Trump isn't draining any swamp


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Don't worry, Sup Forums will defend this.


Just out of curiousity, who could Trump have possibly appointed for his cabinet that liberals would have been happy about? Seems to me that every single republican, CEO or person who doesn't give a shit about climate change is "the swamp", which is obviously not what Trump meant.

Do you liberals even realize that you lost? Trump obviuosly isn't going to appoint people you would have wanted.

>who could Trump have possibly appointed for his cabinet that liberals would have been happy about?

He's a Republican billionaire oligrach. Any of his picks are fucking shit tier. His picks consist of billionaires, oligarchs, keltocratic, generals, and petro advocates who are LITERALLY advocating the extermination of the human race. This isn't a fucking "LE EBIC MEME GREEN FROG" shit anymore. This is about the survival of the human fucking race.

>leftists get angry when Trump doesn't appoint who they wanted

It's my swamp now



This shit again

Swamp = Career politicians


Swamp is the establishment. Trump said that he wants to get rid of big lobbyists in the government. In turn, he ended up placing neocons in foreign affairs, big lobbyists into the economy and lunatics in all other spheres.
I do not think that this is how draining works.

>Trumpcucks completely flipflops and because big daddy trump did it and he knows whats best

>Swamp = Career politicians


Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.

One can only hope

>Let's replace puppet politicians with the ones that are normally controlling them

Come on user, you know Goldman Sachs and Exxon have America's interests at heart.


News flash fucktard - fake refugees are a massive fucking problem too and they give even less of a fuck about the environment. Hillary is fine with them. The human race will deserve to be rekt by global warming if the majority are mudslimes anyway.

>yfw he drained his balls in OP's mom

Refugees are not a problem for the USA. Go take a look at the statistics.

>fake refugees are a massive fucking problem too

>anywhere near as bad as fucking climate change

Survival of the human race vs having to live next to a Syrian family. Hmmm I have to think about that.

>Refugees are not a problem for the USA.

This, literally like a 1,000 refugees in the USA. I don't give a fuck.

Must've been ol' Shillary's fault. She made Drumpf appoint all those shitty picks. Face it, there's no one left to shift blame onto, time to own up to the fact Trump conned america

How does this liberal logic work? According to you people, Trump appointed "the swamp", as in, the people who you admit were already in control the whole time. Why the fuck would that suddenly become an end-time scenario? If it is indeed the swamp, then it's the same people who are controlling Obama and would have controlled Hillary.

Climate change literally has zero affect on my life and it won't have any in the foreseeable future.

Forgetting Trump plays 10D Dominoes.

Remember to stay safe everyone.

>If it is indeed the swamp, then it's the same people who are controlling Obama and would have controlled Hillary.

Yeah because Hillary would have been crazy enough to appoint an EXXON CEO AS HEAD OF STATE! Along with taking us out of Paris agreement along with Trump being the only head of state to deny the science of climate change. Trump's cabinet is literally just whatever the interests of oil companies are. How the fuck is this good for anyone? You are literally gonna get fucked over by this as well buddy. When Europe is a desert and the oceans have swept most major cities you will be rejecting this.

Literally anyone who isn't connected to multibillion dollar companies, neocons, or white nationalists. There's no one in his cabinet who fits this.

>Climate change literally has zero affect on my life and it won't have any in the foreseeable future.

90% of the air is toxic. But but this has no impact our lives!

If you think that go stick your mouth in a car exhaust pipe.

Yeah. No liberals are mentioning that John Kerry ' wife owns Hein ketchup with like 700m assets

Wait how does hating the human race mean he isn't draining the swamp. Sounds like a policy disagreement and not a swamp drainery argument.

Appointing people liberals hate doesn't mean he broke promises lmao. Actually, prolly means he kept em

This is not end-time scenario. This is massive hypocrisy and definitely a bad situation for the whole world.
Big oil + neocons in foreign affairs might mean another war in the Middle East. Many people in Trump administration argue for a regime change in Iran. Trump himself stated that he would like to take the oil from Iraq. ExxonMobil guy as a Secretary of State makes this very possible.

Of course he ain't. I don't understand why you niggers keep believing politicians. Fucking morons.

