Men need to go

When will Sup Forums take the final redpill?

Eugenics will involve a severe reduction in the male population. This has already been partly achieved by abortion. In the future male population will only be 5-10℅ of the total population. There will be less crime, war and violence, and they will have unlimited sexual value, and be encouraged to be masculine. Through eugenics the remaining men will be super alpha Chad's with no need to complete against each other.

The current demographic reality is the real reason why men are becoming feminised. It is in societies best interest to have more feminine men, or in other words, less men.

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Am I wrong? I know this redpill is particularly hard to swallow

Welp, I guess it's back to the stone age.


It's going to be women who become obsolete as technology makes artificial wombs viable and takes them out of the reproductive process. That plus allowing genetic engineering and designer babies to remove hereditary illness and choose the gender of children means women are going to get absolutely BTFO in the future. Biological women would only be kept around in a small number as a hard backup should artificial wombs ever fail or for people with niche interest in them over AI and sexbots.

The future is going to be all male, not as OP predicts. The world will have more order, less chaos, less socially-driven ideologies and greater progress than ever before.

Someone going to post that Survivor analog with the men doing great and the women sunbathing all day and not even building fucking shelter?

Machines will much more swiftly replace labor/physical roles than the reproductive/sexual role of a woman. 5-10℅ of genetically enhanced men is more than enough to continue the work our best and brightest do today. 95℅ of men are useless

You mean women need to go and be replaced with traps

They did something like that here dumping 12 men and 12 women on separate islands and it was just top fucking kek.

The men's island struggled a bit until everyones roles were established, egos put in line and shit got organised then started to run well by the time the period was up. The womens island on the other hand went to shit, they split up and got lost, failed to establish a base camp, failed to find a reliable food sources, people started suffering from starvation and dehydration and the group fell apart with bitching and plotting against each other. Funniest part was one of them having a meltdown because she wanted to keep this wild pig as a pet when the group was starving and needed food, they went over her head and ate it, she lost her shit about muh cute pig. Eventually the production team had to intervene to deliver emergency supplies and evacuate several members of the group because things had gone to shit so badly.

lol you need to stop that meme that if women ran things there would be less wars, crimes etc. someone did research on matriarchal societies and found they were more likely to start wars than patriarchal ones by 30%. Women can’t do shit on their own when did you see successful women only company?

and most important point, women take more in guberment gibs than they pay back. whole women only model is unsustainable

eugenics leads to super harem anime\manga ?


I feel bad for laughing at that webm but I can't help it.

They are like adorable children.

Leaf still in denial that women can't even come close to how good man are. The final redpill is that women are good for one thing only: breeding.

To be fair, its a great way to separate real gems from trash.

And I guess this will start with the massive holocaust of white men, before they realize "oh wait that was a bad idea, good thing we still have men of every other color."

Sorry leaf, in India has the most aborted females in the world. Its so high, the govt may intervene.

no competition will make men fat lazy slobs getting milked for semen. Our Civilization only exists because men want to be the alpha and beat other men.

>Am I wrong?
Yes and a leaf.

You forget that only leftist fucks are into eugenics so there will perhaps be less leftist men.

What is it you think 95% of women are out doing?
>Spoiler Alert
Its nothing
Not working
Not reproducing
Not being a productive memeber of society
Its basically a pick and pull of any combo but id say 95% of them are doing fucking nothinf compared to what men are doing everyday.
I mean we've advancedd thisnfar and women regularly adorne themselves with jewelry and put colors on their faces to attract mates still . Women are a meme.

I think it exists because a small fraction of the population in every generation transcended their chimpanzee natures and managed to build some kind of greater technology

10/10 would make Aryan babies with that chick

>Shilling the destruction of your own gender

At least you're happy?

most women occupy roles that would be replaced by machines as well
what you're proposing is replacing men with machines

why not replace all the women with machines as well?

>baiting this hard

This. If all working women just fucking stop whatever they do right now this very moment, society will still function just fine. Maybe two days of pause to find babysitters in kinder garten or something, but in general we will be just fine.

>implying beta males will go quietly into the night