Would you condemn Hamas?
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Every single muslim in western countries is one muslim too many per default. Thus europeans can't overestimate the muslim population.
>Muslim population is even lower than people think, yet Muslims still commit an extremely disproportionate amounts of crime
They didn't really think this one through, did they?
They literally have hordes of dunecoons fighting in the streets, anyone's perception would be skewed by that. Just shows how terrible the ones that are there are.
Yes goy, you're just exaggerating the problem. There's nothing to worry about. It will only be a problem when muslims out number native europeans and by then it will be too late. We will have won.
They never really think this shit through.
they kill civvies, of course i condemn them.
kek, this is the product of unchecked immigration
the EU doesn't think
>provide poll
comes from new zealand user, the guy who lives 40 million miles away from europe and probably doesn't know anything about them.
Sure looks like fucking hordes to me
No they don't, (((they))) make statics that put old european people there.
Smart people know that you shouln't count the people that's gona die in 30 years to know the future of a population and instead they look at kindergartens.
Population statics should only focuse on lower than 5 years old, that way we know the future shape of the nation.
Holy shit can france even be saved at this point? Can they remove these refugees?
Wow apocalypse is right. Looks like it was bombed.
Jesus fuck.
That shit was cleaned up weeks ago.
Yes, the shitty fruit of unchecked immigration
you can't show me a video of a couple of streets and think it'll debunk an actual poll.
Showed this to my sister. She made every leftist excuse possible. That they only act like this because they are oppressed, they're just fighting for a better life not because they are pieces of shit in human form
proofs and what about refugees? Aren't they actual citizens now?
I hate Belgians so much
I didn't claim it debunked the poll, I said seeing that would skew anyone's perspective on the numbers. You're in Africa so I'll forgive your embarrassing reading comprehension.
>The Guardian
>Not fake news
maybe you haven't thought for a moment that, unchecked immigration brought (alot) more than enough people so now they can't house them, so they live homeless in the street?
Do you even think?
>walking around in my small town in a middle of nowhere
>see gangs of muslims everywhere acting as loud and animalistic as ever
Why does the left wing media post these kinds of articles. Is it meant to make people feel better?
Look at the U.S for how demography can change dramatically within a century.
Doesn't take a genius to know that.
>pre-world war
>nations are preparing
>le boogeyman to justify police state
Nothing new under the sun.
Sup Forums just eats that propaganda, line and hook.
Make them take a walk in Berlin, through Kreuzberg, Moabit and the likes.
Or send them to Cologne, to Kalk, to Nippes. to Ehrenfeld.
on 1 german walking there come 5 muzzies, at least.
fuck, are there any french anons left or is France lost?
>a video showing couple of streets/neighborhoods should skew anyone's perspective on numbers
Big cities =/= an entire country
It's not because all the retards live in a capital that the country is overrun with them.
Look at Paris. It's Degenerate Central, and yet most of the countryside is Catholic and pro-FN.
>Every single muslim in western countries is one muslim too many per default.
Not if you make them convert to Judaism. Then it is fine, goyim.
if anything, the guardian is centrist as fuck.
don't kid yourself, just because you think some website is "leftist" doesn't mean you just debunked math and polls.
Christ I didn't say that all of Europe watched this vid and made up their minds from it. Obviously they're dealing with some shit because the perspective is skewed like the poll says. Fuck it's like talking to a retard.
They would rape her if given the chance and she defends them still. Keep trying, user. Don't throw her into the deep end though. Have her watch some low level redpill. Louder with Crowder has been my go-to entry redpill for women.
Let me guess, people put the number of Muslims at around 10% in Britain/France/Gemrnay when the official statistics show there's '''''only''''' around 5%, clearly this shows the people are out of touch with realitly, there being no other possible way that people's observation of the number of Muslims, and the Muslims that were counted in the 2011 census, or equivalent, are so different from each other.
That's because they behave like obnoxious fucks and it makes them stand out.
If someone pulls his pants down for a group photo, you'll notice him first when you're looking at it.
also this if you want to move here, you've got to drop the Gypsy tier tribalism act and that includes religion
It's almost as if making a distorted number of news reporters, journalists, TV stars, panel guests and entertainment acts Muslim for affirmative action gives a distorted view of the world to people.
I'm shocked. Also this is Dec 2016 and they are using 2010/2011 census data. Are they mentally handicapped? Germany alone has taken in over 1% of it's entire population in Muslims this year as refugees, let alone extra births and normal immigration.
