Can the Frogs confirm this?
French Demographics
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The Fendippitous Eggmen are returning soon.
that seems accurate
Doubt it.
It's illegal to take race in the census in France.
most of them are in paris right?
Demographic statistics are illegal in France. 10% NAfrica is a huge underestimation.
You have to remember that France and Algeria were considered one country until the civil war and despite the Algerian claims that "Not one Algerian joined the French" the fact is many travelled to France with the Pied Noirs.
As if Southern France is old white men and Arabs.
We don't know since there are no official stats.
France is 25% is non-European
Yeah, that's pretty much standard for any western EU country (not sure about UK, but probably there too).
It's seems accurate to me
96.3 % white reporting.
No the algerians during the colonization didn't have citizenship, they couldn't leave Algeria. After we leave Algeria the orders were stricts : the military had to leave the pro-french algerians in Algeria
Therefore, even if some didn't obey, they were very few.
wtf I am old now
Was Born in France but came to America as a baby.
Should I go back? Or should I stay in Oregon?
No because it is illegal in France to collect data on race
Any figures you see are just guesstimations,
Says 40% white nation.
Fuck off.
Portugal is exactly 0% white.
Paris is now the whole France, interesting
Says the 0% white nation
Kys ahmed
Tick toc, the pot is beginning to boil. Will you jump out in time?
Oregon is white
The Southwest not so much
total bullshit.
more like :
-35% shitskins
-64.5% white
-0.5% juden masterlords, owners of the French realm
Ethnic demographics are forbidden in France for Egalitarian reasons.
They even want to delete the word race in our Constitution.
Muh post racial country. French progressives have gone so far. Remember we are the ones responsible for the French Revolution, for Socialism and Post Modernism.
We're the Alpha Cuck. But there is still hope, productive and smart French people are waking the fuck up. The uncuckening is incoming.
where are the qt Asian grils in France?
Having lived in both, I say both are leftist shitholes
>rip my beloved Cascadia
Admitted to psych wards for Paris syndrome
Arabs begone
5% of niggers in France is to underestimate. If you see french tourists of 10 person where usually at least 2 are niggers than I would say France is about 10-15% black.
It is worse than that
A lot of Niggers in France are illegals are foreigners.
Are they easy to fugg?
Well it depends.
The Chinese community in Paris is divided into two distinct groups:
The Chinks from Wenzhou, they're Asian Jews and are very tribal. Fucking scum that needs to be sent back to China.
The Chinese who used to live in Indochinese colonies, i.e. Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos, they are bro tier and tend to race mix and integrate, take French names, etc.
>tend to race mix and integrate
REEEEEEEEEEEEEE why are you guys so obsessed why race-mixing
It's the only thing I dislike in french ppl
It is hard to get any real demographic information on the french ethnicities, so you have to go through alternative methods to get any good answers like medical statistics.
For instance 1/3 of "french" new borns are screened for sickel cell anaemia. That translates to 1/3 of the comming french generation is going to be....
...and that is not counting north africans and other shades of shit skins and the fact that white french people are not breeding because of:
>taxation(to pay for the wellfare of the mentioned invaders)
>and the source of it; the death of god
Notice how the nations that first fall to democracy is the first to go. It is not Jews, it is not women, it is fucking democracy. You can have monarchy or you can have nothing.
vivat rex
source on anemia claim
(((media)))) keep telling us muslim are "only" 8.5% of the population while racial and ethnic censuses have been banned by the French government since 1978.
>France has not collected religious or ethnic data in its censuses since the beginning of the Third Republic
France will be the first nigger state in Europe.
Why arent these snailniggers collecting demographics data? Did (((they))) convince them not to?
>Geography Now
Muh nigga
>Why arent these snailniggers collecting demographics data?
They don't want for French people to wise up on the population replacement before it's too late for them to do anything about it.
Polska, that makes sense, but they havent collected since 1976. Have they really planned demographic shift 4 decades into the past?
T. Mohammed
Every French from reddit says that the french don't care about ethnicity since their civic nationalist
Lrn2piechart nigger
Not my pie chart nigger
At least our germanbros are aware of their issue and are working on it, you have a monkey in the white house.
Accurate, but keep in mind that this is probably nation-wide statistics. The countryside is 98-99% white, and the cities are 65-70% white only.
In some cities (Paris, Marseille...) it's more like fifty-fifty and some neighborhoods are like 90-95% non-white.
Like reelecting Merkel or going Swedish style good ole fashion rape migrant cover ups
>Have they really planned demographic shift 4 decades into the past?
I'd say it was planned much earlier.
And every woman says that she doesn't care about money becasue that is what she is supposed to say.
If they didn't want North Africans in France, they shoulda stayed at home. Fucking try to keep me out of Great Britain.
Came here to post something like that
A nation once more
Yes and maybe even more.
I d say, 20 % of maghrebins
You wish.
maybe in the elder generations
in mine, and in the newborn, it would be more accurate that there is at least 30% of arabs and 10% of blacks
Barby is a happa
In the video it states that the french are still Catholic culturally is this true?