Lets get drumpf banned from twitter!


Whatever you say, Patton. Say, how's that daughter of yours who I'm foolishly assuming you know still exists?

>Yeah because Hillary would have been crazy enough to appoint an EXXON CEO AS HEAD OF STATE

No, she would have just taken money from him and done his bidding in secret. Just like how she did with the keystone pipeline.

>When Europe is a desert and the oceans have swept most major cities you will be rejecting this.

Yeah, sure. And you have the audacity to call right wingers conspiracy theorists and tinfoil hats. You climate change nuts are the biggest loonies I've ever seen. You are the equivalent of crazy homeless people shouting the end of days is coming.

>90% of the air is toxic
Better replace the battery in your carbon monoxide detector!

>"lets put this billionaire in charge of the economy, surely he will be working for the middle class! After all he only started his life with a small loan of 500million"

trumpcucks just fucking kill yourself already

>Many people in Trump administration argue for a regime change in Iran.

And just like GWB who didn't win legitimately, but stole the election via the electoral college, will become a war president by invading another middle eastern country to gain access to oil. Iran is 100% gonna be invaded in 1 to 2 years from now. And I will shove it in trumpfags faces when it does.

The swamp isn't every single politician you retard, there'd be nobody left to run the country.

And yet the people of today are living longer than the people 50-100 years ago.

>Muh Climate Change
lmaoing @ ur life

Cmon guys don't you know that in 2 million years 1/2 an inch of the polar icecaps will melt. Don't sit there and tell me you don't care about this planet

Shouldn't you be happy about that though? He'd be doing exactly what Hillary was planning to do.

I'm not giving you that satisfaction.

Realistically, what do you guys think these crooks plan to do? My best guess is that they're gonna ramp up surveillance domestically and abroad, maybe cause a few eco disasters, and allow the internet in the US to get fucked up, but that's about it

Supposedly trump wants to run for a 2nd term so if any scamming, pillaging, or anything like that takes place the Americans have to realize about it at least 5 years into his term(s)

>And yet the people of today are living longer than the people 50-100 years ago.

Americans life expediency has declined over the current years and we've seen and explosion of cancer and breathing problems. Things are very fucking shitty.

GWB invaded Iran
Obama invaded Iraq and Syria

>He'd be doing exactly what Hillary was planning to do.


Holy shit you're right!

>GWB invaded Iran


Gawd, two million years from now Florida will be underwater. Shame on you guys! Florida saved the world from nuclear winter!

Who here /hype/?

you do realize that wont happen in your lifetime, or your childrens lifetime? chill out man. we wont see it, dont worry about it.

i actually like his picks. they represent everything the left is not.

That's because you and many other nations have become morbidly obese and eat and drink all this proccessed sugary shit. but I'm sure that's somehow Trump's fault too I guess.


This is now an info thread.

care to explain?

>it's a "Liberals accuse Trump of back-pedalling on things he never said he would do" episode

sure do.

>he never said he would do"

Trump's closing ad sounds anti-wall street populist ...

he said he wouldn't try to jail Hillary, free washington from wallsteet lobbyists etc?

it would be no different. Hillary would of appointed middle men who bootlick lobby to their overlords. Trump just cut out the lobby part.

What will you say when net neutrality is gone and you have to pay to browse sites like Sup Forums?

NatSoc Trump voter here and I feel conned over how many Zionist kikes he's appointed. Didn't drain the only swamp that mattered. But hey, instead of career politicians fucking the country up for corporate Jewish banker interests behind the scenes we get to watch them do it openly.

>NatSoc Trump voter here and I feel conned over how many Zionist kikes he's appointed.

Why are you shocked? Did you watch his AIPAC speech?

What did you expect? his daughter is converted to judaism and his grandchildren are jewish

Look Mom I posted it again!!

I was as delusional as it sounds, hoping it was all a sham to play the right cards before fucking the kikes over at their own game.

I guess we'll (probably) get to keep our guns for 8 more years but that's the only positive thing I can say about Trump at the moment.


>Mountain Man
considering how often I still see this, it must've made a comeback

I think the current iteration is a hybrid.