I can't believe this. How are you guys still defending this guy after he personally sat at his PC and interfered with another sovereign nations elections by hacking it?
I can't believe this. How are you guys still defending this guy after he personally sat at his PC and interfered with another sovereign nations elections by hacking it?
Other urls found in this thread:
This is comedy, not news. Just when you think it can't get any more absurd, they make up some new shit.
Yes sure, the Russian President sits in his underwear all day "hacking" what exactly?
dude pls gimme a break
Leaked KGB photo of Putim persennelly hacking America
I was there with him too. I clearly remember because when he was done with hacking we watched some anime together after that. good times.
What anime does Putin-sama like senpaitachi ?
>fake news
Everyone has it wrong
pic related is behind everything
lets just use the "fake news" meme against them
Video girl KGB
Putin is a >hax0r
Lmao. People actually believe this? It's like the media basically calling you a fucking idiot, expecting people to buy that story.
Wait so Putin was the 400 pound hacker known as Sup Forums? The description seems a bit off.
he can't keep getting away with it!
Absolute madman
Complete destruction.
Putin hacked my digits
>there are people on this planet who actually believe this shit
This must be that fake news everyone is warning us about.
Catch him
Fucking russian hackers man, that's why i never go on russian tf2 servers.
Kek, your liberals are exactly like ours. They blame putin for EVERYTING too.
Putin installed keyloggers on every russian PC to run pic related whenever it records someone say "SUKA BLYAT RASH B".
The most advanced DDOS technique known to man.
How is"involved" the same thing as actually doing the hacking? I'm involved in Sup Forums but i didn't create Sup Forums.
They are turning him into a Bond villain. This propaganda is so fucking bad like holy shit
So when are they going to provide the evidence?
He ordered the hacks, and chose what to do with the data obtained.
What do you not get?
>USayyy a sovereign nation.
Not saying it's true but it doesn't say that Putin personally hacked people, it says he was involved. It could be as simple as him overseeing the operation or telling someone "yo hack that shit for me Ivan."
What does evidence look like in this case? A virus with a line of code saying "created by Valdmir Putin 2016"?
He haked they's servers too and stole all evidence!
That's not what OP was implying
will be showcased at the same time as the WMDs recovered from Saddam's arsenals
I don't get how anyone could believe that fake news.
no, our liberasts are far worse
I have a feeling that all these journalists are mistaking (((Russian hacking)) for the notorious hacker known as Sup Forums.
They keep saying the online Trump presence was due to Russia, its Sup Forums.
Just look at the comments here. It's scary. This is like 100X more retarded than Alex Jones, and much more dangerous. I think the globalists just want a war with Russia at this point
Hillary Clinton had Seth Rich MURDERED because he was the true source of the leaked emails and documents.
She and her co-conspirators in the msm and the democratic party are blaming Russia to cover their tracks.
They are engaged in treason and are trying to subvert the will of the American people.
The need to be punished for their crimes and stopped at all costs.
I'd be really interested in finding out if they actually believe any of the shit they are saying or if it's just the usual hunt for a scapegoat and they realized that Sup Forums doesn't work as target
Has Putin made any comments about all this? I'm seeing a whole lot of Putin this Russia that. But not many comments from Russians themselves (aside from on here. )
Also is this "Big news" in russia?
Did he use human skin lampshades to see his keyboard in the dark?
He commented this many times and said that it is stupid shit.
Yep... It's very funny news here.
Putin is playing the liberals
I think it goes exactly as planned by him
It's been going on for a few years now. It's just out of control at the moment. Someone's getting real fucking desperate.
I hope y'all don't think most Americans believe this horseshit.
In the beginning I thing it was a fake news...
Putin personally nigger knocked my door and tp'd my house.
>US Officials
Every normie who does not instantly ask "Why are they being so vague about every aspect of this?" should be ashamed.
god the word 'hack' and media description of cyber security gets me so upset
i really hope this is fake news or top tier comedy i mean COME ON who believes this garbage?