>[removing kebab intensifies]
>[and nothing of value was lost]
Cities shouldn't be overrun regardless of them being cities
Niggers should not be the majority in any of the places of a white nation. It makes voting the cancer out a lot more difficult
I didn't say their math or polls were wrong. I agree that the muslim population is probably around 7-8% in France. But what I'm saying is that with current demographic trends that number will grow. The U.S is an example with its hispanic population.
And the guardian are definitely left-to-center.
This, anything else is just cuckery excuse.
>tfw turned my sister from a weed smoking open borders hippie liberal shithead spouting peace and love to a
>immigration isnt working we cant just keep taking them in we need another plan but we should sstill love them peace and happiness hippie liberal shithead
Nearly there boys she'll be Eva Braun by June.
You're right mate, they are 8% of France's population.
However they are 60% of France's prisoners.
Oy vey goyim! So progressive, so tolerant.
Multicultural enrichment in it's full glory.
this is why donald trump did nothing wrong by extremely vetting migrants, unchecked immigrants lead to crisis.
>i change my point in every post and call you a retard
Even 1% of Europe's population is too much
>guardian isnt leftist
> doesn't mean you just debunked math and polls.
>math and polls
right, they've been so trustworthy this far
nice try mohammed
why don't you stay in your third world mudslim shithole and try to fix it, instead of going to europe and live like a parasite
The problem with nationalists is that they only look at religion. YOu ahve to look at every non-white person. And that is where the problem is. France is like 50% white. Just like USA.
i don't hate them because they disagree with me. i hate them because they're often biased or meant to demotivate the counter party
you're telling me there werent a fuckton of ''SCIENTIFIC EXPERT POLLS and RESEARCHES'' with Brexit and Trump?
Stop responding to the shitty troll
>Muslims behave so badly that they are perceived as much more numerous than they actually are
Was this supposed to be pro immigration propaganda?
Big cities are shit in any civilized country mate.
The most natural form of human society is smaller cities.
>why don't you stay in your third world mudslim shithole and try to fix it, instead of going to europe and live like a parasite
yeah, ""polls"" made by amateur websites that Sup Forums takes too seriously
>According to Pew Research, France’s Muslim population actually stood at 7.5%
I thought that kind of research was banned as fuck in France
my bad, reply gone wrong
the reason the migrants are coming is because you're the fucking one trying to bring them in, retards
leftists want migrants in as virtue signalling method and to get them vote.
i know that already, but that scum would not come if they were not completley without honour and if their countrymen were actual hardworking law-abiding citizens which create wealth for their people instead of useless lazy mudshits that just have raping in mind
>if anything, the guardian is centrist as fuck.
You're either a troll or very, very stupid. The Guardian is an avowedly left-wing paper, you ignorant camel-fucker.
>Waaah they are meant to be shit
Stop pursuing this line of argument you frog cunt
Big cities with mostly whites would be great. Paris was good when it was mostly white
>That's because they behave like obnoxious fucks and it makes them stand out.
They say that like it's ok then.
I will not feel better because fewer people than I thought are breaking my country into pieces. They are still fucking it hard.
The fact that they are such a pain in the ass when being far less than one could thought is even worst.
>(((unchecked immigration)))
Can you like go back to your muzzie forums or whatever?
Our perception of reality is removed from how the actual reality is. This is not necessarily a bad thing, on the contrary in most cases.
Cities have always been shit. They actually never have been as good as they are today.
Since the industrial revolution there has always been a really poor percentage of people living in big cities, it used to be the whites, now it's mostly immigrants.
that's cuz they are all concentrated in certain regions and are in average much younger
we usually don't take into account old people, that's why we overestimate their numbers
what we should calculate is the percentage of muslims when the old generation is all dead
Yes and then you look at the population growth and you and up with 25% children being fugee children and it raises. This is also the reason why population growth statistics dont get covered anymore in mainstream news.
Its literally throwing dust in the eyes of idiots until its to late. But politicans or media dont care they will be death when shit hits the fan anyway :|
>Facebook identity genders are a good start but why stop at 56?
Honestly made me kek. What a shit media outlet.
that's not the guardian
their website's theme is blue, not yellow-purple
the guardian also posts news not blogposts like in your picture what the fuck
>but that scum would not come if they were not completley without honour
can't you just like, lynch them please?
works both good for us
>believing the official census numbers
uk govt has no fucking clue how many niggers are in the country
> actual poll
Like the polls of Trump losing?
>Tha jewz
those polls were taken out in states where trump was losing aka california,jew york, etc
>dat "minimal partisan bias"
Shoo dirty muzzie, shoo
isn't that illegal?
>Big cities with mostly whites would be great. Paris was good when it was mostly white
Big cities will always attract immigration.
