Why did Hitler consider Slavs subhuman?
Why did Hitler consider Slavs subhuman?
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Because they let their country be taken over be jewish Bolsheviks
Because we are?
defeat captcha my ass, egg meme poster is a shitcunt.
pls go.
Because he only considered the "Aryan" (read: Germanic) race to be fully human
If Jews aim to degenerate and destroy a country, then why was the Soviet Union so powerful that it had an economy capable of defeating Germany? If the USSR really was degenerate and the German race really was superior, the USSR would of collapsed immediately after the German invasion. But it didn't. Why?
pretty true desu but we are not any better so..
That's patently false. He never said this.
>then why was the Soviet Union so powerful that it had an economy capable of defeating Germany?
It didn't. It was pumped with money and resources from the UK and the US as soon as Germany declared war
>irish who believes in anglo propaganda
can you get cucked even more?
bix nood
where the white women at
Yes he did. Read mein kampf and zeeites buch autist
He didnt. There was history user some while back where he went on at length about this being commie propaganda to turn them against nsdap/hitler.
>defeat captcha my ass, egg meme poster is a shitcunt.
>pls go.
What the fuck is up with the egg posting faggots anyway? What kind of a stupid meme is it?
Because germans are slavs in denial...
thats literally the truth what are you even trying to say you slimey bolshevik sympathizer
prob some get
who even cares anyway, it bumps new threads
>Soviets get BTFO by fucking Finns a year prior
>somehow able to single handedly take down the greatest army in Europe at the time
>Georgia cucking for Russia
>why was the Soviet Union so powerful
Lend lease.
He never did think slavs were subhuman, Reminder that when the Germans invaded the Soviet Union they were seen as liberators to many civilians.
the war with finland was possibly lost by the soviets to make themselves look weaker
Technically the French had the best army. At least in terms of equipment and vehicles.
>>Soviets get BTFO by fucking Finns
Um, we still got land we took from them in that war. Where did this meme of lost winter war came from?
yes, because the soviet civilians were well informed on what hitler said
Is it true that the Nazis considered Slaves as even less than Jews?
It comes from the fact that the Soviets had prepared for a full occupation of Finland and set up a puppet government for this purpose. That a country as powerful as the USSR was not able to conquer Finland and only gain a couple provinces is what makes it a loss
>the French had the best army
American education strikes again.
The Germans cut through France like a hot knife through butter. The French hadn't modernised their army since WW1
Because he was a crypto-jew all along. He made the war, so a lot of white people could die, also so that in the future anyone that was nationalist or right wing could be called fascist, or a LITERAL HITLER and immediately dismiss their ideas and let leftists implant multiculturalism and "diversity".
He wanted to liberate Russia from the jewish bolsheviks.
I think this is the video where he meets the Bulgarian king.
By that logic any war that did not end in annihilation and complete genocide can be declared a loss.
>go to a bar
>start hitting on all the girls in order of attractiveness
>end up banging a 400lb 6'5 tranny
t-that's a win, right?
checked for Truth
What on Earth are you talking about?
>Soviets invade with specific war goals
>Couldn't reach said goals
Not hard to understand
Except that this is completely untrue, the vast majority of Soviet war materiel was produced in-country by Soviet factories by Soviet workers.
Also you're talking about a country that took millions of casualties, fought hundreds (thousands?) of battles and eventually destroyed and occupied Germany, if the whole meme of "Jews degenerate and destroy countries" was true, then the USSR would of collapsed within a few months of Operation Barbarossa, instead they kept fighting heroically, and this is well before Britain and the US began shipping materiel and aid.
I mean if the Jewish degeneracy meme was true, then Stalin's 5-year plans, which effectively turned a feudal backwater into an industrial world power in a decade, would of failed.
to this day we don't know if he was killed by hitler or by the soviets
So if UK invades, takes Dublin but stops there, you still win?
So this is how 20mil dead noncombatants happened? It looks like Kraut was most successful and formidable """""liberator""""" all along, and not a Russian as people think.
>I mean if the Jewish degeneracy meme was true, then Stalin's 5-year plans, which effectively turned a feudal backwater into an industrial world power in a decade, would of failed.
Please tell me how well the USSR is doing today.
Because he needed a justification for eastward expansion and massive exploitation of Slavs.
Not true, Jews (and Gypsies) were considered the lesser ones, destined for immediate removal, while Slavs were supposed to be kept as subservient, enslaved population. During the occupation of Poland Jews were initially moved to the designated ghettos, while Slavs mostly retained freedom of movement except for "Germans only" areas. Nazis still considered us subhuman, but immediate extermination was seen as unfeasible and wasteful.