Only the stupid ones who hardly care about politics to begin with.
So the same kind of people that are plaguing every fucking country, having no idea about any political topic at all but yet still demanding the right to participate
Well remember, this is the same media who told us Trump was going to lose in a historical landslide and that the Republicans would be better off running Jeb Bush
Normies wouldn't be normies if they questioned the (((official story))) in any capacity. People who believe this shit are basically programmed bots
>Martial Artist
>Computer Hacker
>Leader of the the largest land mass on the planet
>Holds Trumps leash
So Putin is the 400Ib Russian hacker we've been looking for?
there is more evidence of #pizzagate
Putin is the so called hacker 4chins
I'm Dead. 10/10. I have no excuse for defending him. Guess I'm a cyber criminal now.
There's literally audio of Hillary expressing regret that she didn't rig the Palestinian election.
Have you ever seen Putin and Samoylo Haydov together at the same time ?
normies basically have a mix of not giving a single shit about politics but being told all their life that it's important and they need to exercise their right to vote
so they don't care enough to actually look into it but will gladly gobble up every piece of propaganda because it lessens their guilt over not paying attention to politics, despite being taught how important it is
He's a big guy
Putin is a pretty cool guy.
eh is good with the cyber and doesn't afraid of anything
Literally who?
>basically every single """state actor""" you can imagine that has been detected and investigated by security groups has just done shit like simple baby tier phishing and incursion with off the shelf tools
>the only exceptions come from groups like the one that created Stuxnet, aka LITERALLY THE NSA, and a few chinese groups that made some neat dedicated tools to get into the OPM that one time
>but anyone who breaks into the US government's systems is obviously an elite russian hacker personally trained by putin himself
did these people forget the time NASA got it's shit pushed in by a bunch of dudes using public exploit databases with an initial foothold inside their network purchased from a chinese hacker?
something like 50% of the computers inside the network had "root", "admin", "password" or "1234" as their root passwords iirc. unless you're breaking into the NSA itself the US government is an open book.
>ITT: Russian troll army
More people on this board are on to you than you think, faggots.
You're disgusting.
I am still amazed that they got the mails from Hillary by sending one of her staff members a bitly pishing mail.
And the best thing is, the guy even reacted appropriately. He understood that he is a fucking moron when it comes to tech and thus forwarded the mail from "Google" to their cyber security guy, asking him if everything was fine with it.
And was told that, yes, the email is authentic and he should change his password.
They have fucking billions in funds available and yet their cyber security didn't realize what the bitly link meant.
I fuckin love this. Theres still 0 proofs of that, they still dont know how or what they actually did to sway the election. This is literally fake news.
Its crazy they people dont believe and laugh off the pizzagate but russians hacking offline voting machines and magicly controlling peoples minds to vote for Trump is a reasonable thing?
Your country is so fucked.
seems legit, it's probably completely factual, unbiased, and the truth. I doubt it has anything to do with the authors wanting to influence the election, however ironic that may come off.
What did he hack? What did he do?
Didn't they already conclude that the Russians had no effect on the outcome anyway
>They have fucking billions in funds available and yet their cyber security didn't realize what the bitly link meant.
exactly. the problem is the security staff in the US government.
again, going back to NASA, why the fuck would you have the exact same root password for every linux box on your entire network? at least do something like
>every computer has a sticker on the back with a code on it
>in an area monitored by security, under CCTV coverage, there's a computer with an encrypted copy of the enterprise's root passwords
>if you want to get the root passwords you must use a hardware authentication device (think those keycard things that pop up a number and you have to enter the number in otherwise it doesn't let you in)
>you get 5 minutes to look through
>no phones allowed, no USB sticks allowed, the computer is airgapped from the rest of the network with no wireless tech in it at all
that alone, even if nothing inside NASA's network was changed, would have stopped the hackers in their tracks instantly. but no, we have to be fuckwits here since we're getting paid 100k every year no matter what we do.
the US government should put in a standard exam where you have to break into a test network on your own then write an essay detailing what was wrong with the network and how you could fix it, and make it so anyone who can't pass it on their first try is barred from any government security job for a year.
oh and make head administrators personally liable for any incursions. that'd fix it. but yeah nah if you know how the windows command line works you can get a job there. fuck me.