I do think that race mixing is important, as well as integration
If they want to come,nothing should stop them as long as they learn the culture and way of life.
Those who come to make france bend itself to them should go back to wherever they come from
Wew France's overpopulation problem is worse than I thought
yeah i don't thinks it's quite right
Race mixing is good, but not with North Africans or Arabs. The immigrants are usually cowards and oppurtunist migrants, who play no part in the country. What's more is that the genetically inferior from both sides will breed with each other, creating failures that have no competitive edge in the edge.
*in the country
I wonder who has a better idea of the french population, me or a fat American?
t. jerome
What did Kek mean by this?
It's a big country.
>5% Black
According to the French football team it's 90%+
Yes France still adheres to Catholic tradition. Although Christmas is very controversial
Stupid german berrypicker!
No see bigger picture!
Only has head up own ass in search of more berry!!
When no have baby
You get monkeys instead!
Me warn you
Have baby or have monkey german!
>for muhammad
it's 60% whites 40% others but very concentrate in somes territory.
but 2 babies on 3 are sandnigger/niggers so the dynamic against us.
exactely like usa, UK, Germany.
Start having white baby!
Many white baby!
Crash the very welfare they use against you!
Get whole family on subsidize berry picking!
Will do better, will be stronger!
They never can compete!
When welfare gone
Monkey DIES.
we know how to get rid of Untermenschen even if there are 6 million of them
You lie to self and others!
Have white man moral agency!
Will never go out and kill!
Only real hope to outnumber!
Out breed!
I visited the south of France and about half of young people were black or north African.
the next president will cut welfare, but neither "having white baby or "welfare gone" will crush the dynamic.
Sorry, nobody wants the war but this is the only solution, and this is the same for the usa.
Cut welfare not enough!
Will only stagnate when outnumbering you!
By then you are too late if no have baby!
You will be paying out of berry for niggers!
Nigger enjoy free berry from white man
White man always work!
Have moral agency!
White man too much to lose to go above replacement rate if middle class
Can't afford family!
Small weak family as result!
Fooled into welcoming niggers and tolerant of niggers!
Man who eat red berry and see all but not pass this down only help others!
Nigger out number! Have more baby! White man never breed!
Lose space ships!
me only try to warn you
Jew fears strong big family most
Big strong family learn to hunt many mammoth
self sufficient!
Nigger never learns to do this!
Only receive berry!
You are falling for jew trick!
Never have baby?
Here goy have monkey!
Baby keep out monkey!
>Race mixing is good, but not with North Africans or Arabs.
I'm sick of white and potencially hot girls in fucking hijabs cuz muh muslim husband.
I can't even tell if they're hot because of stupid religious rules.
8.3% of the French population will be Muslim in 2020.
They are 7.5% today.
>Hot girls with Muslims husbands.
I always have to remind myself that a lot of Sup Forums is lower class trash. These girls would be with retards, Muslims or no Muslims.
>Although Christmas is very controversial
The fuck are you talking about, dumb burger poster?
i told you, have baby is good for us and ok, but we can't avoid the war.
I'd rather see those girls with a rich white retard groping her ass in public than in hijab with 5+ kids spreading islam
Stop using this stupid picture from Fdesouche. It shows the number of young strangers or from non-french origins affected by the illness, not the number of young french people affected by it.
Have many baby
If thing ever get bad you out number monkey
Out skill monkey
No end up like foolish race mixer Haiti
Race mixing waste time! only create more number for other tribe
Only have white baby
Man and monkey never make man only more monkey never forget
spread only strong neanderthal
Make many space ships!
Soar like eagle!
French are atheists and catholic for the most part. The culture is entirely catholic, though.
delet this!
You can however have an estimate based on immagration numbers and diseases that only factor in certain population
Pour qu’un nourisson soit testé, il faut, toujours selon l’InVS, que:
- Soit les deux parents proviennent d’une région à risque,
- Soit qu’un seul des deux en proviennent si on ne connaît pas le second,
- Soit qu’il existe des antécédents de syndrome drépanocytaire majeur dans la famille,
- Soit qu’il existe un doute sur les trois critères précédents.
Merci d'éviter de poster ce document sans savoir de quoi il parle, à l'avenir. Vous passez pour des attardés Fdesouchiens qui ne vérifient pas leurs sources. Suicide.
For an infant to be tested, according to InVS you need to have either :
-Two parents coming from shitskinland
-One parent coming from shitskinland if you don't know the origins of the second
-Antecedents in the family
-A doubt on the subsequent criteria
My english is shit but it should be understandable.
My problem is here, some of them are more inteligent than an average monkey
And I'd be happy to share my country with these people
The issue is with those who think it was fine where they come from and act here just like they would have acted there
not all north african people are muslimes, user.
The first graphic count old people, not the second one.
Thats more than 100%… haha
Doe not matter
ALL monkey!