>catholics asking for gibs
How unexpected.
The Fendippitous Eggmen are returning soon.
Why are mexicans always begging for something?
Should have sang a cool island song.
Let me know when he says the same about Mexico's immigration policies towards Guatemalans
how pathetic is your community when your leaders pray for god not to bless it with prosperity, but with gibs-me-dat?
Why can't immigrants just fuck off?
Catholics... the OG cucks.
I think it's time to cleanse the church of satan's agents, starting with his unholy cuckedness.
De que hablas?
There's no wall on Mexico's southern border ffs.
We dont a plan to build a wall in the Guatemalan border.
see thats the kinda fagotry that got trump elected. you only pray to god you beaner nigger faggot kike
praying to any other is asking to get F'd in the A. this is why they will turn your people into dog food and fed to dogs who are about to be put down in animal shelters
Are you sure, tyrone?
>praying to mary
lmao good luck bud
Jimmy Morales is going to help build Trump's wall.
>Jimmy Morales
you are a joke, provincia resentida hahahahahha
What would happen if we could border Mexico with walls so nobody gets in or out?
Mejor dediquense a bajar la tasa de homicidios y la pobreza extrema que tienen.
>That fucking israeli flag
Fuck you kike, you hate Christ's Church for a reason. Also fucking neopol falling for a Jewish bait just for hating Mexico.
The Fendippitous Eggmen are returning soon.
>mexican cardinals
How does the pope's cock taste?
Have you adopted a pet Muslim yet? The pope says it's the Christian thing to do.
An American calling anyone a Jewish tool. Your inbred Protescuck nation was built by Jewry. Your dirty redneck nationalism is just judaism for Anglos.
Keep sucking that old israeli cock, perfidious anglo.
Well obviously migrating from Mexico isn't going to remain legal, now is it?
Damn, this "Mexico forces the bad illegal immigrants into our country" meme that Trump always talked about is actually true.
Protestantism made the New World great. Popery in the New World led to ugly brown third-world shitholes full of smelly, lazy, subhuman mixed race abominations with double digit IQ.
Not the dumbest liberal plan, I've seen, not by a long shot. Actually, just asking nicely and being reasonable is a pretty solid strategem.
>Mexican warlocks
>Mexican intellectuals
>Mexican priests
W-when the majority of these states are populated by mexican-americans w-will you stop bullying us for being chicanos?
>your country is so incredibly shitty that your religious leaders are praying that the leader of your neighbor will let your people in
That cardinal is one of the worst persons in mexico, he's corrupt, he covered pedophiles and most probably he's one, and has links with the narcos
I wish that hell is real and that guy rottens there forever
Really? Do you have articles?
Like everything else in Mexico, all funded by cartel drug money.
Why do they all want to come here so badly? "good" people leaving for USA just just making Mexico more and more fucked up. They should all have to go back and fix their own country.
>Catholics worshipping Mary
No surprises here
This. Catholicucks amirite
Only in Spanish but you can search for
Norberto Rivera (the Cardinal in the op) and Marcial Maciel, he covered and defended a pedophile ring inside the church, and others priest like Nicolas anguilar
He sold the copyrights of Virgen de Guadalupe
He helped to fire a priest, so the president of Mexico could marry again in a Church
>insist they are Christian; worship one almighty God
>here we see a cardinal praying to Mary
How do Roman Catholics even justify this?
Rroman Catholics aren't real Christians.
And besides, why the hell do Beaners pratice this religion anyways. The Spanish aren't around to make sure they are following their Islamifi....um i mean, totally unaltered form of Christianity. Either way, the Pacos should go back to their country and stay.
>mexican cardinals
>Mexican intellectual warlocks
Well it aint going to work because you pray to god and only god. Catholics havent had god on their side since a very long time ago, no wonder all catholic majority counties are shit.
>praying to Mary
I'm no religionist but I'm pretty sure you're not supposed to do that
Wait, so a Mexican Cardinal is trying to get Mexicans out of Mexico? What's his endgame?
They don't need one because mexicans actually enforce their border protection policies
>God hardens Trump's heart on immigration like the Pharaoh before the Jewish exodus from Egypt
>sends plagues of frogs and disease and death to Mexico
>after 40 days of plagues Trump's wall is finished and has Trump's names in big beautiful letters above it
>mistaken for arab
you have to go back
catholics aren't supposed to read the bible
But then that pesky Luther came along
Why didn't he tell Mexicans not to violate American law?
>Prays to Mary
>Expecting an answer
False idols and shit. Didn't these guys actually read the Holy Bible?
not true
t. catholic
>Didn't these guys actually read the Holy Bible?
no there was a reason why would not let their congregation read the bible
>i non-ironically believe the church is the same as it was 400 years ago
>he doesn't know what intercession is
How would Jesus feel about you calling his mom a 'false idol' just because people pray to Jesus through Mary? Keyword: THROUGH
What makes you think Mary's soul isn't lying dormant in Sheol with the rest of the dead?
Bible says we aren't resurrected until the final Judgment.
You guys deified her, in classic pagan tradition.
Glad I know which denomination of the church that I'm NOT converting to