The Finns utililized their knowledge of terrain and weather on their home turf as effective force multipliers, also they had high morale because they were defending their homes.
Also Finland was being pumped with loads of war materiel and volunteers from Germany, Sweden, the UK etc.
Only their air force was outdated. The French had superior armor at the start of WWII.Their main problem was that their generals were complete retards.
If you're not German, you're a sort of subhuman, albeit if you live to the west of Germany you're more human like. Dems the rules. Don't let the stormniggers tell you otherwise, just like the useful idiots who joined the ss, all you'll become is a bulletcatcher.
Beats being a british colony.
And where is Nazi Germany? Thousand year Reich barely lasted 10.
The Fendippitous Eggmen are returning soon.
this. stormfags need to accept the truth
>why was the Soviet Union so powerful that it had an economy capable of defeating Germany
This is bullshit.
The USSR would have collapsed if massive US support had not flowed into it.
Aside from the fact the USSR nearly did collapse until the US material started arriving.
> pole
> shilling for Germans
The definition of a cuck.
>Why did Adolf "Islam for Europe" Hitler consider slavs subhuman?
> hitler wuz good goy
> just like Mussolini
Kys Germaboo.
>Germany was later taken over by Bolshevik and capitalist Jews.
Really makes you think.
Usually works.
His father was slav and he beat his mother
>what is lend lease act
>what is Italian/Western Front
Sure the lots of grunts were killed in eastern in fact about 80%, but overall amount of raw firearms and resources were spent defending Italy and Vichy were significant and by the end of the war more than the Eastern.
Only reason Hitler failed in the USSR was because he didn't listen to Von Bock and Guderian though, Russia would have capitulated before 42 otherwise.
If Britain sailed over with the intention of conquering the whole country but could only capture Dublin I'd consider that a pretty good victory for the Irish people
Read at least the wikipedia article on the Bolshevist revolution - they hijacked the republican February revolution, using the only single moment when bolshevik interests and the interests of russian masses met.
Also read about the white movement during the civil war - russians fought back, all the tzarist military was leading this movement, but they lost because they only knew how to fight foreign powers but not how to fight in a civil war
> seen as liberators
You would see them as liberators the first week too if you got starved for 10 years. However after a week the honeymoon was over for good. Typical stormcuck lie.
>italian front xDDDDD
Clearly jealousy
Not slavs in general, the bolshevick trogdolytes that came after 1917 is who he meant.
Didn't mean to imply I agree with Hitler friend. I was just saying the reason why Hitler hated the slavs as outlined in Mein Kampf. I know fully well about the resistance to the Bolsheviks
I see. Sounds like ukranian being proud they only lost Crimea. I can live being a loser then, may our enemies be victorious always.
What are you on about?
They had no tanks. They were using musketeers on horseback in some cases against German heavy infrantry and tanks.
Holy shit aren't you ashamed of being such a American/British shill when your own country was raped for centuries by the Anglos?
And as I pointed out before, the vast majority of war materiel was produced in the Soviet Union, not imported. Their were no Soviet divisions using Shermans or flying American aircraft, it was mostly raw materiels.
Also you keep avoiding the fact that your "Jewish degeneracy" meme has been proven wrong. If Jews destroy and degenerate countries then why was the USSR able to sustain millions of casualties without collapsing? Why were they able to advance to the point that they put the first man in space or develop nuclear weapons and intercontinental missiles? In b4 "herp derp they stole it", you need to have a huge industrial and scientific base to create these things retard, even if you get some knowledge from outside.
Ahmed - the Germans had shitty equipment throughout the war. All they had were surprise tactics that worked two or three times, until the enemy commander would figure them out. After the allies figured out how to counter those tactics, the Germs lost every fight.
Yeah, because occupied Poland was full of Bolsheviks, there wasn't any right wing government persecuting leftists before the war or anything.
He also wanted to liberate Russia from the Russians. A true freedom fighter this guy.
That's a normal day in Sweden.
So in the Russian view being able to halt the advance of a major power with 10x your population still counts as a lose because they gain some minor territory
Also why are you bringing up Ukraine? It is completely irrelevant to the discussion and has zero paralels
Lol, the vast majority of Germany's best cadres, their most elite experienced men died on the Eastern Front. The Western Front was boys and old men, sure they were well equipped but they didn't know how to effectively use their weapons and surrendered easily.