Paris has always been degenerate.
People on Sup Forums only see Parisian suburbs and special cases like Marseille. They like to believe in memes.
Those places aren't representative of our country.
Real France is the countryside. The countryside is Catholic as fuck and votes FN.
This has got to be a joke. German is supposedly 90%n white yet if you walk literally anywhere it's full of sandnigers. Big cities are full of sandniggers, many cities more so than actual germans. Fuck this propaganda shit
jesus christ, just nuke paris already
>Paris population: 2.244 millions (2010)
>France population: 66.03 millions (2013)
Paris is the most degenerate place in France.
The best advice I could give Sup Forums about us is to stop believing Paris is France.
Clinton has 98.3% chance of winning the election, poll shows.
Fuck off with your polls
Or maybe their studies only shows muslims who attend religion practice? If you consider all africans and ME the number is closer to the perceived one.
Muslims in Europe and the US lives in big cities. They are very concentrated there. People who travel to these cities see this ghettofied areas an population and that why they overestimate the population.
If you dig a bit deeper you can find the exact questionnire they used for the survey and some more data that some might find interesting.
First of all, the 27k conducted interviews are misleading. This is just the total of interviews. Individual countries just had 1000 people being interviewd.
From the Ipsos MORI web page:
>Approximately 1000 individuals aged 16-64 or 18-64 were surveyed in Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Japan, Spain, USA, and approximately 800 individuals aged 18-64 were surveyed Czech Republic, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Serbia. Approximately 500 individuals aged 16-64 or 18-64 were surveyed in the remaining countries.
The next intersting thing is this: Ipsos MORI does not state where the people who were interviewd live (urban or rural) and what they consider a Muslim.
Actual questions from the questionnaire:
>Q3. Out of every 100 people in [country], about how many do you think are Muslim?
>Q4. Now thinking about 2020, out of every 100 people in [country], about how many do you think will be Muslim?
It is generally good, that they also list the sources for all numbers including the numbers they used to compare the perceived percentages with. In case of Germany they used a study conducted by the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees. They claim to have used information from aprox. 17k people but have only interviewed 6k via telephone.
They claim, that the interviews took aprox. 30 minutes.
I won't write my speculations down here. But I am doubting those numbers based on what I found. Of course I have interviewd 0 people and of course I can not give you hard evidence. But then again I am not working for the government like Ipsos MORI or the BAMF here in germany do.
you cant understand OP your not white. when 1 black person moves into your neighborhood as a white man you know its over and you have to move. every one else in the neighborhood is a jigabo coal burner who will have tar babies even the men
when 1 asian gets a job in america you know they have all the jobs
if there are 10 muslims in a country thats a terrorist training hub and they are entirely carrying the middle easts radical islamic training needs
because white people have thin skin and tons of fear. they are the most terrified of every one else. its the only thing that makes them dangerous. black people dont understand that you dont want any one to be that scared all the time. black people think it gives them power
i think we will have to do away with both black people and white people eventually. maybe without black people the whites will calm down but i doubt it
Judge not lest ye be judged.
France. Yes
I've never been any good at these. Is that supposed to be the silhouette of a happy merchant or something?
Rare video of a serbian killing someone
Retarded survey.
All the immigrants live in the major cities. They only poll people in the major cities.
Obviously their perception will be skewed towards what they experience.
wtf happened to you Ireland?
You blew yourselves up fighting the British and now you spread your asscheeks for every 3rd world nigger under the sun.
You were better off when you were a Catholic nation. Now you are pathetic cucks.
Well at least it is your own country you are destroying this time. I wish you fags NEVER came to our shores.
Decade or two ago, maybe
lets see
uh huh
Does france have official stats on the muslim population? Nope
So how can they claim there is an over estimation?
Also a massive part of the white population are useless elderly, you need to compare the YOUNG popoulation, and muslims are over 1/4rd of the country.
Are you seriously telling me what a newspaper in MY country is or is not? Or are you using a proxy to get (you)s? Be honest.
This is what I was thinking as well.
They present it as "hurr durr whitey is racist to think that there's so many muslims", but the only reason they think that is because muslims are constantly in the news for sexual assaults, terrorism, etc.
I hope the French suffer more. I hope they experience rapes and murders from these people every day. The scum brought this on themselves, this is justice.
>See, it's not as bad as you think!
>And by bad we mean not bad because Muslims are good!
wha.. what ?
Oh no we don't
I just have to take the subway to see that we're right on the muslim poulation and that we're being invaded
Europe shows polls greatly understatement muslim population