Obama is a liar. He's shifting blame onto the Russians to avoid responsibility for losing the Democrats so many seats and votes and is the real reason American's voted for Trump. Mr Blameshift strikes again.
> It must be so nice to have a scapegoat, Obama.
That looks like me. It must have been the Brit's then trying to influence the election not Putin. Oh well what a shame we are allies, so that's the end of that, eh USA?
No they got the DNC leaks from the sorce within the DNC staff, Hillary sevrer got hacked by guccifer 2.0 and Podesta email got "hacked" because of the phising email that he responded and gave them the password which btw weeks later still wasnt changed so he got "hacked" again.
I just cant imagine how they didnt have any briefings on how to use email.
But Russians still didnt havck shit tho. They CIA not saying anything They dont even know what (((russians))) did exacly to change the election result.
I love how Russians became that excuse now. Wrong election outcome? Russians.
Alt Right becoming huge? Russians.
Hillary emails leaks? Russians?
Obama sold weapons to rebels that turned around and sold them back to al qaeda associates and ISIS ? Russians
Podesta rapes children? Russians
We goin back to the 80's
In here media are saying that Trump is goin to GIVE OUR COUNTRY to Russians btw.
Reported for posting fake news.
NASA get hacked all the time, historically the JPL have been particularly popular targets. It's a combination of the fact that they need to share a huge amount of data around the world, creating a large attack surface area, and retarded government standards that result in a lot of old software being used because it takes so long to certify it as "secure."
>I love how Russians became that excuse now. Wrong election outcome? Russians.
>Alt Right becoming huge? Russians.
>Hillary emails leaks? Russians?
>Obama sold weapons to rebels that turned around and sold them back to al qaeda associates and ISIS ? Russians
>Podesta rapes children? Russians
You haven't heard the best yet, Germany had """experts""" claiming that Russia is using sleeper agents to incite mass rapes like on NYE and rile the population up against Merkel.
Boku no Pico
yeah i know, i was just bringing up that particular hack since the guys who did it did put a pretty decent amount of info out about it.
what's the british government like in terms of data security? shit? here in australia our taxation office recently lost a PB of data after their SAN fucked up and took their backup system with it.
The thing is, a lot of people do actually believe it...
Hillary, more people know about your British VPN than you think
They're not great, usually they lose confidential data physically via unencrypted DVDs lost in the mail or flash drives left on trains.
Fake news
New York Times tier
wtf now i hate putin
Is that real ? any english sorce?
Thats fuckin hillarious.
The only country that has president with balls, respect and power is being blamed for everything?
I didnt get anything for christmas? fuckin Russians man.
>Putin is now also a master hacker
Is there anything this walking god can't do?
I admit it. I am the Russian hacker known as Sup Forums.
I did it for a basket of Russian Kinder Eggs.
你自己根本没有独立国家。。令你感动了吗?还是,你看不懂正确的简体字。 他妈的香港人
I can only imagine this guy sitting in an extremely comfortable chair next to a coffee table with no less than 6 bottles of Vodka and 2 porn DVD rentals, watching the election results with 6 other drunk russians and laughing their asses off. I'm not seeing anything with a keyboard in the room. Or anyone sober enough to use one.
Oh Jesus thanks for laughs my western brother.
Much love, Keep your dick up.
This is pretty much them saying it's okay for migrants to rape women this year too, and they won't do anything about it. While at the same time excusing migrant sex attacks that will happen in the meantime. Depressing to be honest.