't one girl in that pic I wouldn't fuck.
Even Parjeeta sneaking in mid right would get a length.

>tfw born an Anglo in an ever decreasing pool of angles being steadily replaced by the brown humanalikes
Just avoid and cut of contact with such people

So sorry, must suck. They are pretty slutty most of them tho

>ywn have true friends like this