>Also you keep avoiding the fact that your "Jewish degeneracy" meme has been proven wrong. If Jews destroy and degenerate countries then why was the USSR able to sustain millions of casualties without collapsing? Why were they able to advance to the point that they put the first man in space or develop nuclear weapons and intercontinental missiles? In b4 "herp derp they stole it", you need to have a huge industrial and scientific base to create these things retard, even if you get some knowledge from outside.
Devil's advocate here, a popular stormfag theory is that Stalin removed most Jews from power and in fact he did purge many Jewish officials and activists, that could be considered an explanation - Stalinism wasn't Jewish anymore, thus Soviet successes.
>And where is Nazi Germany
Buried under millions and millions of bodies of 3 superpowers.
And how did the USSR go out? Withered away by it's own inability to govern.
Even to the end of the war majority of german supplies were delivered by horse carts, their tanks and weapons were known to be outright broken (they picked up enemy weapons all the time), they also couldnt handle resistance at all.
>by exterminating or enslaving them so the land could be colonizing by German settlers
over 1 million German operatives, that's 20% of the German army on that front alone
You do realize why Bagration was even possible and successful was entirely because the German front couldn't be maintained because resources were being drained
Of course you don't because you're a stupid slav
Most of Russia wasn't part of the lebensraum only the nice parts.
Char B1 was superior to the tanks the Germans fielded at the time and they had to resort to artillery to take them out. France had the largest and best equipped military in Europe but the generals were all retards using outdated doctrines just like in WWI.
>it had an economy capable of defeating Germany?
A 20 year head-start and seemingly limitless manpower helps.
Also they had the world's second best navy.
Aren't you ignoring the fact that Russia was virtually destroyed during the Civil War?
Notice how you left out the "at least in terms of equipment and vehicles" in your green text? Did you just ignore that to make an intellectually dishonest point, or is your attention span so lacking that you couldn't be bothered to read more than 6 words into his post?
>so heavy they couldn't keep pace with infantry
>irish cucking for Anglos is even worse.
at least georgians were in both ruling elites of Russian empire and soviet union
Well not just the fact their logistics sucked and got roughed up by "liberated" partisans, the Luftwaffe was incapable of anything other than Blitzkrieg. Faced with an equal force and without the surprise element they folded immediately.
Have you niggers even read history before, German tactics/strategy were head over shoulders better than allies from start to end. There's a reason why the Germans even had a chance to win the war from start to finish it was because men like Manstein, Kesselring, Guderian, Von Bock, and Model. These 4 basically wrote every modern strategy used in millitary school today. The only commanders that could even match their brilliance was Rokossovsky. The only reason we stood a chance in the war was the reasons you stated, we had a better supply line/supplies and so much more manpower
That was over 20 years after the Russian civil war, at the beginning of ww2 they had by far the biggest air force albeit a bit underdeveloped, the largest tank arsenal, and a good land force. There really wasn't any weakness in the red army except its chain of command.
That's where the unlimited manpower comes in handy. The purge of experienced officers was compensated by wasting lots of people.
>we wuz tsars and commissars and shit
>head over shoulders better than allies from start to end
Hitler's gamble aren't what I call strategy.
He didn't, not at all. He later didn't like that they wanted to have a big share in power and wanted the Germans to rule by themselves, so he developed an animosity.
He was ok with Russia at the start and had Bulgaria (at that time an actually ok power for the Balkans) on his side.
say that again Goy
Germany did wipe the floor with the Russians and it would of been worse if they were just fighting the Russians. Ultimately the destabilizing the of the Middle East at the end of WWI is probably the reason Germany lost the war because they just got out Manned and out Economied. If the Germans would of had their ally the Ottomans the Russians could of never fought the way they did.
I'm sorry, are you really claiming the USSR died a pathetic death?
We have been and are still experiencing the tremors from its death and they are shaping world geopolitics.
Please don't comment on subjects that go over your head.
Hitler respected Slavs at the end of the WW2.
''Die Slawen haben uns besiegt. Sie haben unser Land, unsere Nation, unsere Ideologie zerschlagen...
Das bedeutet sie sind eine arische Rasse und sie werden diese Welt in die Knie zwingen... "
''The Slavs have defeated us. They have smashed our land, our nation, our ideology...
This signifies them are an aryan race and they will force this world in the knees...''
-Speech in Berlin, 1945
He believed Slavs never used their full potential instead let other nations such as Jews manipulate them.
Also most of German heavy materiel (especially tanks) suffered from being too complex from an engineering standpoint, making them too expensive to mass produce and prone to mechanical problems.
There was a German tank used in the battle of Kursk which was too heavy and suffered most casualties from breaking down.
nope. the vast majority of Soviet war materiel was produced in-country by Soviet factories by Soviet workers.